17:59:04 #startmeeting tor browser 17:59:04 Meeting started Mon May 14 17:59:04 2018 UTC. The chair is GeKo. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 17:59:04 Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic. 17:59:08 hi all! 17:59:15 meeting pad: https://storm.torproject.org/shared/tHoN4Ii7rLSjPE0OP4gydX4cMGadsXmRQNc-6lwru0N 17:59:23 hi 17:59:24 ! 17:59:25 hi! 17:59:35 hello 17:59:46 . 18:01:00 hi everyone! 18:01:26 please mark things bold you want to talk about/get notcied by folks 18:04:54 okay, let's get started 18:05:42 tjr: that env is nothing fancy i just managed to make one of my spare laptops into a wireless access point and is runing wireshark 18:06:00 and my mobile phone is connecting to it and only sending traffic over it 18:06:11 So that would catch any traffic from the phone right? not necessaily just from the browser 18:06:14 and once in a while i am looking at the wireshark output 18:06:21 yes 18:06:55 Okay. I haven't started on it; because I am working to finish MinGW; but I think the VPN Service approach I outlined will be more efficient and reliable 18:07:13 i don't have a good way of analyzing the wireshark output automatically yet, we'll see 18:07:26 yeah, i am looking forward to that 18:07:29 I'll probably wind up doing that peice first; and then you can use it (if you want to) and then I'll work on integrating it into the automatd test stuff 18:07:34 but i wanted to play with something right now 18:07:38 kk 18:08:01 so, what's the story for our mozilla-central rebasing? 18:08:11 i am in particular interested in the mobile angle 18:08:40 because we need it for that one first and we only have about 1 1/2 - 2 months left before shipping someting 18:08:46 *something 18:09:04 yes 18:09:05 meaning we need to have a story for rebasing onto mozilla-beta and -release, too 18:09:07 this is a good question 18:09:14 GeKo: So I have a script that does some auto-rebasing 18:09:30 My idea was to have it push a new branch on a daily or weekly basis somewhere 18:09:46 And the provide some kind of alert whenever the rebasing fails so we can manually fix up an patch that needs it 18:10:07 we could try that 18:10:22 And yes, we would need the same for mozilla-beta and mozilla-release too. 18:10:40 i am not sure about the interval for the rebasing efforts especially on nightly when things are more broken than on -beta and -release 18:10:40 For the first release, are we aiming FF 60 or 61? 18:10:49 i think 61 18:11:14 60 will already be obsolete 18:11:33 so, we should start doing the mozilla-beta rebase soon 18:11:39 GeKo: Yeah, I'm not sure either. Thinking about it again, maybe it's not really necessary to automate, but just to rebase manually every week. 18:11:48 and in parallel following mozilla-central somewhere else 18:12:07 arthuredelstein: i am fine which whatever we want to try 18:12:23 as far as we have a plan and get things started soon 18:12:29 and iterate from that 18:12:30 Right, so rebasing to mozilla-beta and mozilla-central could be something I work on this week 18:12:49 okay, sounds good. 18:13:04 I would need help with the Android patches and possibly updater patches 18:13:10 arthuredelstein: the other high prio thing for this week is fixing up all the things i find 18:13:15 yes 18:13:17 in the rebase review 18:13:34 ideally we'll have the esr60 branch ready next week 18:13:41 and can start with nightly builds for linux 18:13:49 yes, I will fix up those things before rebasing again to mozilla-beta 18:13:55 i assume we'll have an esr60 branch in git by then 18:14:09 Sounds good to me. 18:14:14 (in gecko-dev that is) 18:14:19 great! 18:14:28 One issue I ran into in tor-browser-build.git is I couldn't get selfrando to work 18:14:46 disable it 18:14:50 I could do with advice there as I'm not too familiar with it 18:14:52 I did :) 18:15:03 i'll give it to the selfrando people to fix it 18:15:23 just file a bug with the error and then build without it 18:15:33 it might even be the time to just get rid of it 18:15:42 OK, will do 18:15:55 given that it does not do much against a determined attacker 18:16:12 and we don't have time to keep it working and getting it into stable shape 18:16:20 I see 18:16:23 GeKo, sysrqb related question, since we don't have an android dev yet, should we also take a look in the tor browser build for android? 18:16:23 I'd probably strike 'determined' :) 18:16:34 heh 18:17:05 igt0: first, i hope we have one rather soon and second we need to get the other pieces for the alpha ready first 18:17:36 so, as much as i'd like it we don't have the capacity right now to focus on the build intregration at this point 18:18:03 cool, makes sense. 18:18:12 tjr: is there a paper about that or is that from testing/professional opinion? 18:18:33 sysrqb: Yea I can forward 18:18:59 Another big thing that needs to get fixed in the desktop build are torbutton (circuit display, security slider, stream isolation). I will work with igt0 to try to get that working this week 18:19:10 tjr: that'd be awesome, thanks - just want to make sure i understand the reasons 18:21:04 arthuredelstein: yes. i think the slider might be hard depending on what noscript is offering, so def. not a blocker for nightly 18:21:12 but the other two are important 18:21:33 right 18:21:34 arthuredelstein: that said: you are up! 18:21:42 what's up with the tests? 18:22:32 I had to patch the permissions manager to use principals instead of URIs. 18:22:48 Oh okay 18:22:50 And this causes all sorts of subtle breakages in unit tests 18:23:08 I have made a lot of progress but there are still a couple of things I'm investigating 18:23:23 Hm. Have you talked to Johann? It sounds like this might catch resistence to upstreaming? 