14:28:46 #startmeeting metrics team 14:28:46 Meeting started Thu Oct 11 14:28:46 2018 UTC. The chair is karsten. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 14:28:46 Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic. 14:29:51 irl: you around? 14:29:52 hello 14:29:55 hey 14:30:22 anything else for the agenda? 14:30:36 i think nothing else from me for the agenda 14:31:04 alright. 14:31:09 * Monthly report (karsten) 14:31:15 I pasted the draft to the pad. 14:31:19 what's missing? 14:31:39 good report! 14:31:40 or, would you want to go through it after the meeting and mention anything that's missing? 14:31:44 thanks! :) 14:31:56 i think i would need to look through after the meeting 14:32:01 works for me. 14:32:16 i'll also put up the pdf for the slides today 14:32:19 what about our slides used in mexico? 14:32:29 do you have a good place for putting it? 14:32:44 and if so, would you mind putting the SOTO slides there, too? 14:32:58 i have a talks section at https://people.torproject.org/~irl/ 14:33:01 otherwise I'd put them on people.tp.o, but I'm not sure how long they'll stay there. 14:33:11 oooh maybe i do have a good place to put them 14:33:21 but we'd have to add an agenda item and it would be a whole thing 14:33:32 please do. 14:34:04 added an item to the agenda 14:34:09 heh. ok. 14:34:16 alright, moving on for now? 14:34:18 ok 14:34:21 * CollecTor release (karsten) 14:34:39 this also concerns deployment. 14:34:50 when is a good time for that, assuming that the release looks okay? 14:35:13 today is not good, tomorrow is not much better 14:35:25 if it is urgent then we can do tomorrow, but i would prefer monday 14:35:30 okay. 14:35:47 it's not urgent enough that we should risk putting out a release that we don't like. 14:35:59 ok cool, i will put it in my diary for monday 14:36:01 monday 14:30 UTC? 14:36:20 sounds good 14:36:29 okay! 14:36:31 * Monthly retrospective plans (karsten) 14:36:44 so, gaba, we talked a bit more about this topic while being in mexico. 14:36:52 yes 14:37:01 we were wondering if we should have a monthly retrospective via video. 14:37:13 that would be separate from the weekly meetings. 14:37:37 we'd go through the roadmap, and do whatever retrospectivly things one does. 14:38:07 and we thought that it's probably okay if you attended those meetings and the weekly meetings only whenever it's convenient for you. 14:38:12 it sounds good! yes 14:38:42 I will try to do the weekly meeting whenever I can but will have the retrospective ones in my calendar for sure. 14:38:52 okay, sounds great! 14:39:02 do we know already when they are? 14:39:10 early in the month, maybe first or second week? 14:39:19 we didn't pick a date yet. 14:39:24 what works best? 14:39:42 5-9th november i am offline 14:40:32 how about the 2nd? 14:40:40 that sounds good 14:40:43 ok 14:40:54 what is a gaba-friendly time? 14:41:09 .oO( summer time is over then... ) 14:41:21 .oO( unless it's not in all parts of the world ) 14:41:36 after 9am PDT would be the best :) 14:41:57 16:30 UTC? 14:41:58 ah, it's indeed still PDT then. 14:42:02 after 4pm UTC 14:42:08 yes 14:42:11 4:30 great 14:42:24 that's 17:30 CET, right? 14:42:31 yes 14:42:50 https://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/fixedtime.html?iso=20181102T1630 14:42:54 not great for a friday, but maybe it's ok to do it once and we aim for mondays in the future 14:43:03 PDT will be until nov 4th 14:43:16 sounds good to me. 14:43:49 gaba: would you be able to prepare an agenda, just so that we don't leave anything important out? 14:43:57 prepare/suggest 14:44:08 yes 14:44:16 cool! 14:44:49 alright. moving on? 14:44:55 ok 14:45:04 so which date we are talking about? firday nov 16th? 14:45:12 nov 2nd 14:45:16 ohh, ok 14:45:17 yes 14:45:32 2nd of november, not 2nd week :P 14:45:34 fine 14:45:39 sorry for the confusion! 14:46:16 okay, great. moving on to the next/last topic: 14:46:19 * Mirroring Tor Metrics data to the Internet Archive (irl) 14:46:43 i was thinking about places we can archive data to make sure it survives past the end of time 14:46:44 * karsten wonders how that originates from my question to put a pdf on irl's server.. 14:46:49 archive.org seems like a good choice 14:46:59 we can also put pdfs of slides there and link to them 14:47:29 in the past i've also put videos with recorded talks from local meetups on there 14:48:11 it's mostly an idea to think about for now but perhaps we would add functionality to a future collector (in a future roadmap) to perform uploads to archive.org as part of its operation 14:48:38 https://archive-it.org/collections/9175 14:49:25 we're not linking that from anywhere, I just happen to know it exists. 14:50:06 that's a scraping model though 14:50:13 I'm not sure if putting up the SOTO pdf wouldn't be overkill. 14:50:18 yes, it is. 14:50:31 you can also curate collections in more meaningful ways 14:50:59 okay. so, yes, that would indeed be a future task then. 14:51:24 we could expand beyond just data though and have talks archived there too 14:51:32 but at some point we become tor's librarians 14:51:42 maybe this is what media.tpo is meant to be? 14:51:51 plausible, yes. 14:52:16 going back to the original question: 14:52:28 should we put the slides up somewhere, just to link them from the monthly report? 14:52:39 I'm okay with putting the soto slides on people.tp.o. 14:52:45 let's do that 14:52:48 ok. 14:53:06 and yours, too? 14:53:17 if so, ~karsten or ~irl? 14:53:46 i will put mine in ~irl and link it from the table 14:53:52 because i told people they could get the slides from there 14:54:03 okay, great! 14:54:03 for the SOTO slides i don't think it matters 14:54:16 if you mail them to me i will put them on the webserver too 14:54:17 we could probably just leave them out, too. 14:54:31 okay, will do. 14:54:58 alright. anything else? 14:55:16 nothing from me 14:55:50 cool! then let's end the meeting now. thanks, irl and gaba! ttyl 14:55:57 thanks! 14:56:00 bye! 14:56:02 #endmeeting