============================================== #tor-meeting: network team meeting, 8 Jan 2019 ============================================== Meeting started by nickm at 22:58:16 UTC. The full logs are available at http://meetbot.debian.net/tor-meeting/2019/tor-meeting.2019-01-08-22.58.log.html . Meeting summary --------------- * ACTION: -- everybody looks over the 0.4.0 milestone (nickm, 23:15:56) * ACTION: -- let's all look at that draft this week (nickm, 23:22:06) * ACTION: nickm and dgoulet talk modularization some time on wednesday (nickm, 23:44:30) Meeting ended at 00:08:57 UTC. Action Items ------------ * -- everybody looks over the 0.4.0 milestone * -- let's all look at that draft this week * nickm and dgoulet talk modularization some time on wednesday Action Items, by person ----------------------- * dgoulet * nickm and dgoulet talk modularization some time on wednesday * nickm * nickm and dgoulet talk modularization some time on wednesday * **UNASSIGNED** * -- everybody looks over the 0.4.0 milestone * -- let's all look at that draft this week People Present (lines said) --------------------------- * nickm (69) * gaba (55) * teor (45) * catalyst (15) * dgoulet (10) * mikeperry (7) * MeetBot (2) Generated by `MeetBot`_ 0.1.4 .. _`MeetBot`: http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot