14:29:49 #startmeeting metrics team 14:29:49 Meeting started Thu Dec 7 14:29:49 2017 UTC. The chair is karsten. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 14:29:49 Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic. 14:29:59 who is here for the metrics team meeting? 14:30:07 14:30:11 hi! 14:30:21 hi! 14:30:25 a world map... :) 14:30:28 me 14:30:32 hi hiro! 14:30:38 hello 14:30:45 (https://atlas.torproject.org/#map) 14:30:50 nice! 14:31:08 don't credit me for the world map, the actual map code was written by ana 14:31:16 i just intergrated it 14:31:26 https://storm.torproject.org/shared/Ou-1QRctynWbF4yedi-MfDsjImFMFSIEP20fbVGCPRa <- agenda pad 14:31:34 who is ana? 14:31:38 my partner 14:31:51 cool! say thanks. :) 14:31:55 i will (: 14:32:25 time to add a "What has changed" section to the page. so many new things. :) 14:32:39 we're still missing iwakeh. hmm. 14:32:48 there will be a blog post maybe next week on what has changed, perhaps in tutorial style 14:33:09 not started it yet though 14:33:17 did you talk to tommy about that? 14:33:21 not yet 14:33:21 or steph? 14:33:30 because they asked for a blog post. 14:33:34 this could be it. 14:33:46 i know, i was a little ill this week which has put a large dent in productivity 14:33:53 :( 14:33:57 but that is where i plan to start 14:34:37 okay, please let me know if we can help. 14:34:43 will do (: 14:35:52 hi iwakeh! 14:36:00 hi karsten! 14:36:35 okay, shall we start? 14:36:39 meeting pad loads slowly here 14:36:49 yes, let's start. 14:36:52 (we used the time to talk about relay search and a blog post.) 14:37:13 * Proposal 288: Privacy-Preserving Statistics with Privcount in Tor (Shamir version) (karsten) 14:37:26 (moved topics around a bit, b/c slow pad.) 14:37:34 so, there's a new proposal. 14:37:49 somebody should take a look and see how we're affected. 14:38:14 it's on tor-dev@. 14:38:43 and let me add the next one, too. 14:38:47 * OONI's vanilla tor data analysis (karsten) 14:39:07 the OONI team has finished some data aggregations that they shared internally on tor-team@. 14:39:28 somebody should take a look and see how we can make graphs out of that for the metrics website. 14:39:52 on privcount, i doubt that i will have time to really get up to speed with this until 2018. i'd like to read the specs and proposals and maybe some code on the trip to/from ccc. 14:40:17 sounds good! 14:40:26 iwakeh writes on the pad that they'll take a look. 14:40:55 i am somewhat familiar with the OONI results format having used OONI for university research, i wonder if we could add a parser for metrics-lib for their json format 14:40:56 more eyes == better 14:41:13 in this case I think they 14:41:21 're providing CSV files. 14:42:07 we explicitly said that we're not going to parse and aggregate their data, because of the amount of dev time that this would take. 14:42:23 see the servers-ipv6 stuff. that's relatively simple, in theory, but it adds up to a whole lot of code. 14:42:46 so do we just plot what is in the CSV? 14:42:47 so, for this step it's really just about taking their CSV files and making some useful graphs out of them. 14:42:51 exactly. 14:42:57 we can extend that in 2018. 14:43:07 but for now, it's just plotting. 14:43:19 welcome back, iwakeh! 14:43:20 back again, sorry. 14:43:48 backlog in your inbox. 14:43:57 * iwakeh looking ... 14:44:00 i'm concious of how much time i have left this year, but if it's just producing the code to plot then maybe that's ok 14:44:34 maybe it's even less: just looking at the data, writing some prototype graphs, and say what will be useful. 14:44:47 that would be ok 14:45:02 the R/ggplot2 code and metrics-web stuff (metrics.json) is something I could write quite easily. 14:45:20 did you see arturo's email? 14:45:29 i've seen a thread but not read it in detail yet 14:45:33 "The vanilla tor data analysis" from Nov 30. 14:45:42 * irl_work doesn't have email at the moment 14:45:48 oh. :) 14:45:59 ah, just not right now. 14:46:08 i'm in the office 14:46:14 should I fwd, just in case? 14:46:22 please do, and i'll add it to my queue 14:46:27 great! 14:46:50 cool. next topic: 14:46:54 * Monthly report draft (karsten) 14:47:18 I put the draft on the pad. 14:47:41 sorry for dropping a link right in the middle and messing up the numbering 14:47:42 well, looks like a lot :-) 14:47:44 please take a look within the next, say, 24 hours, so that I can send it friday afternoon. 14:47:52 iwakeh: it's a whole lot! 14:47:57 true 14:47:59 irl_work: no worries at all :D 14:48:28 what's worse is that you dropped british english in the middle, and now I'm in conflict. 14:48:35 heh 14:48:39 can I correct a native speaker... 