17:59:51 #startmeeting tor browser 8/20/2018 17:59:51 Meeting started Mon Aug 20 17:59:51 2018 UTC. The chair is GeKo. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 17:59:51 Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic. 18:00:02 hi! 18:00:03 hello everyone! 18:00:20 https://storm.torproject.org/shared/tHoN4Ii7rLSjPE0OP4gydX4cMGadsXmRQNc-6lwru0N is the url in our pad 18:00:23 o/ 18:00:29 (works best in the shiny new 8.0a10) 18:00:47 please enter your items and mark those bold you want to talk about 18:00:54 hello 18:01:11 hi 18:02:19 hi 18:03:14 howdy 18:04:39 okay, let's get started 18:05:03 it seems 8.0a10 is out, yay! 18:05:14 *____* 18:05:20 a bit later than i hoped but still within the week 18:05:42 we have roughly two week to get the remaining things done 18:05:55 or better: to get all the things done we think that need to be in Tor Browser 8.0 18:06:24 i guess we should do some planning for that 18:06:48 my current plan is to get the network code review finally done, i am already late 18:06:52 and then doing reviews 18:07:06 i doubt i'll get to much more :( 18:07:32 mcs/brade: i guess you'll be working on the remaining onboarding/ux items? 18:07:36 what's the timeline for the stable release? 18:07:58 not sure what you mean but we need a release on 9/5 18:08:45 (that answers it) 18:08:54 boklm: unless there is higher prio stuff i think we should get our testsuites finally running again 18:08:55 yes, we are working on onboarding (circuit display). 18:09:11 and whatever follow up is needed for the new user onboarding. 18:09:22 ok 18:10:27 we have annyoing noscript related issues 18:10:33 *annoying 18:11:51 pospeselr: i guess you could keep those on your radar (#26506, #26520) 18:12:08 oh man awesome 18:12:27 ideally, we'd squash them with a single patch 18:12:28 do they have higher priority than the localizized build issue? 18:12:32 a oneliner :) 18:12:53 well ideally they'd already be fixed ;) 18:13:08 #26520 is not as high 18:13:28 but no working noscript in windows is not good :( 18:13:50 it seems some regression on noscript but probably easier to fix than the one your a looking at right now 18:14:20 and we might be able to push giorgio a bit to fix it for us once we can put our finger closer to where the issue might be 18:14:31 ok! 18:15:23 arthuredelstein: you meantioned you'd ask a mozi engineer for help with optimistic socks? 18:15:31 did that happen? 18:15:35 *mentioned 18:17:17 pospeselr: fwiw: what happened with #26450? 18:17:25 err 18:17:41 #26540 18:17:54 is that in needs_review again? 18:17:56 that's sitting on the back burner 18:18:02 kk 18:18:09 as it didnt seem as high priority as other things :p 18:18:19 yeah, that's right 18:18:38 i just feared i missed the call for another review as you added new patches after my initial pass 18:18:51 nope you're good 18:18:52 arthuredelstein: No, I didn't do that yet. But I will ask this week 18:19:13 Er, GeKo: ^ 18:19:41 arthuredelstein: we won't have the chance to get this fixed and properly tested for 8.0, thus this is an item for after 8.0 is out 18:19:52 so, no high prio right now, alas 18:19:55 OK 18:20:32 i think going ahead with ff60-esr is a good idea as you planned 18:20:45 there is not much time left and so many things to check :( 18:20:48 ! 18:21:04 o/ 18:21:08 !!!!!!!(congrats on the release folks)!!!!!!! 18:21:15 (/me interviewing a candidate for grant writer) 18:21:17 :) 18:21:44 igt0: sysrqb: sisbell: should we meet-up this week to think about the post-first-alpha work? 18:21:48 (after the release) 18:22:03 yeah, i think that's a good idea 18:22:05 or next week? 18:22:16 although my schedule next week looks not that good 18:22:21 +1 18:22:24 maybe end of the week? 18:22:30 GeKo: yup, will do 18:22:31 yeah 18:22:37 sure that works 18:22:44 i'll ping you later 18:22:44 yeah, if we release within the next day or two, then we can meet end of this week 18:22:45 great 18:23:33 then a general reminder to all of you: please use the status updates at least once a day, so that we all are aware what the team is working on 18:23:43 * GeKo status: fixing all the things 18:23:57 can be more verbose of course :) 18:24:32 that's it from my side. who else has anything to talk about? 