18:00:14 #startmeeting tor-browser 18:00:14 Meeting started Mon Mar 26 18:00:14 2018 UTC. The chair is GeKo. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 18:00:14 Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic. 18:00:18 hi all! 18:00:21 hi everyone! 18:00:24 first meeting after rome 18:00:29 hi! 18:00:30 !! 18:00:36 ! 18:00:37 i hope at least some of you had some time to relax :) 18:00:51 please enter your items on the pad: https://storm.torproject.org/shared/tHoN4Ii7rLSjPE0OP4gydX4cMGadsXmRQNc-6lwru0N 18:01:09 hello hello 18:01:10 hi 18:01:13 hi hi 18:01:18 and start reading the entries of all the other folks if done 18:05:32 okay 18:05:38 let's get started 18:06:01 it seems there is only one non-discussion point we have which is about releases 18:06:15 it seems we are testing getting out releases every week now :) 18:06:32 so far we can keep up with Mozilla which is good 18:06:51 but that reminded me that we walked in Rome about other folks helping with the building at least as well 18:07:13 so, please think about that if you could think helping out with that 18:07:30 the next release is planned in may and i might not be able to help with the building for that 18:07:41 so it would be a perfect time to step up and it is not that hard 18:07:48 as we have all the infrastructure set up 18:07:58 so, no pressure to decide anything today 18:08:20 i'll ping this group in a couple of weeks again and then we can make proper plans 18:08:57 Are there dedicated machines for the builds? Or do you use build-sunet-a.torproject.net ? 18:09:09 i have two 18:09:22 build-sunet-a.torproject.org which i mostly use 18:09:50 and a machine a friend dedicated to do the gitian builds long ago as a fallback 18:10:10 but anyone should be able to get an account on the tpo machine 18:10:20 and the building should be pretty easy 18:10:32 ok 18:10:35 OK; thanks 18:10:45 pospeselr: fwiw #20283 is the one with high prio right now 18:11:04 ok, I'll put the other one on the back-burner for now then 18:11:10 as this is technically speaking still a leftover for sponsor4 and that one ands pretty soon 18:11:12 thanks 18:11:30 let's look at the discussion items 18:11:46 i guess we can leave the roadmap as last item 18:11:59 anything you want to share about the rome experience? 18:12:09 something we should fix ad hoc for the team? 18:12:24 something you already know we should change for the next meeting? 18:12:47 (i.e. tor-dev meeting, not tor browser meeting) 18:13:48 ok, i have one item 18:14:17 i'd like to follow other teams and have a team day before the meeting day starts 18:14:36 because i felt this time that roadmapping for all the pieces is pretty hard 18:14:46 if it still needs to get squeezed into the meeting day 18:14:55 when we need time to coordinate with other teams 18:15:20 we "solved" that by having part of the roadmapping actually on the next day (the TBA parts) 18:15:20 like the network team? starting a day earlier? 18:15:23 yes 18:15:56 but ideally we would have this at one day and could need this as well to discuss other items 18:16:14 that don't fit in the schedule for the meeting day 18:16:32 it's not something we need to decide now but a thing we can mull over 18:16:44 and keep in mind when thinking about the next dev meeting 18:17:01 * isabela likes this idea 18:17:29 yep 18:17:29 Overall, it seemed like we had enough time throughout the week (the session schedule seemed kind of light). 18:17:59 But I guess if we need to have the roadmap done before other parts of the meeting start, having an extra team day makes sense. 18:18:18 yeah 18:18:22 well, we don't have to 18:18:33 i mean it worked this time as well without the extra day 18:18:52 I think it will depend on how packed the rest of the week is with other sessions :) 18:19:24 but i feel it would have worked better with it given that we are a large team now 18:19:55 one option could be to have more extensive IRC-base roadmapping meetings before the in-person meeting and then just discuss the difficult bits in person :) 18:20:00 *based 18:20:03 anyway, that's just a thought 18:20:18 yeah, we could do that, too 18:20:51 not mutually exclusive ideas in any case 18:21:13 yep 18:21:35 okay, if there is anything else you think as immediate feedback from rome, let us know 18:21:49 meanwhile: next tor browser meeting 18:22:07 next monday is holiday here and i won't be available. 18:22:25 how about 4/3 (the tuesday)? 18:22:31 would that work for everyone? 