14:48:58 we have this all the time submitting to conferences/journals 14:49:08 flip a coin 14:49:20 hehe 14:49:24 it might converge in a few years 14:49:40 with many other s 14:49:50 karsten report looks good to me w/ reg to saltstack 14:49:51 soon it will all be Bad English. 14:49:58 hiro: great! 14:50:07 all fine. 14:50:22 alright, next topic: 14:50:24 * Review of #24260: Add metrics timeline events underneath graphs (karsten) 14:50:50 example: https://metrics.torproject.org/userstats-relay-country.html 14:51:03 not sure how much this review matters, but it would be good to have a quick "ok" before putting it into master. 14:51:31 it's neat! 14:51:37 yes, it's already deployed. 14:51:41 i like it 14:51:45 i especially like the filtering 14:51:50 not looked at the code though 14:52:12 filtering? 14:52:19 the filtering is a start. it could certainly be better, but it might be something that evolves over time. 14:52:25 filtering of news events shown. 14:52:38 userstats-bridge-transport.html doesn't filter 14:52:43 i mean, by transport 14:52:58 it filters by country. 14:53:04 but yes, i can see this being useful and answering questions that i've seen often asked 14:53:07 ah. 14:53:16 yes, filtering by transport was tricky. 14:53:21 ah, what's in the lists, not by column or tag, I see. 14:53:38 no column sorting/filtering, right. 14:53:49 not necessary. 14:53:56 on the list for later. :) 14:54:01 the way it works is a great improvement. 14:54:10 yep. 14:54:16 so, the review, 14:54:23 can somebody take a quick look at the code? 14:54:34 sure. 14:54:39 cool! 14:54:59 next one is related again: 14:55:00 * Review of #24218 (database schema): Implement new metrics-web module for IPv6 relay statistics (karsten) 14:55:09 it's just about the database schema. 14:55:18 because as soon as I know it's final, I can import data. 14:55:36 yes, next on my schedule. 14:55:39 iwakeh: thanks! 14:55:56 * metrics-web Jetty refactoring progress (iwakeh) 14:56:00 wait 14:56:03 yes? 14:56:19 can we map the meanings of things in the ipv6 relay stats to relay search flags and consensus-health flags? 14:56:22 in their semantics? 14:56:38 uhmmmm 14:57:15 i just don't want the glossary to explode 14:57:18 not now, but yes. 14:57:20 Please be very careful mapping anything to the IPv6 consensus-health flag, since I literally made up what it means based on what teor told me to do in a ticket. :) 14:57:43 (Not that I think it's wrong, it just might not be what you expect it to be) 14:57:45 let me find the specification patch. 14:57:59 https://gitweb.torproject.org/karsten/metrics-web.git/commit/?h=tasks-24218-23761&id=57c58b5f1b099ac61e09169661a19b8c4a82984f 14:58:17 that's the meaning for these new graphs. based on teor's suggestion. 14:59:04 does that match what relay search and consensus health use? 14:59:30 should we discuss this on a ticket? 14:59:36 or email thread? 14:59:45 i think it matches 15:00:02 i'll look tonight and if very different then i'll start an email thread 15:00:06 perfect! 15:00:19 thanks for thinking of that! 15:01:09 okay, 15:01:10 * metrics-web Jetty refactoring progress (iwakeh) 15:01:25 Now I have the changes restructured for ease of review 15:01:26 I'm mainly asking, because I don't want to make this harder by merging things now. 15:01:32 (30+ commits) 15:01:38 cool! 15:01:43 and as examples for refactoring of cureeently developed modules. 15:01:54 The things causing trouble are edge cases that would also 15:02:01 show up 15:02:09 if one tried to set-up the old type anew, I think. 15:02:15 quite possible. 15:02:22 Is is very cumbersome to retrieve a partial dump of each 15:02:24 so, this is ready for review now? or later today? or when? 15:02:31 of the involved dbs? 15:02:49 no, I can provide that. 15:03:13 Review might start this week, worst case 15:03:27 ok. 15:03:29 is some minor questions are posted 15:04:03 with the code. But, with the db content it might be easier to test. 15:04:14 will send you something later today. 15:04:21 perfect! 15:04:38 okay, I think we ran out of topics on the agenda. 15:04:50 ah 15:05:07 exonerator, I could provide a little patch for 15:05:14 debugging & error catching. 15:05:25 yes, please do. 15:05:40 ok 15:06:03 alright. 15:06:06 anything else? 15:06:12 I'm fine. 15:06:25 hiro: on op-ab, still waiting for new hardware so we may leave this until next year 15:06:36 ok 15:06:46 I did the changes regarding managed files 15:06:55 it should work now ;) at least i tested it locally 15:06:58 w vagrant 15:07:01 yay (: 15:07:16 thanks for doing that 15:07:24 next year I shall have also prometheus stuff added to that 15:07:29 I am working on that these days 15:07:35 ok cool (: 15:08:12 i have no other things for the meeting 15:08:23 * karsten ran out of topics, too. 15:08:39 well, back to work :-) 15:08:56 sounds good! thanks, everyone! :) 15:08:58 bye, bye. 15:09:00 bye! 15:09:03 #endmeeting