#tor-meeting: ux team

Meeting started by antonela at 13:59:40 UTC (full logs).

Meeting summary

    1. https://storm.torproject.org/shared/SThDMQ428TbfNAozmboi-afc_3jcsexVsyZwu9PuMKS (antonela, 14:00:37)
    2. https://lektor-staging.torproject.org/tpo/staging/ (hiro, 14:12:02)
    3. https://sketch.cloud/s/q8JlM/rbqJmoq/play (dunqan, 14:20:13)
    4. https://trac.torproject.org/projects/tor/ticket/28353#comment:8 is the version they have rn (antonela, 14:37:19)
    5. https://metrics.torproject.org/connbidirect.html (irl, 14:44:10)
    6. https://ggplot2.tidyverse.org/ this one? (antonela, 14:44:53)
    7. https://gitweb.torproject.org/metrics-web.git/tree/src/main/R/rserver/graphs.R is our code for each graph (irl, 14:45:08)
    8. http://yhat.github.io/ggpy/ this looks like it does ggplot2 style graphs in python but i've never used it (irl, 14:52:10)

Meeting ended at 14:58:59 UTC (full logs).

Action items

  1. (none)

People present (lines said)

  1. antonela (97)
  2. dunqan (36)
  3. irl (20)
  4. hiro (16)
  5. pari (12)
  6. pili (7)
  7. nyinz (5)
  8. slacktopus (3)
  9. MeetBot (2)

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