15:59:10 #startmeeting metrics team 15:59:10 Meeting started Thu Dec 6 15:59:10 2018 UTC. The chair is karsten. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 15:59:10 Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic. 15:59:37 let's start! 15:59:38 * Report on sponsor 13 (gaba) :-) pretty please 15:59:40 About report on sponsor 13. I'm going to be meeting with bekeela about it today and looking at this. If any of you have any report/anything that you already sent Isa about it please forward it to me. 15:59:45 Only that :) 16:00:02 for what timeframe? 16:00:12 I believe that isa sent them reports for earlier months. 16:00:28 but nothing for november and maybe nothing for october. 16:00:29 yes, that is what I understood yesterday. So it will be for November. 16:00:41 okay, I didn't write anything for november yet. 16:00:43 oh, ok 16:00:52 I didn't know about october. The last one we found was september 16:01:30 not sure if me made much progress on sponsor 13 deliverables in october. 16:01:31 ok, no problem. Let's communicate about it in the next couple of weeks 16:01:40 in november we did the collector prototype work. 16:02:10 when do you need the november update? in a few weeks? or earlier? 16:02:10 Bringing it up in case you were sending them to Isa, so you know I'm going to be doing it with Bekeela 16:02:16 in a week is fine 16:02:40 should be doable. 16:02:55 thanks! 16:02:59 are you going to use isa's spreadsheet for sponsor 13? 16:03:20 yes 16:03:23 ok. 16:03:29 so, I'll update that one, too, right? 16:03:41 you mean the one with progress, right? 16:04:00 sponsor13 status update 16:04:04 yes 16:04:04 that one. 16:04:37 okay. 16:04:55 you should have something by EOW. 16:05:03 great. thanks 16:05:09 sure. thanks for the reminder. :) 16:05:16 so, no irl. 16:05:27 that means we're out of topics. 16:05:50 short meeting! thanks, gaba, and bye! 16:05:52 ok 16:05:56 bye! 16:05:58 #endmeeting