14:27:39 #startmeeting metrics team 14:27:39 Meeting started Thu Sep 14 14:27:39 2017 UTC. The chair is karsten. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 14:27:39 Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic. 14:27:42 https://storm.torproject.org/shared/Ou-1QRctynWbF4yedi-MfDsjImFMFSIEP20fbVGCPRa <- agenda pad 14:27:51 let's start with the first topic. 14:27:59 (rather than collect even more) 14:27:59 * Swift Java 8 transition (iwakeh) 14:28:12 right. any objections ;-) 14:28:26 the reason is that 14:28:47 I'm writing a lot new code for the webstats tickets now. 14:28:57 I'd say, in the code bases where we already switched to java 8 it's fine to start using java 8 features. 14:29:23 Well, and writing 14:29:48 j7 just to start using j8 a few days later is not really hmmm .. 14:29:59 sure. 14:30:03 which is referring to metrics-lib. 14:30:06 aha! 14:30:17 so, if we use j8 in all projects 14:30:20 well, that one needs to stay java 7 until all dependent code bases are 8, right? 14:30:33 now, the next m-l release can be j8. 14:30:41 not really, 14:31:01 and code bases using that version will need to update to 8? 14:31:05 all code bases already are fine with j8. 14:31:08 (fine by me.) 14:31:18 also fine by oracle 14:31:23 hehe 14:31:25 and their migration guide. 14:31:35 and actually we're releasing 14:31:59 the code already using java 8 (its in the meta-inf). 14:32:23 okay. I forget the details about the order here. 14:32:33 i.e., you use oracle jdk 1.8 on osx. 14:32:50 I thought about this again. 14:33:08 if you tell me what steps to take, I can take them. like, release something or merge something. 14:33:17 There is no code that would have to be changed to run on j8. 14:33:40 so, the steps for getting j8 out could be 14:34:20 to start releasing everything as j8, 14:34:37 in the order we think is best. 14:34:44 which order would that be? 14:34:59 depends on the other reasons for releasing. 14:35:15 we could put out minor releases with just this change. 14:35:34 Would you prefer a separate release for each product here? 14:35:38 sounds like 1-2 hours of work, and then this discussion will never come up again. :) 14:36:05 just without any other changes? 14:36:14 why not? 14:36:23 minor or medium? 14:36:53 err, you mean 2.0.0 or 1.5.0 or 1.4.2? (examples) 14:36:56 The order doesn't really matter much 14:37:05 which would be major, minor, patch. 14:37:19 going from 1.4.1 in that example. 14:37:26 major.medium.minor 14:37:36 okay, then medium. 14:37:44 (I think) 14:37:57 but, I don't feel strongly. 14:38:02 major seems to much. 14:38:07 minor might work, too. 14:38:09 what about a bulk release? 14:38:25 which would be multiple releases at the same time? 14:38:29 with 1 announcement? 14:38:32 all products together, b/c there are no interdependencies. 14:38:43 yes, one announcement. 14:38:49 what about m-lib? 14:39:03 including m-lib or not? 14:39:06 m-l is released, too 14:39:19 sounds good. 14:39:23 but not yet used in the j8 version in the other j8 releases. 14:39:30 yeah.. 14:39:44 only after that. 14:39:52 fine :-) 14:39:53 okay, I think I can do that. that is, prepare pre-releases tomorrow. 14:40:00 great! 14:40:26 Oracle is threatening shorter release cycles ;-) 14:40:40 heh 14:40:45 okay, sounds like we have a plan. 14:40:50 so, we better practice these updates ... ( 8 to 9 is really long). 14:41:04 we're getting better at releases. :) 14:41:12 true! 14:41:22 thanks for pushing us in that direction! :) 14:41:30 next topic? 14:41:33 thanks for going along! 14:41:41 yes 14:41:46 * Atlas integration to Metrics website (irl) 14:41:55 ok, those screenshots i was making 14:41:58 https://imgur.com/a/p6nUf 14:42:02 that's done, right? 14:42:32 cool! 14:42:37 done? 14:42:40 heh 14:42:46 so some issues that i have noticed 14:42:56 the tables? 14:42:59 top.jsp in the website doesn't provide a means for modules to insert things into 14:43:11 which is probably an implementation issue for karsten 14:43:20 hmm, yes. 14:43:51 the other thing, which is more problematic, is jquery 14:44:02 ideally i'd like to be using the same jquery that the rest of the site is using 14:44:10 but this may present compatibility issues 14:44:24 it's long been my goal to update jquery on atlas to a more recent version 14:44:26 which one is more recent? 14:44:37 metrics-web must be more recent 14:44:54 okay. do you expect major problems there? 14:45:10 i expect to have to do a bit of work to get it to work 14:45:23 but once it's caught up then it shouldn't be too much work to update it going forward 14:45:31 i just wouldn't want to let it get so far behind again 14:45:44 so i'm wondering how often we update things like font awesome, bootstrap, jquery etc 14:46:06 huh, good question. 14:46:19 a lot of these things are new. 14:46:26 we don't have a lot of practice with that. 14:46:45 we don't have releases yet either. 