18:22:37 good for me 18:22:38 Tuesday sounds good to me. 18:22:40 or should we postpone the meeting for another week? 18:22:41 me too 18:22:54 Tuesday works for me 18:22:56 tuesday is fine 18:23:01 it works for me 18:23:10 great 18:23:21 * antonela is around 18:23:27 then let's have it on 4/3 same time, same place 18:23:28 o/ 18:23:32 hi hi 18:23:36 i'll send an email to tbb-dev later 18:23:48 so, the final item is the roadmapping one 18:24:25 but wait it seems some bold things popped up 18:24:55 arthuredelstein: so the idea with that ticket is to disable update from HTTPS-E and only update it via tor browser updates 18:25:12 as a first step to not pinging any external source anymore for extension updates 18:25:35 alas, the torbutton/torlauncher hack is not working anymore with webextensions 18:25:45 so we need to find something new 18:26:05 sorry, which hack do you mean? 18:26:10 the hack is setting the update url to data:text/plain, 18:26:26 Oh I see. 18:26:39 which lets the update request get silently dropped by the browser 18:27:01 I'm just wondering how we could keep the HTTPS-E rewrite database up to date. 18:27:12 while avoiding annoying warnings like those in #13129 18:27:26 Or if there is any danger from not updating the extension, like a security update or similar. 18:27:33 arthuredelstein: HTTPS-E is soon shipping with an in-extension ruleset updater 18:27:55 So that will presumably be pinging some third-party site? 18:27:58 yeah, we'd need to keep track of https-e updates 18:28:07 for security purposes 18:28:23 yes, some eff site to just upadate rules but no extension code 18:28:35 which is quite some win if done right 18:29:27 I see 18:29:43 What do you see as the biggest win? 18:30:28 that users don't get shipped third party extension code automatically anymore 18:31:03 by whoever is able to sign and deliver updates 18:31:28 Got it. Makes sense. I guess as long as we have a way of monitoring any chemspill-like situations with https-e it seems like a good thing to me. 18:31:42 yes, that's the plan at least 18:31:56 alright 18:31:58 thanks 18:32:07 isabela: your fp proposal point 18:33:33 it's the "vanilla tor data analysis" one on tor-internal 18:33:48 that should help us building the "click to flag" thing for our users 18:33:59 yes 18:34:36 ppl dont need to give feedback now but i do need some input on that asap cuz deadline is this friday 18:34:44 inputs i am looking for: 18:35:06 1. will some labor from tb team be needed in order to research those 2 questions? 18:35:48 2. what could be the final deliverable? would something like a tech proposal on how to use the data researched (to answer those 2 questions) be something doable? 18:36:37 i can think about that this week 18:36:43 and we can coordinate a bit 18:37:09 i'll put it on my items for tomorrow 18:37:29 tx 18:37:35 i was about to say that :) 18:37:37 i wonder if we should make the goal smaller, only target places where facebook are facing censorship? 18:37:51 we can expand the countries we support from there? 18:37:59 (ISPs?) 18:38:04 to try to do it tomorrow (cuz i know is late over there) because once you share it other folks might comment on it etc 18:38:17 and me and tommy are trying to make sense of what to propose and submit it by friday 18:38:45 sysrqb: tbh that would be the same amount of effort 18:38:48 sure, will do 18:38:56 sysrqb: we wont be promissing applying any solution 18:39:12 okay 18:39:14 just proposing a way to use the data (if our answers are all positive) 18:39:38 like 'yes, if we get data X, Y and Z we could do something with that' 18:40:36 but it can be negative where 'X, Y and Z are things we would need but right now there are limitations to use it that are xxx, xxx and xxx' 18:40:39 idk 18:41:11 sounds good 18:41:27 okay, finally the final item the roadmap draft 18:41:46 if got tricked into using google by isabela and the famous spreadsheet master asn 18:41:56 it's not fancy yet 18:42:02 but it has content!1! 18:42:09 heh :) 18:42:12 lol 18:42:34 this is up for disucssion and i hope we can finalize this piece over the week 18:42:35 haha 18:42:49 so that we have a roadmap for the next 6 months by next tuesday 18:43:13 sounds good 18:43:27 spread sheet looks good! 18:43:28 the assignment to people is not set in stone, just a thing i think could work 18:43:32 * isabela is writing a lot of comments about it 18:43:35 and might move things around :P 18:43:44 but will share with the team before i do it 18:43:48 so y'all dont kill me :P 18:43:56 so, if you are familiar with that google interface please add comments there otherwise 18:44:07 i am fine reading txt files or pads or whatever 18:45:09 what we have right now is basically the content of our roadmap session + what we discussed in the mobile session 18:45:37 we might need to take into account two or three additional items 18:45:41 not sure yet 