18:23:42 arthuredelstein: do we have someone from mozilla who could help here? 18:24:21 (and be it just to get the big picture right) 18:25:02 it's a good idea. I can post my current patches on the ticket and see if someone wants to give it a lookover 18:25:26 yes, please do and ask moz people for feedback 18:25:32 yes 18:26:12 it does more or less follow the strategy of other FPI patches so I hope it won't be too horrifying to Mozilla folks :) 18:26:36 ni johannh 18:26:44 tjr: will do, thanks 18:27:36 ah talking about moz people reviewing patches, do we have a moz person to help us to review android patches? :) 18:28:17 are you talking about 1459420? 18:28:27 or in general? 18:29:13 in general, right now i am adding mcomella in all my patches, however i think he is not allocated 100% on fennec. 18:29:32 let me bug Wennie about that bug again 18:29:45 snorp or jchen are good for the code, nalexander reviews code too, but is more build-related 18:29:59 igt0: you can ask in #mobile who you should add as a review :) 18:30:40 sysrqb, oh cool, i will do it from now on. 18:31:26 tjr: it seems the -O2 bug is for x86 and not x86_64, no? 18:31:33 that said really nice work! 18:31:41 i guess they may say " we don't have any fennec devs right now", but *shrug* 18:31:48 and your plan looks good to me with one exception: 18:31:58 we need to get the sandbox on win64 going 18:32:06 Whoops. Yea I mixed up the x86/x64 on -O2, fixed it 18:32:14 i started to look at that back then 18:32:26 but then i dropped the ball 18:32:33 Yea, so what's the story with that? Is there a compile error we're hitting with it? 18:32:40 I guess I can just turn it on and see what happens :) 18:32:42 no, it compiles 18:32:46 but crashes 18:32:50 when running 18:32:54 Ah okay. So we need to debug it? 18:32:58 yes 18:33:02 Well, I can give it a shot :) 18:33:11 i got stuck somewhere in it... 18:33:20 that would be neat 18:33:26 otherwise i try to get back to it 18:33:33 it's a blocker for the first alpha for us 18:33:40 #24197 is the ticket 18:34:16 I forgot one other issue i need to work on: Figure out d3dcompiler.dll issue 18:34:40 besides bundling that dll? 18:35:11 There's something weird with we how we detect/load it 18:35:23 ah, 1460620 18:35:24 okay 18:35:34 Even after i successfully bundle it; it's not loaded like I believe it is normally on Windows 18:35:51 It will load it if I uncomment another define; but that's not needed normally. 18:35:58 PATH issue? 18:36:55 I don't think so... 18:37:02 It should be picked it up right here: https://searchfox.org/mozilla-central/source/gfx/angle/checkout/src/libANGLE/renderer/d3d/HLSLCompiler.cpp#136 18:37:19 But instead I have to define ANGLE_PRELOADED_D3DCOMPILER_MODULE_NAMES for it to be picked up in the above block 18:37:37 Whereas normally ANGLE_PRELOADED_D3DCOMPILER_MODULE_NAMES isn't needed. and I'm putting the dll in the same location as normal windows builds. 18:37:51 (which is just the same dircetory; next to firefox.exe) 18:38:23 Unless... MinGW is defining some security feature to not dynamically load dll's from the same directory? But I would have expected that to break other things? 18:38:48 no, it does not do that 18:39:59 Anyway; I have no finished investigating, i just know i need to 18:40:37 sukhe: so, i still have an idea to ask someone else about this issue but, yes, meanwhile you could focus on something else 18:41:04 GeKo: that would be great! 18:41:26 arthuredelstein: would it be okay for you if sukhe worked on a proper patch for #26073? 18:41:36 given all the things you have on your plate 18:42:20 i am fine if you want to finish that by yourself, though, given that you already spent some time on it 18:42:44 but that would be the most valuable thing from a build perspective right now 18:44:01 Fine with me if sukhe wants to work on it. I think the biggest things right now are probably torbutton issues 18:44:24 igt0 is also working on those things so I was just planning to try to help with those 18:44:33 well, those are dealt with outside tor-browser-build 18:45:01 true :) 18:45:15 sukhe: okay, so #26073 over to you 18:45:40 ok thanks 18:45:42 the idea is to come up with a proper patch for getting linux nightly builds going asap, based on esr60 18:45:51 if you need some help just ping me 18:45:57 will start reviewing it 18:46:06 sukhe: Happy to discuss with you where it's at when you have time 18:46:12 arthuredelstein: thanks! 18:46:23 alright, anything else before moving to the discussion? 18:47:00 okay, discussion then: 18:47:04 mozilla's all hands 18:47:07 I'm just curious, cause Mozilla hasn't told me anything; but who's going to All Hands? 18:47:28 I'll be going 18:47:44 I am, but I need to follow up with them and confirm my flight was approved 18:48:20 tjr: should we prepare things from our side for the all hands meeting? 18:48:29 if so, what would be helpful? 18:48:42 Good question. I'm sure there is, but I'll have to think about it 18:48:45 Ask me next week :) 18:48:46 i'm going too :) 18:48:50 will do 18:49:01 tjr: i heard roger and isa are going, too 18:49:06 i think flexlibris as well 18:49:13 cool! 18:49:14 me too :) 18:49:18 yay 18:49:45 i can't go this time :( 18:50:04 okay :( then 18:51:00 ahf fromnetwork team is going 18:51:03 and so is steph afaik 18:51:22 Awesome, thanks all 18:51:32 tjr: you won't be alone :) 18:51:46 okay, anything else for today? 18:52:35 thanks then and happy hacking *baf* 18:52:37 #endmeeting