18:24:55 rustconf folks: how did it go? anything worth mentioning? 18:25:24 I have a quick question, if I may but I will wait for your question 18:25:30 nothing immediately applicable to tor-browser 18:25:39 but i'm all for doing a potential tor-launcher in rust 18:25:40 mozilla is looking at moving to mentat for common storage in the browser 18:26:09 having learned a bit about the language and what-not 18:26:33 pospeselr: Is there a UI framework that might be suitable? 18:27:43 not that I know of, but it seems there are tools for generating rust bindings from C 18:27:57 yes 18:28:11 and there is a gtk3 crate it would seem 18:28:14 https://github.com/gtk-rs/gtk 18:28:58 yeah, i think we're still stuck with the same options available for C++, in general 18:29:12 Choosing the best UI framework (given all of the inevitable tradeoffs) seems like a key decision. 18:29:25 i agre 18:29:28 e 18:30:06 i guess that could be easily a session for mexico 18:30:08 Another option is to write 4 things and share as much of the non-UI code as possible (Android, gtk3, macOS Cocoa, something-for-Windows). 18:30:25 yup 18:30:25 isn't that a lot of work :) 18:30:30 Yup :) 18:30:46 And a lot of maintenance. 18:30:58 yeah no doubt 18:31:05 * GeKo backs slowly off and hands the mic to sukhe for his question 18:31:37 just a quick one and I am sorry if this was discussed before: do all tickets marked ff60-esr make it to TB 8.0, or do we try ot? 18:31:40 *to 18:32:07 i'd hoped they would but that keyword only marks tickets that are affecting esr60 18:32:34 ok 18:32:36 ideally there were non after tor browser 8 gets out but that will only happen with a miracle 18:33:31 sisbell: i was wondering whether we should switch our focus a bit for the tor-browser-build integration 18:33:52 while we ultimately want to have reproducible builds for one of the next alphas 18:34:24 there is value in getting the tor browser for mobile build integrated earlier: for nightly builds 18:34:37 Geko: in that case, I'll shift to the comments in the issue and get those fixed 18:34:44 there reproducibility is not so important 18:35:01 well, we eventually need it :) 18:35:18 it's just that not having any builds blocks other stuff 18:35:26 what do you think? 18:35:58 Geko: sure I'll shift to getting the remaining fixes in the integrated build 18:36:28 okay, sounds good. 18:36:35 I'll do the reproducible investigation after 18:37:04 discussion time i guess? 18:37:32 arthuredelstein: you are up 18:38:31 timhuang at Mozilla is working hard at a viewport size patch for privacy.resistFingerprinting 18:38:58 The Mozilla team is interested in whether we are going to want to backport this patch to TBB 8.0 once it's ready 18:39:12 Basically if it's something we're in favor of. 18:39:51 for those who weren't at the meeting could you explain what they want to do? 18:39:54 I will post the demo video in tor-internal 18:40:37 the idea is the quantize the viewport size as the user resizes or maximizes the window 18:40:46 i think it is not unreasonable to have this tested in an alpha in the 8.5 series 18:41:00 and come back with feedback 18:41:03 So that users alway get protection from viewport-dimension fingerprinting 18:41:12 That sounds like a reasonable plan to me 18:41:27 I think the main question is, does the current protection or this proposed protection annoy users less? 18:41:54 that#s one of the important ones, yes 18:41:57 Many users would like to maximize their window, so I think this may help. But we definitely need feedback because both behaviors are weird 18:42:30 GeKo: Do you have other questions you would like the Mozilla folks or us to be considering right now? 18:42:53 on this feature? 