15:59:59 #startmeeting ux team weekly check in meeeeeeting o/ 15:59:59 Meeting started Tue Feb 20 15:59:59 2018 UTC. The chair is isabela. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 15:59:59 Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic. 16:00:10 buenas! 16:00:15 alo! 16:00:23 lets check that roadmap thing :) 16:00:59 https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1ELMvnIksL-m_r0vJt_rwpIkcjyzZpCyYiQJO1PveRZM/edit#gid=0 16:01:03 ^^ if anyone needs it 16:01:07 #24918 16:01:10 #24918 -> do we have meeting this week? i have it on my plate 16:01:16 antonela: should we book a sync this week with folks? 16:01:34 we should, not sure if it will happens, anw im working in an update 16:01:46 s/in/on 16:01:57 we can always book for friday 16:02:01 if ppl cant do it tomorrow 16:02:11 friday could be good 16:02:24 or we can do next week i think it would be fine too 16:02:31 cool, thanks 16:02:32 whatever you prefer, dont feel we must sync this wed 16:02:36 i know you busy with stuff 16:02:39 im trying to finish website first 16:02:40 yes 16:02:45 is cool 16:02:48 lets push this to later :) 16:02:54 cool, thanks <3 16:03:12 feb is a short month and we have to prep for rome so is a lot 16:03:22 yep, but we are making ittt 16:03:29 btw 16:03:34 sorry for not declaring this before 16:03:42 i declare lost on DDG case :D 16:03:47 LOL 16:03:50 :D 16:03:55 no answer no nothing 16:03:56 :( 16:03:57 what do we do? 16:04:01 brazuka hopes destroyed 16:04:06 goes to the backup plan 16:04:08 i think we will have to go with solr 16:04:15 argentitalian pesimist wins 16:04:22 hahahah 16:04:24 lol 16:04:27 totaly 16:04:30 tango wins over samba 16:04:33 hahaha 16:04:52 * antonela prefers samba 16:04:56 haha 16:04:58 alright! 16:04:59 we can also do ddg minimal templating 16:05:07 what do you prefer? 16:05:14 nah 16:05:18 different url etc 16:05:28 antonela: ^ 16:05:32 what u think? 16:05:33 yes, any ddg option will open a new tab 16:05:50 just think that the html pages live on support.tpo 16:05:57 but search will live on search.tpo 16:06:03 so the url will slightly be different 16:06:19 hiro do you mean the serp page? 16:06:23 the search result page 16:06:29 we wont do a global search thing 16:06:31 yes the search results page 16:06:38 if no js is used 16:06:55 cant it be support.tpo/search=lbalal 16:06:56 ? 16:07:11 uhm that could potentially be done too 16:07:21 * antonela hiro the hero 16:07:24 hehe 16:07:56 isabela I think we could do something a little similar to the donation page that is partially hosted somewhere else 16:08:05 but it could be political 16:08:11 lol 16:08:11 we'll see 16:08:11 ok 16:08:17 lets organize this approach experience (using solr) 16:08:27 okis 16:08:36 maybe we could use the support pad to list what we need to think of for the experience 16:08:45 like urls, new tabs, no js.. etc 16:08:54 and work on addressing them 16:09:00 UI too 16:09:16 we have mocks for the result page 16:09:20 sounds good? we can talk more tomorrow 16:09:25 antonela: yep, i mean css review etc 16:09:29 oh yes 16:09:37 yeah we also have a result page with mock stuff online 16:09:47 ;) 16:09:50 nice 16:10:03 yeah I didn't stop working on it just in case haha 16:10:20 ok, i would say to work on the todo list for this search implementation on the pad and put that on our plate for this week (to do the todo list) 16:10:53 hiro: aha! :D the realist italian, permissimist argentian and optimist brazuka 16:11:12 we are a good team 16:11:14 hahaha 16:11:15 hehe 16:11:23 balanced 16:11:59 alright people! giving this quick look at roadmap and where we are with things and how much longer we have left 16:12:06 okis 16:12:07 my suggestion is website website website :) 16:12:24 for february, whatever is left is left and we pick up in march 16:12:44 lets move on to weekly status 16:12:52 is that cool? 16:12:56 yep 16:13:16 who is first? 16:13:32 i can go 16:13:36 go! 16:13:46 so last week we managed to fix a few bugs on the css and the experience 16:14:02 I think we are in good shape now also the scroll effect works nicely 16:14:14 there are a few minor things to revise but over all is nice 16:14:22 so that's left to do for this week 16:14:29 and also reviewing the search setup 16:14:39 I will share what I have at this point 16:14:39 http://support-staging.torproject.org/ 16:14:45 and we can take it from there 16:14:52 (search wise i mean) 16:15:10 oh yeah 16:15:18 navigation is much nicer indeed 16:15:24 (: 16:15:39 there is something that I was reading today... and I didn't try before, but not sure it would work with our current css structure 16:15:50 about? 