18:00:40 <GeKo> #startmeeting tor browser
18:00:40 <MeetBot> Meeting started Mon Sep  4 18:00:40 2017 UTC.  The chair is GeKo. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot.
18:00:40 <MeetBot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic.
18:00:43 <GeKo> ha all!
18:00:47 <arthuredelstein> Hi everyone!
18:00:52 <boklm> hi!
18:00:57 <GeKo> oh, you are here, arthur, cool!
18:01:09 <GeKo> sorry that i forgot again a US holiday :(
18:01:21 <GeKo> i took measures to avoid that in the future
18:01:37 <GeKo> we'll see whether they are successful the next time i guess...
18:01:55 <arthuredelstein> no prob! I'll go back to vacationing after the meeting :)
18:02:01 <GeKo> so, nevertheless, let's do the meeting business
18:02:41 <GeKo> yeah, but i don't like the idea of folks being "forced" to work on holidays if not really needed
18:02:49 <GeKo> (and this meeting does not qualify)
18:03:21 <GeKo> alright i guess i can start
18:03:28 <arthuredelstein> No, I understand it's not mandatory today.
18:03:41 <GeKo> i worked quite a bit on #16010
18:04:20 <GeKo> i think i am close to being able to pinpoint the issue. whether i'll be able to fix it i don't know. it's deep in the windows sandbox code
18:04:32 <GeKo> and might be some mingw-w64 related thing
18:04:33 <GeKo> :(
18:04:44 <GeKo> then i helped with the 7.0.5 release
18:05:00 <GeKo> i am almost done with the begin-of-the-month-admin stuff
18:05:36 <GeKo> i reviewed and merged the remaining bits of #22618 and friends
18:06:01 <GeKo> and looked closer at the tor-browser-build code
18:06:25 <GeKo> i tested the backport of jld's patch for #22692
18:06:31 <GeKo> and so far i am happy
18:06:50 <GeKo> i'll post a patch later this week and we can include it in the next alpha i think
18:06:59 <GeKo> yay!
18:07:18 <GeKo> this week i'll further work on #16010
18:07:37 <GeKo> and hope we finally switch over to doing dev work in tor-browser-build/rbm
18:08:07 <GeKo> then some review have piled up again and i am sure there will be other things popping up
18:08:34 <GeKo> oh, yes, i'd like to move the mobile browser dev application process forward if possible
18:08:44 <GeKo> that's it for me.
18:08:48 * mcs just arrived
18:08:57 <GeKo> o/
18:09:58 <GeKo> who is next?
18:10:07 * arthuredelstein can go
18:10:15 <arthuredelstein> Last week I worked on my patches for #22343 and #18101 and posted them for review.
18:10:31 <arthuredelstein> I thought some more about torbutton UI and drew a mockup.
18:10:41 <arthuredelstein> And I met with the Mozilla tor uplift folks and reviewed some of their patches.
18:10:49 <arthuredelstein> And I reviewed #23258.
18:11:05 <arthuredelstein> This coming week I want to look again at #23024 and #23025.
18:11:32 <arthuredelstein> I'd like to
18:11:46 <arthuredelstein> look at any more tbb-fingerprinting and tbb-regression tickets that might be available.
18:11:56 <arthuredelstein> Plus maybe get back to ubsan if I have time.
18:12:00 <GeKo> we have plenty :)
18:12:08 <arthuredelstein> Yeah!
18:12:14 <arthuredelstein> That's it for me
18:13:01 * mcs will go next
18:13:28 <mcs> Last week, Kathy and I created the fixup patches for #22618.
18:13:33 <mcs> We added a README-BOOTSTRAP file for #22232.
18:13:40 <mcs> We helped with code reviews.
18:13:44 <mcs> And we worked on #23262.
18:13:50 <mcs> This week we plan to continue working on #23262.
18:13:56 <mcs> Also, we will be out of the office on Thursday afternoon and on Friday.
18:14:01 <mcs> That’s all for us.
18:14:22 <GeKo> mcs: not sure if you want to look over the mobile browser applications as well
18:14:40 <GeKo> but if so "soon" would be a good time to do so :)
18:14:56 <mcs> GeKo: Thanks for the reminder. I will add it to my list.
18:15:49 <GeKo> boklm: i guess you are up?
18:16:28 <boklm> This past week I helped build and publish the new releases. I booked plane tickets for the Montreal meeting.
18:16:32 <boklm> I started to setup our new build VM (#23384). You can send me your ssh key and wanted username to get access to it.
18:16:53 <boklm> This week I'm planning to work on #23382, #23384, #23386, #21404, try to finish the FPCentral things.
18:16:56 <boklm> And try the change suggested in https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1392604#c3
18:17:10 <boklm> That's it for me.
18:17:57 <GeKo> sounds good
18:18:10 <GeKo> who else is here for a status update?
18:19:33 <GeKo> okay. do we have anything up for discussion today?
18:20:27 <GeKo> thanks all then and let's meet again next week *baf*
18:20:31 <GeKo> #endmeeting