14:01:06 #startmeeting ux team meeting 14:01:06 Meeting started Tue Oct 23 14:01:06 2018 UTC. The chair is antonela. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 14:01:06 Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic. 14:01:14 hi people! another ux meeting today 14:01:41 lets start with adding updates onto the pad 14:01:52 https://storm.torproject.org/shared/J-Eg3INLggrgnYcvb1EPw4a3_kF74zLU100tHWXSSmx 14:02:05 and then we can review our roadmap 14:02:17 https://storm.torproject.org/shared/rsT_W4WJ6v7ynMkgJRBs5hP8ZAimmJXacOisK91qe4u 14:02:57 nyinz: hi! i added an item at our agenda so we can finally move the ux research work we need/want to have done the next six months on the main ux roadmap 14:03:01 sounds good? 14:03:18 ok 14:03:37 traumschule: i included #27621 to talk about it if you are going to take it over 14:07:08 * antonela is waiting for people's updates 14:07:52 quiet today :) 14:08:28 yep 14:08:43 nyinz: lets start with the ux research pad 14:09:25 signing into sandstorm is taking a while:-) 14:10:54 np, we have personas which is something we would like to have done by next tor meeting. Do you think we should have a meeting to discuss next steps on it based on what we did in mexico? 14:11:37 that would be great! now that we have access to some user stories as well 14:11:53 Hi, sorry a bit late 14:12:59 nyinz: yes, ok, i'll call people for that meeting 14:13:11 cool 14:13:55 we have user testing for tb8 onboarding, you and pari did run it in mex - i think that we need to have docs to replicate that user testing in the same way we made instructions for moat, onions and circuit display 14:14:08 hi elioqoshi :wave: 14:15:36 nyinz: also, we had a meeting last week about which countries we are going to visit the next six months. We need to have a list of which ux research we are going to have on each of them 14:16:51 at some point we could start to share those docs with ngo partners so they can run it during their trainings - Maria from OONI gave us contacts so we can work together on it 14:17:11 yes! i propose the on boarding (aboutTor button) and securityy slider be part of the tests 14:18:11 yes, we are working on a iteration for security settings so probably we will test it in some nightly 14:18:41 sounds good 14:18:47 cool 14:19:35 elioqoshi, how is ooni probe going? did you already deliver it to dev 14:19:36 ? 14:22:01 oopssorry late 14:22:36 in the meantime, as you know we are going to run a community poll for the next tor browser icon. It will happen this week, we will announce it to the lists once we finish with all the EOY Campaign things 14:22:47 you can lurk it here :) https://survey.torproject.org/index.php/989654 14:22:51 hola emmapeel! 14:23:10 hola! estaba haciendo unas lentejas me distraje 14:23:16 jajaja 14:23:20 im hungry now 14:23:52 emma, arthur updated +4 languages on today's release 14:24:05 im sure you were involved, so great newsss! 14:24:26 yeah i used to have the langs but i lost them... i wanted to check if we had the tweets for them 14:24:31 hungarian one 14:24:39 and the support portal is on chinese now! 14:24:44 yesss \o/ 14:25:17 pili: do you want to push me for docs? you are up :) 14:26:19 hi! well, I was just thinking about the report for sponsor 17 again and the more I thought about it there more there seemed to be an overlap with the internal wiki docs you wanted us to write :) 14:26:40 but there's no huge rush on that as it's due end of November 14:27:09 it might be useful to see a similar report because I'm still a bit lost with it 14:27:45 speaking with isabela about this it seems since the funding was just for the design work we need to concentrate on talking about that 14:28:02 hey 14:28:03 sorry 14:28:11 I was here but I was fixing drupal 14:28:46 the user testing informed the design, but the actual user visits were funded separately so I was just thinking about how to focus on the methodology 14:28:56 pili, yes we don't have funding for docs, but we should have it anyways :) 14:29:04 pili, yes 14:29:07 hiro the hero 14:29:24 fighting with drupal... :) 14:29:34 bloody drupal! 14:30:31 emmapeel: for the tweets, will you sync with stephw? 14:30:44 yes i will 14:31:01 pili, so yes, eoy is done so i can move to sec settings and docs now, will keep you updated on both 14:31:08 emmapeel: cool 14:31:12 sounds good, thanks antonela 14:31:27 also the localization of the banner... do we have that? 14:31:55 hiro: yes 14:31:57 I have it ready.. only have to copy and paste the strings... 14:32:10 i mean, we have the translates we made for tb 14:32:16 which you can grab, i think 14:32:58 hiro: localization of the banner? you mean, in the homepage? i am not sure 14:33:10 i mean, it is _inside_ the tor browser 14:33:15 but i am not sure it is on torproject.org 14:33:22 oh hiro you have a different one in tpo 14:35:04 let me check with sstevenson, i dont think we have it localizated now 14:35:30 i.e. the spanish translation is at https://gitweb.torproject.org/translation.git/tree/es/aboutTor.dtd?h=abouttor-homepage and the source at https://gitweb.torproject.org/translation.git/tree/en/aboutTor.dtd?h=abouttor-homepage 14:39:05 mmm but we have a different string at tpo.org right now 14:39:15 will check with sarah after this meeting 14:39:22 anything else people? 14:39:28 ok let me know 14:39:31 groot here 14:40:03 elioqoshi - ping me if anything else is needed in ooni land, and update the ux roadmap if you are done there! 14:43:38 cool, is wrap! 14:43:41 thanks people! 14:43:44 #endmeeting