15:58:07 #startmeeting metrics team 15:58:07 Meeting started Thu Jan 24 15:58:07 2019 UTC. The chair is karsten. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 15:58:07 Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic. 15:59:39 anything else for the agenda? 15:59:48 i added one topic, nothing else from me 16:00:08 * gaba loading the pad 16:00:15 nothing else from me, either. 16:00:43 not from me 16:00:53 okay! 16:00:58 * Agenda for hack half week (gaba) 16:01:17 looks like we have quite a few topics on that agenda by now. 16:01:36 yes 16:01:37 I wonder, what's the goal of talking about that agenda today? 16:01:47 make sure everyone can prepare, if they want? 16:01:52 2 topics that the network team want to discuss with you is privctount and metrics 16:02:12 yes, be sure we are not forgetting anything. we mentioned last week we were going to do that today 16:02:15 we don't have to :) 16:02:19 if we are ready 16:02:20 ah, no. 16:02:27 oh wow, there are a lot more topics 16:02:28 I didn't mean that we shouldn't talk about it. 16:02:41 I'm just thinking what we're trying to do today. 16:02:53 like, schedule topics for the days might be difficult. 16:03:03 or rather, easier when we meet in person next week. 16:03:32 ahh, ok 16:03:41 yes, it is easier on person 16:04:08 i think we definitely have a lot of topics to fill the time with 16:04:11 I think knowing a bit more about ckan beforehand might help me prepare. 16:04:19 two things that need to happen is a last review on the 31st of the nlnet proposal with linus 16:04:31 and the other thing is the conversations with network team 16:04:39 it might be good to add a sentence or two what we're hoping to achieve when talking about that topic next week. 16:05:02 yes, agreed, those are important topics. 16:05:18 I also added the proposal to today's pad. 16:06:34 regarding the gsoc topic, i'm not sure that is something we would have time for 16:07:06 I was thinking about that, too. 16:07:08 we might have discussed that before when we thought we would be 3, but we are only 2 16:07:49 right. so, I was undecided when pili asked whether we can do something. 16:08:05 I first wrote we can't, because time. but then I thought that we'll always find an excuse not to do it. 16:08:22 also, there are two parts: write down possible ideas and actually mentoring a student. 16:08:33 of course, if we know for sure we can't do the second part, we don't have to do the first part. 16:08:38 should we sort out topics in that pad about priority on what needs to be talked about or you are all ok just doing it in brussels? 16:08:53 right, gaba. 16:09:06 let's talk about gsoc in brussels. 16:09:12 ok 16:09:14 I think the deadline is early feb, too. 16:09:18 sorry for interupting. yes, not sure about gsoc and how much time it could take. 16:09:20 irl1: do you read emails? 16:09:27 not this week 16:09:31 or next week 16:09:39 hmmmm 16:09:48 is there something urgent? 16:09:53 maybe. 16:10:02 I'll ping you after the meeting. 16:10:04 ok 16:10:05 with links to pads etc. 16:10:08 irl1: i need to talk with you about relay operators meetup during fosdem after the meeting. there is a mail that you are include it about it. 16:10:23 right ok 16:10:59 so, should we leave the list for brussel there and prioritize in brussels? 16:11:12 sounds good 16:11:15 sounds good 16:11:19 okay, cool! 16:11:26 it's a good list. so much to talk about. 16:11:47 * Funding proposal (karsten) 16:12:02 irl1: I'll send you a link after the meeting. 16:12:21 * GSoC ideas (karsten) 16:12:29 we'll talk about that in brussels then. 16:12:35 * #29166 review (karsten) 16:12:51 irl1: do you have time for a review today or tomorrow? 16:13:11 yes i would have time tomorrow, it is 18:14 local time here now 16:13:17 heh 16:13:43 okay, cool. I'll revise the patch some more today. 16:13:53 cool 16:13:55 if you could take a look tomorrow, that would be awesome! 16:14:11 * Sponsor 13 tech report general outline check (irl) 16:14:36 the first section i am splitting in to two parts and i wanted to check it fits with what we said we would do 16:15:06 there is a high-level "how the data flows through conceptually" section and then a second section that looks at the codebases 16:15:19 in the codebases i'm also looking at the dependencies we are using 16:15:32 do you have a draft? 16:16:04 i've not got the text in any sensible order yet but can send a draft tomorrow 16:16:36 from reading those three sentences above, it does make sense, yes. 16:16:42 excellent 16:16:53 but reading the draft might help me comparing it to what we said in the proposal. 16:17:06 where we said the same thing in three different ways, just slightly different. 16:17:30 so yes, if you send me a draft, I'll give you feedback. 16:17:36 just how do we communicate? 16:17:44 ok 16:17:53 leave links in private messages and meet some time in the afternoon? 16:18:05 i can email you from the alternate email address for that 16:18:13 ah, great. 16:18:13 my irc will disconnect when i close the laptop lid 16:18:20 ok. 16:18:38 cool. sounds like we have a plan. 16:18:57 and we are out of topics too 16:19:10 I think so. unless there's anything else? 16:19:20 nothing from me 16:19:30 great! 16:19:40 see you next week in brussels! :) 16:19:45 o/ 16:19:46 (: 16:19:58 o/ 16:20:01 #endmeeting