14:29:25 #startmeeting metrics team meeting 14:29:25 Meeting started Thu Dec 14 14:29:25 2017 UTC. The chair is karsten. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 14:29:25 Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic. 14:29:28 hi! 14:29:51 hi! 14:30:08 https://storm.torproject.org/shared/Ou-1QRctynWbF4yedi-MfDsjImFMFSIEP20fbVGCPRa <- agenda pad 14:30:16 hi irl_work! 14:30:24 hi! 14:30:47 pretty short agenda so far. 14:31:26 well, it always depends ;-) 14:32:15 what to compare to. Some cities phone listings are longer. 14:32:25 hehe 14:32:46 shall we start with the topic and see if we'll find another one after that? 14:32:56 fine 14:33:25 ok 14:33:46 * Priorities for completing tasks in "remaining week of December" from highest to lowest (karsten) 14:33:55 so, I realized that we only have 1 week left this month. 14:34:30 it would be great if we could complete some tasks in that time, rather than picking them up again in january. 14:34:41 not all that are listed on the pad though. 14:34:53 let me assign letters.. 14:35:04 https://trac.torproject.org/projects/tor/wiki/doc/Metrics2017Tickets is a useful link 14:35:56 that's another useful list of things we once thought we'd finish in 2017, yes. 14:36:12 I'm afraid we'll have to move some of those tickets to 2018. 14:36:24 true. 14:36:39 just looking to see if there's anything that is so close to done that it might as well be done 14:36:47 yes, good point. 14:37:01 okay, shall we add new items first? 14:37:05 say, in the next 5 minutes or so? 14:37:20 I added the one I could think of. 14:38:23 i don't think there are more that i can think of for me 14:38:30 ok. 14:38:39 shall we order them by priority? 14:38:44 the current order is just what I came up with. 14:39:09 well, a should be first. 14:40:00 for the blocking bug for compass, that's something i plan to do this evening 14:40:08 okay, neat! 14:40:29 it's just making the search form be able to do both aggregate by country *and* as 14:40:46 the logic is already there and you can go straight to the URL, but there's no button 14:41:17 oh, okay. 14:47:58 okay, I think we have reviewed all of them by now, right? 14:48:07 yep 14:48:08 shall we go through the list? 14:48:47 here, I mean? 14:48:53 ok 14:48:54 maybe, prioritize now? 14:48:57 yes. 14:49:07 a can stay on top. 14:49:11 bubble sort? 14:49:11 +1 14:49:21 bubble sort! 14:49:35 we don't have prio numbers assigned :-) 14:49:46 for sorting. 14:50:11 so, bubble sort means we compare a to b and leave them as they are. 14:50:19 yes 14:50:29 b and c look okay, too. 14:50:37 switch c and d? 14:50:51 quick vs. big task, i would think yes 14:51:15 did that. 14:51:17 as I'm not involved in b that much; d could move up more. 14:51:54 b is essentialy karsten doing a git pull at the end of december 14:52:04 yes. 14:52:12 ah 14:52:18 should be safe to leave d there and get it done anyway. 14:52:38 g,i 14:52:49 switch those two? 14:53:05 move all in-between with 2018 to the end 14:53:28 move g,i up to d 14:53:29 I'm confused. want to make changes on the pad? 14:54:55 what about k? 14:55:05 should we move that up a fair bit? 14:55:11 also, l? 14:55:13 seems possible. 14:55:22 l definitely 14:55:42 after g? 14:55:51 or before 14:56:10 irl_work: what about k? 14:56:15 k. About Metrics #23169 (irl) 14:56:19 choose alphabetical order when in doubt 14:56:46 k is the last thing in my priority list for this year, with b and the blog post being the other things 14:56:52 it's above j 14:56:58 but below b 14:57:07 that looks fine 14:57:15 yes. 14:57:25 I think we should move some from the middle to the bottom. 14:57:31 f and h? 14:57:48 i,h 14:58:02 ,j,f 14:58:45 does h have a ticket? this is something i would be interested to follow and I could read up on along with privcount 14:59:03 that is not really a ticket. 14:59:37 * iwakeh cannot find the link immediately ... 14:59:51 RAPTOR: Routing Attacks on Privacy in Tor? 15:00:01 oh h has a ticket wait ... 