17:59:25 #startmeeting tor-browser aug 13 17:59:25 Meeting started Mon Aug 13 17:59:25 2018 UTC. The chair is GeKo. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 17:59:25 Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic. 17:59:29 hi hi! 17:59:29 hi 17:59:30 or evening! 17:59:38 hi 17:59:57 hi! 18:00:13 the pad is at https://storm.torproject.org/shared/tHoN4Ii7rLSjPE0OP4gydX4cMGadsXmRQNc-6lwru0N please add your items and look over those of others in case they are marked as bold and you could help 18:00:34 hello 18:00:36 (i just cut old entries in the hope it loads faster now for folks who had problems) 18:00:39 hi 18:01:37 o/ 18:03:41 hi everyone! 18:04:16 yeah, cutting old entries sped it up a lot! 18:05:10 great 18:05:20 alright, let's get started 18:06:04 mcs: i think your item got solvedd, pospeselr thanks for stepping up 18:06:13 np np 18:06:17 pospeselr: Thanks!!! 18:06:28 and yes, solved for now. 18:06:38 hah 18:06:44 s/solved/transfered/g 18:07:24 :) 18:07:28 pospeselr: you are up 18:07:43 ok two things 18:08:29 first up while learning way more about windows builds than I ever wanted to, i found that we're applying a few patches to firefox in rbm for windows builds 18:08:51 why don't we apply ifdef'd versions to tor-browser directly? 18:09:41 and if there's no good reason it'd make mingw incremental builds a bit easier if we did 18:09:54 so, for the first two that was just a clean revert and meant to be a temporary thing 18:09:56 and secondly, is there anything we as a team want to get out of rustconf apart from my own personal fulfillment? 18:09:56 my understanding was that because these patches are "temporary" 18:10:01 yes 18:10:37 it felt those are not really patches we want to carry around but rather stopgaps for fixing the underlying bustage 18:10:50 which i imagined would happen rather soonish 18:10:51 ah ok, do we have a ticket for the underlying issue? 18:11:04 yes 18:11:32 #26476 is for 1467041.patch 18:11:51 which is what tjr and I are working on (it's "closed" because the fix is in but the underlying issue remains) 18:12:07 that's actually for both of the moz patches and the moz bug is linked in it 18:12:26 ok gotcha, good enough fo rme 18:12:47 any thoughts on rustconf? 18:13:35 pospeselr: There's been quite a bit of (still fairly hypothetical discussion) over whether we would want to implement a standalone tor-launcher. 18:13:48 mmhm 18:13:53 Maybe that would be in rust. So it would be interesting to think about ramifications 18:14:29 Like how is the rust-qt bindings? And networking and whatever other things that would be relevant. 18:15:20 Just a random thought :) 18:15:34 right. I think that would likely happen in parallel with the sanboxing discussion 18:15:46 at least, that was my thought/plan 18:15:50 but i agree 18:15:54 yes, the purpose would be for sandboxing 18:15:55 makes sense 18:15:58 right 18:17:48 servoshell project shows how to embed servo 18:18:18 https://github.com/paulrouget/servoshell 18:19:40 okay 18:19:53 assuming arthuredelstein does not have anything for the group i am up 18:20:04 so we planned to do releases this week 18:20:05 I have a discussion at the top but we can do that then 18:20:24 sysrqb: igt0: where are we at the mobile side with things? 18:20:48 arthuredelstein: Is it just me, or is your report in the pad empty? 18:20:59 do you feel we could get started with a build later this week? 18:21:11 mcs: you are not alone 18:21:17 boom! 18:21:31 weird 18:21:48 GeKo: i think we are getting very close, but we still have a few tickets that need work and lots of reviewing 18:21:52 Apparently it didn't sync the first time I pasted it 18:22:02 I can see it? 18:22:13 now it is trhere 18:22:16 ah 18:22:18 *there 18:22:18 I just pasted it again 18:22:40 sysrqb: i'll help with the reviewing, what are the blockers in your opinion? 18:22:55 yep, we are almost in a good shape, however we have tickets to be reviewed. 