16:15:53 that is trying to remove the double scrolling and have a body scrolling css thingy 16:15:59 ohh 16:16:07 that could be good 16:16:17 not sure how you can do that without js 16:16:17 yeah at this point i am reading crazy dom css things 16:16:22 haha 16:16:24 i could imagine 16:16:25 hahahahah 16:16:27 nope wout js it doesn't work 16:16:43 isabela, we talked about this -> no js experiece should work and looks good 16:16:47 but you won't have the double scrolling in all cases which helps on small screens 16:17:03 the no js experience would be unchanged 16:17:22 but js experience will fix some major things and works better 16:17:23 yes 16:17:29 antonela: yes i am playing with it on tor browser 16:17:38 yes 16:18:45 you groot hiro? 16:19:20 yep 16:19:24 i am groot 16:19:30 cool 16:19:31 on my side 16:19:32 last week i finished dev.tpo and comms.tpo, I'm working this week with the about section and landings like /download /home etc 16:20:24 i shortlisted 5 illustrators who are aligned with our idea of illos and budget and I'm going to send the task this week 16:20:37 can we see them? :D 16:20:43 yes :) 16:20:59 isabela, could i share here? 16:21:06 yep of course 16:21:15 things will start to look legit pretty soon :) 16:21:24 Turgay Mutlay 16:21:24 https://dribbble.com/TurgayMutlay 16:21:24 Artur Stotch 16:21:26 https://dribbble.com/ArturStotch 16:21:28 Zhenya Artemjev 16:21:30 https://dribbble.com/brskstrb 16:21:32 Vera Voishvilo 16:21:34 https://dribbble.com/vv_voishvilo 16:21:36 Alon Braier 16:21:38 https://www.behance.net/alonbraier 16:21:40 https://www.behance.net/gallery/57308337/Bad-Habits 16:22:00 and our task is detailed here -> 16:22:06 https://pad.riseup.net/p/illustrator-request 16:22:33 turgay is my fav :D 16:22:38 haha 16:22:41 hehehe 16:22:42 :D 16:22:51 no spoilers! 16:23:29 antonela: anything else to share? 16:23:30 so, basically we are going to share the paid task to them and then we will make the decision. This person will also help us with all the product illos we are going to need in the next few months 16:23:35 ops! 16:23:36 :) 16:24:07 i have also outline the blog post about the styleguide and if we are moving ttb for next week, i think that is all 16:24:37 cool! thanks for working on the post 16:24:50 no worries, they are notes i already have somewhere lol 16:25:16 i will spend this week giving feedback to antonela designs :) and helping yall w/ support/search and QA 16:25:48 i am moving the sitemaps to be done latter because i also need to help other teams with their preparation to rome 16:25:54 so is bit intense hehe :) 16:26:44 i will be on a call with some folks in south asia who wants me to talk with users/trainers about our ux work 16:26:47 problems we are trying to fix etc 16:26:58 cool! 16:27:26 they will also give feedback to us on waht problems they have etc 16:27:30 i will report back! 16:27:38 ahh 16:27:47 invade rome (and valencia) pad has been udpated 16:27:51 (again!) 16:28:12 i am adding things we are saying 'yes' to ppl who are asking to meet us or inviting us to things 16:28:20 thanks for it! 16:29:03 ok 16:29:11 hey can you sahre the pad again? 16:29:18 https://storm.torproject.org/grain/anHChe3eDwWbKPBgavZJep/ 16:29:21 yep 16:29:26 oh needs to be a shared link no? 16:29:31 I forgot to mention that the localization meeting was very good last year 16:29:43 https://storm.torproject.org/shared/aZQ8k4j-OgTN-N4RSnBVpYMJJ5qiEmtaZYQAlE_QYsY 16:29:52 I was there with sysqrb and we got to talk to people that use tor in like difficult places 16:29:58 and learn their needs 16:30:02 i think there is a mdf thing too 16:30:06 i need to add to the pad 16:30:11 also we learned where our translations are bad 16:30:24 hiro: nice 16:30:40 * isabela knows that sysrqb will be there as well as ooni ppl 16:31:01 simply secure peeps are fancy 16:31:11 hahaha 16:31:37 blarg oysters 16:31:38 haha 16:31:55 should we start drafting this 'todo list for search' 16:31:56 ? 16:32:00 since we have some time left? 16:32:21 yes sure 16:32:45 let me open the support pad 16:33:26 https://pad.riseup.net/p/support-tpo 16:35:00 go to the end of todo lists 16:35:03 i am writing at the end 16:40:26 ok 16:40:40 looks like we have infra stuff that is our main dependency here 16:41:45 yes 16:42:02 unless we are happy w my hetzner arrangement 16:42:21 ok 16:42:22 :) 16:42:27 haha 16:42:42 hiro: you can add what is the task we depend on tpa? 16:42:45 for the domain thing 16:43:11 yes 16:43:38 ty 16:44:22 * antonela is strikingthrough 16:45:23 antonela: ty 16:46:36 hiro: but you mentioned the server where it is now is slow 16:47:04 i mean even if you maintaining it we should get a faster one no? or .... 16:48:02 no it's great 16:48:10 it was slow if it was on greenhost 16:48:10 ahhhh 16:48:15 ahhhhh 16:48:16 :) 16:48:21 because greenhost has only hong kong instances 16:48:31 antonela tested the search it's quite fast 16:48:41 it is fast 16:48:42 yes 16:48:47 not sure exacly why 16:48:55 exactly 16:50:25 ok 16:50:30 i organized things there 16:50:33 ok 16:50:42 let me know if something is wrong :_ 16:50:44 :) 16:51:12 i guess my next question would be 16:51:23 what information we need to provide to open a ticket for the domain request 16:51:42 can we make a list under the 1.1. todo item? 16:52:11 like will ppl ask where is pointing? does any https settings matter? does any other settings info they will ask about this? 16:52:32 lets brainstorm it so we can prepare a ticket 16:52:44 uhm there is no https atm because it's only the ip 16:53:23 sure 16:54:04 sure 16:54:11 but lets think of the final result 16:54:17 and list all we need to cover to make this request 16:55:10 i need help identifying this so i can get this resolved for us 16:55:58 we can work on this more lattter too 16:56:03 we are almost at the hour :) 16:56:17 hiro i just made a commit with the menu things 16:56:27 to 16:57:09 can i kill the bot? 16:57:17 bye bot ! 16:57:52 #stopmeeting 16:57:55 ops 16:57:58 #endmeetings 16:57:59 #endmeeting