15:01:08 #24229 15:01:49 iwakeh: is l something you'd do? 15:02:03 iwakeh: thanks 15:02:12 ok :-) 15:02:16 and, hmm, c should be higher. 15:02:24 what about the relay search tickets? 15:02:41 we now have an imported database here that is a few days old. 15:02:50 updating that in a week from now will be okay. next month a tiny bit harder. 15:03:16 true 15:03:18 iwakeh: how much can we raise c so that it doesn't collide with your other tasks? 15:03:33 * iwakeh keeps mixing this up with webstats for whatever reason. 15:03:41 heh 15:03:55 dc 15:04:05 acdc 15:04:17 almost :) 15:04:20 great! 15:04:25 what relay search tickets? 15:04:36 you mean should you reassign those to 2018? 15:04:37 when I move tickets around? 15:05:04 fine question. irl_work? 15:05:19 good question 15:05:39 speaking of, should we rename the Atlas component to Relay Search? 15:05:53 we should, i was thinking to do this at the end of the year 15:05:55 I can just move all remaining at the end of next week? 15:06:24 reassign all unclosed to metrics-2018, there's no reason that they can't all be done next year 15:06:25 irl_work: please open a ticket when you think is a good time. 15:06:36 i think i'm actually an admin 15:06:37 fine 15:06:41 ah! 15:06:53 not sure why, perhaps it was a bug 15:06:55 what I usually do is file a ticket when renaming components. 15:07:05 maybe also do that to document the change. 15:07:09 file ticket, rename, close ticket. 15:07:15 yep, good plan 15:07:30 i'll have to update links at the same time 15:07:35 so i need to work out where those lnks are 15:07:39 true. 15:08:00 so, what's the plan for reassigning all unclosed to metrics-2018? now or end of next week? 15:08:14 probably end of next week 15:08:17 ok. 15:08:33 end of next week, otherwise it takes up time from other tasks. 15:09:15 how likely is the jetty switch to be done? 15:09:23 i mean, by the end of next week? 15:09:37 I haven't seen the branch yet. 15:09:45 I just heard the number 30 commits. 15:09:52 which is great, because I asked for splitting up commits. :) 15:10:01 but it's still 30 commits. I have no idea. 15:10:07 i took a look at the branch, but it's not yet got a readme 15:10:08 you could use the branch for your integration work, if needed. 15:10:26 oh, I can add a small version. 15:10:27 is it blocking things? 15:10:42 just a list of "these jars are needed and they're in these packages" 15:11:02 for the about stuff and actually doing the relay search integration for real 15:11:06 ah, ok, I will compile this list. 15:11:12 thanks (: 15:11:33 irl_work: just wondering after seeing your R code, 15:11:49 would you be able to take a quick look at the R code for #24218? (if that makes sense?) 15:12:04 it even uses more recent R packages tidyr and dplyr. 15:12:20 ok, i can take a look 15:12:28 can you CC me on the ticket so i get an email at home? 15:12:30 iwakeh: does that make sense to split? 15:12:49 another pair of eyes is always fine. 15:13:05 irl_work: done. thanks! 15:13:39 okay then. I think we have a plan now. 15:13:45 indeed 15:13:53 yep 15:14:05 great! anything else to discuss today? 15:14:15 I'm fine. 15:14:22 there was an analysis ticket 15:14:27 i made it into a relay search ticket 15:14:41 I noticed but haven't looked in detail. 15:14:55 should be fine! 15:15:00 Ana is currently working on a second version of the aggregated map to make it not-aggregated 15:15:15 it means progress will be made on a ticket that otherwise would not move forward soon. 15:15:24 i'll review and merge that when it's ready and it solves that use case as long as geoip is present 15:15:37 present where? 15:15:50 some relays don't have geoip information 15:15:53 ah. 15:15:55 not many though 15:16:22 sounds great! say thanks for working on the map thing! 15:16:40 she says she appreciates the thanks (: 15:16:46 heh 15:16:57 okay, sounds like we're done for today! 15:17:07 :-) 15:17:24 thanks, everyone! have a good afternoon. bye, bye! 15:17:30 bye! 15:17:32 bye, bye! 15:17:35 #endmeeting