18:23:18 arthuredelstein: Looks good now. 18:23:30 thanks for letting me know! :) 18:23:55 we need to deide how we create the new signing key and who controls it 18:24:16 yep 18:24:39 and making a decision about tickets like #26826 is ncessary 18:24:41 arthuredelstein: I don't see any discussion item at the top, except one about TBA strings file 18:24:47 *necessary 18:24:54 but i don't tihnk we have many blockers 18:25:23 yes, that's on my radar 18:25:34 great, thanks 18:25:48 igt0: any lockers you know about? 18:25:53 sysrqb: igt0: let's aim for friday this week to get the release going 18:25:53 *blockers 18:26:02 and try to get the blockers and reviews solved by then 18:26:03 okay, sgtm 18:26:04 boklm: Yes, that's my discussion item 18:26:11 arthuredelstein: ah, ok :) 18:26:14 sysrqb: i'll get back to you re the signing key 18:26:19 kk 18:26:20 probably tomorrow 18:27:00 mcs: i thought abuot starting a desktop build on wed, how does that sound? 18:27:20 if we don't get the full onboarding done by then could we merge parts of it to test those? 18:27:22 sysrqb, GeKo the more important ones are #26884, #25696 and #27111, the other ones can be done after the first build. 18:27:42 k 18:28:10 sysrqb: could you start reviewing the first two? 18:28:12 GeKo: We should definitely merge what we have finished by then (for onboarding). We will see how far we get with #26962 18:28:25 okay. 18:29:05 i'd like to have some win64 updater patch in that release as well 18:29:21 so, in doubt #26962 should wait here 18:29:45 GeKo: yep, i'll add it on my list 18:29:48 I started a build to test jacek’s suggestion, but it failed. Maybe I need to add a #include. 18:29:55 (for @26514) 18:29:58 #26514 18:30:23 okay. i am fine using a clean patch for your current workaround 18:30:32 OK 18:30:40 in case you don't get jacke's assumptionto work 18:30:44 *jacek's 18:31:08 so, my second item is i need help with reviews 18:31:39 arthuredelstein: can you grab #26456, #26655, #26628 and #26833 18:31:48 Yup! 18:31:53 pospeselr: can you grab #24056 18:32:06 can do 18:32:15 thanks 18:32:22 ideally today or tomorrow 18:32:28 so all of it can get into the alpha 18:32:45 yeah np 18:33:09 yes 18:33:14 sisbell: so, am i reading your update right that ther is just one diff? 18:33:21 if so that would be great news actually! 18:33:38 could you paste it on some ticket? 18:33:53 Its one file but that is a big file with lots of diffs 18:34:27 i see 18:34:43 I'm going through the build at each stage now to see if there is a diff in the build directory 18:34:50 So its a bit more work 18:35:06 when i first began looking at this earlier, i saw libxul.so wasn't reproducible, but that was before building it with rbm 18:35:12 I'll open a ticket for tracking 18:35:14 do you have a branch for further review addressing boklm's comments? 18:35:21 so i hope rbm removed some of the reproducible bits 18:36:55 sisbell: ^ 18:37:50 okay, while waiting on that, anything else for the status updtes? 18:37:52 not yet 18:38:06 still working local 18:38:15 okay 18:38:57 discussion time then 18:39:12 arthuredelstein: you are up (assuming the item was yours) 18:40:00 Yes, I was looking at translation.git with emmapeel and we noticed the tba-android_stringsdtd branch seems to be all Fennec strings (many of them quite old) 18:40:27 https://trac.torproject.org/projects/tor/ticket/25696#comment:23 18:41:11 We were thinking it would be good to limit that branch to any strings needed by TBA that aren't already in Firefox or Tor Browser. 18:41:53 yes 18:42:01 sounds good to me 18:42:09 I think we can also have our own dtd file. 18:42:17 i was hoping this would happen, but maybe emma missed my comment in the ticket 18:42:46 igt0: Maybe that's the simplest approach, to have a separate dtd file just for anything new 18:43:25 Or potentially we could just add TBA strings to our existing dtd files from torbutton if most of the strings are shared between desktop and mobile 18:44:07 yeah, there was a brief discussion on #25696 18:44:17 maybe you can add a comment there 18:44:21 OK, will do. thanks 18:44:23 or we should open a separae ticket for this 18:44:49 good idea. I can do that 18:44:55 cool, thanks 18:45:14 do we have anything else for discussion today? 18:46:21 thanks then, everybody! *baf* 18:46:24 #endmeeting