18:46:03 they would be related to the "make uploads work from china" thing arma was talking about 18:46:14 yep 18:46:20 but the important pieces are already there 18:46:45 if anyone has immediate feedback, please share 18:46:55 otherwise by whatever means you feel comfortable 18:47:05 (no phone calls, though: 18:47:08 ) 18:47:31 :) *noted* 18:48:23 i have one thing to note 18:48:36 Review of play store stats (install/user stats/usability feedback) (O1.1) 18:48:48 ^^ i have been doing this since at leasts Q3 2017 18:48:53 i will share with folks on ml 18:48:56 great 18:49:00 i am using this as a baseline 18:49:07 oh, great, yes pleasse 18:49:07 for when we ship stuff to see if comments will change 18:49:40 spoiler alert - everything so far are things we know 18:49:41 hehehe 18:49:47 but is a good documentation of baseline 18:49:50 *for 18:50:35 okay, do we have anything else for the meeting today? 18:50:43 i looked through some of the orfox comments last week 18:50:49 it'll be good to track them 18:50:55 When we ship Tor Browser for Android will Orfox users get it automatically? As in, we are renaming the app? Or shipping a new app? 18:51:06 at this point, no 18:51:10 we'll change signing keys 18:51:14 (key) 18:51:18 so it'll be a new app 18:51:42 Okay; I was just curious (I don’t know a lot about Android app delivery things). 18:51:43 but we can include a dialog prompt in orfox that directs the users directly to the google play installation page for TBA 18:52:00 sysrqb: at the playstore analytics they actually filter them with keywords 18:52:11 yeah, something like that sounds good 18:52:11 and give you some stats on performance etc 18:52:14 Prompting or doing something to migrate people sounds like a good plan. 18:52:25 good :) 18:52:27 hmm 18:52:36 isabela: yeah, they do that in the google play app, too 18:52:37 we wont take over the same page? 18:52:39 i am confuse 18:52:48 "usefulness", "easy to use", etc 18:53:22 * isabela has access to the dev analytics painel 18:53:27 isabela: when i talked with n8fr8 in Valecia, we thought it would be easier starting with a new app 18:53:44 hmm 18:53:45 but we can discuss and decide when we get closer to TBA release 18:54:05 basically this depends on how Guardian Project are signing Orfox right now 18:54:06 +1 for a new app, otherwise the users can be puzzled about the names, e.g And the id will be different: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=info.guardianproject.orfox (iinfo.guardianproject.org) 18:54:09 i would prefer to stay where we are in order to keep users 18:54:15 if they are using the same signing key as their other android apps 18:54:20 then they don't want to give us that key 18:54:25 so we'll need to create a new one 18:54:36 ah 18:54:40 if they are currently using a uniue key, then they could give that to us 18:54:56 ok this info is very important for ux+communication to prepare for alpha and education campaign 18:55:14 true 18:55:17 question - will we shut down orfox page completely once alpha is out? 18:55:26 or will there be overlap ? 18:55:27 i'll follow up with n8fr8 and confirm what we should do 18:55:37 i think overlap makes snese 18:55:39 i think short overlap 18:55:39 *sense 18:55:40 yeah 18:55:49 yeah 18:55:53 we need to define all that 18:56:05 because we must plan for a good campaign to educate people 18:56:08 before during and after 18:56:13 we don't want to switch all stable users to some alpha product at once 18:56:13 yup, totally agree 18:56:28 heh, yeah 18:56:46 one nice thing in google play, is we can rollout to only a percentage of users 18:56:52 it's bad for fingerpriting 18:56:55 i am ok with overlapping - lets make sure communication and ux is in the loop on this discussion too 18:56:57 fingerprinting 18:57:07 but good for testing alpha 18:57:22 that's fine with me 18:57:33 sysrqb: what you mean to only a percentage of users? 18:57:42 sysrqb: wouldnt that be a new page/build etc? 18:57:56 we can say: "only tell 5% of users that there is an update for this app" 18:58:08 but that will be no users right? 18:58:08 and then we can see what feedback we get from them 18:58:12 if the app is all new 18:58:22 and we are not updating orfox 18:58:34 ah, yes, but we can roll out an update with orfox at the same time 18:58:43 and the orfox app tells users to install the new TBA app 18:58:44 hmm 18:59:11 okay, folks. time for moving to a post meeting discussion i guess 18:59:12 * isabela would like more time to think about this stuff 18:59:22 okay, we can discuss later 18:59:27 i can start a thread on the ml, too 18:59:29 thankyou 18:59:37 thanks for coming and happy tor browser improving *baf* 18:59:39 #endmeeting