18:43:52 i need to look at the bug to understand where in the discussion we are 18:43:57 i'll let you know 18:44:26 ok, thanks! 18:44:55 igt0: you are up! 18:45:51 hi, so Android apps are fullscreen, thus an attacker can use the css media queries to identify the device screen size 18:46:39 I know we have a bug about it, however I am not sure fixing the screen size like we do for desktop is the right fix. 18:46:53 It could break a bunch of sites or make the user experience painful. 18:47:00 igt0: How would it break sites? 18:47:26 arthuredelstein, many sites use css media queries to render one thing or not (responsive web sites) 18:48:02 for tablets for example 18:48:32 if we make the screen size small, it would render the site for mobile screens instead of tablet screens 18:49:13 (fwiw: the bug is #27083) 18:49:58 igt0: I guess it depends on how much you reduce the window dimensions. If you only reduce them by a fairly small percentage, then the effect isn't that big. 18:50:16 At least if I understand correctly 18:50:20 arthuredelstein, well .. android is tough hahaha. There are tablets where the screen size is close to the mobile 18:51:03 yeah, that was what i was thinking. maybe we can round within 20x20 (or similar) 18:51:18 yup 18:51:22 maybe reducing *randomly* to a small percentage? 18:51:47 I don't think random reduction gives any advantage over a fixed reduction, and may be worse 18:52:37 worth exploring the possible options and drawbacks in the ticket it hink 18:52:41 *i think 18:52:53 Something we discussed in bugzil.la/1407366 is reducing the step size for small screens 18:53:04 with a larger step size for large screens 18:53:11 might be applicable on Android too I suppose 18:53:27 but i don't see a general problem with the approach right now, even thuogh we might adapt it a bit 18:53:38 yes 18:55:24 igt0: does that work for you? 18:55:28 GeKo, yep! 18:55:33 great 18:56:09 as a reminder to those of you who have not alison's mail yet: please get back to her with suggestions about possible sessions 18:56:31 i remember we had already collected ideas in the past 18:57:32 like ux changes in tor browser 8 18:57:39 or browser pirvacy testing 18:57:43 but i guess there is more 18:57:55 t0mmy: hey are you here? 18:58:32 I am! 18:58:43 great, you are up! 18:59:02 Cool! 19:00:01 So I was approached by an Irish business magazine to write a piece on Tor for small businesses -- I know that we have https://www.torproject.org/about/torusers.html.en, but I was wondering what the best approach for "Tor for small businesses" is 19:00:29 By "best approach" I mean, are there use cases I'm not thinking about beyond privately browsing the web, network security, and so on. 19:01:44 onion services can provide better access control for internal services, onionshare for sharing company documents? 19:02:23 "monitor your competition without them knowing" :) 19:02:44 *competitor's website, maybe 19:03:10 on a different angle: i wonder if using tor browser or offering it to employees shows that the company really cares about them 19:03:11 +1 on both of those, I hadn't thought of internally sharing company docs 19:03:45 like value them as individuals showing that their privacy is important 19:03:59 GeKo also true, good privacy hygiene, or whatever it's called these days 19:05:13 anything else? I'm cognizant that your time is valuable and I don't want to take too much of it. =) 19:05:37 (And thank you, sysrqb and GeKo!) 19:05:37 that's the only item i came up with apart from the ones mentioned on the website 19:05:47 i guess asking stephw can't hurt :) 19:05:51 sure yw 19:06:02 GeKo yep, working with her on the draft =) 19:06:05 alright, do we have anything else for today? 19:06:12 Alright, thanks for letting me nab a few mins of your time! 19:07:16 okay, we are done then, thanks all! *baf* 19:07:22 #endmeeting