14:46:48 I think I updated something a few weeks or so ago. 14:46:53 for metrics-web. 14:47:00 in any case I'd say we can coordinate such things. 14:47:04 this is ok, it means we can figure it out as we go along 14:47:12 true, 14:47:15 as long as we're not fixed into something bad 14:47:18 rather than just throwing a new version on you. 14:47:24 yep 14:47:55 i'm planning to push changes later today in a branch on my personal atlas repo 14:48:05 cool! 14:48:07 regarding releases for metrics-web: 14:48:20 i'll push to a github pages branch so it's something that can be played with also 14:48:41 I would suggest starting to tag the updates as release in git 14:48:59 starting with the 'release' for jQuery? 14:49:08 hmmm 14:49:19 we're changing things all the time on metrics-web. 14:49:19 or, do we have tags here? 14:49:29 I'm not sure how releases would make that unnecessarily hard. 14:49:33 tags are cheap. 14:49:44 (not talking about the modules here.) 14:49:53 i would maybe tag when you deploy 14:49:55 rather for being able to revert stuff more quickly. 14:49:57 so, releases without tarballs and all that? 14:49:58 that's basically an internal release 14:50:03 right 14:50:13 do you mind writing down a process? 14:50:17 so we know what is running. 14:50:18 scribble down. 14:50:26 can do. 14:50:38 thanks! 14:51:49 irl: please let me know what you need in . 14:52:11 karsten: it's just css includes i think 14:52:29 ok. 14:52:35 some foreach loop over a set of additional css in the jsp would do it 14:52:50 i could even make you a patch 14:52:53 ok. I think we're already doing something for including the title. 14:53:02 sounds related. 14:53:02 yep, exactly that 14:53:12 okay! 14:53:15 * irl is happy that course in java web dev is getting use 14:53:22 haha 14:53:25 ok cool, there's probably more things that will pop up but that was all for now 14:53:28 hehe 14:53:40 great! really looking forward to this! 14:53:44 5 minutes left. 14:53:48 * Berlin meeting in two weeks (karsten) 14:54:00 I haven't heard back about onionspace. 14:54:02 * irl has emailed travel@ for approval but not heard back, so unable to book flights 14:54:15 shall we search for alternative meeting places? 14:54:40 could onionspace be occupied? 14:54:47 what other meeting places would we have available? 14:54:49 we don't have a key. 14:55:01 karsten mentioned beta-haus 14:55:02 that's the main issue with onionspace. 14:55:19 yes, though we'd probably want a small room there. 14:55:28 rather than meet in the cafeteria, for example. 14:55:34 I don't know whether that's possible. 14:55:39 there are also many other co-working spaces in berlin. 14:55:51 would you be able to find one for us? 14:56:06 I could take a look, 14:56:12 what budget is there? 14:56:28 uhm. 14:56:43 let's say 250 eur? 14:56:56 (not yet approved, just to have an idea) 14:57:02 ok, I can take a look 14:57:05 are we fixed on berlin? i can probably just book a room at the university 14:57:14 I never used such a thing before here. 14:57:39 I think berlin is relatively cheap overall. 14:57:47 so, I don't know the range, but it sounds ok 14:57:51 with 1 person being local and 1 person, well, nearby. ;) 14:57:57 we don't need technology, just 14:58:00 ok 14:58:20 a table chairs a white-board or flipchart. 14:58:22 we need a room, internet, food. 14:58:29 and that. 14:58:35 catering? 14:58:45 i'm sure we can find a nearby coffee place 14:58:46 no, food nearby works, too. 14:58:50 or food in the neighborhood? 14:58:53 yep. 14:59:12 YEAH, i WOULDN'T LOOK IN THE OUTSKIRTS OF TOWN, DON'T WORRY. 14:59:21 sorry, for the caps. 14:59:23 okay, it's 15 UTC. :( 14:59:24 hehe 14:59:33 agenda. 14:59:36 karsten: should i be concerned about lack of reply about flights 14:59:38 let's start making an agenda. 14:59:49 irl: no, I'll follow up as soon as we have settled on a place. 14:59:55 ok cool, thanks 15:00:05 let's collect ideas what to talk about. 15:00:15 new pad? 15:00:17 and let's maybe do such risky things that irl did and ask the community what they'd like us to do. 15:00:22 I can add one. 15:00:30 sounds good. please add a link. 15:00:35 heh 15:00:37 will do. 15:00:42 great! 15:00:57 okay, last topic for today: 15:01:02 some pending reviews: 15:01:08 #16596 15:01:12 #22836 15:01:22 and #23391 (not in needs_review) 15:01:23 Could you add review-priority here? 15:01:32 * iwakeh reviews in that order. 15:01:43 added. in that order. 15:01:52 what other reviews are pending? 15:02:04 that is, anything that I should review? 15:02:11 fine, no show-stopper. 15:02:16 okay! 15:02:23 great. I think we're done. 15:02:39 (: 15:02:39 ok, lot's to do. 15:02:40 I moved the trac topic to next week. 15:02:45 fine 15:02:46 indeed! 15:03:07 okay, thanks for coming! bye, bye! :) 15:03:13 (and sorry for rushing!) 15:03:14 bye, bye! 15:03:24 #endmeeting