14:00:48 #startmeeting ux team 14:00:48 Meeting started Tue Apr 9 14:00:48 2019 UTC. The chair is antonela. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 14:00:48 Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic. 14:00:52 hello dunqan! 14:01:12 who is here for the ux meeting? hiro, emmapeel, pili, gus, cellarpaper 14:01:16 hi 14:01:32 i thought you were traveling this week dunqan 14:01:37 hi pili 14:01:40 hello :) (nah here) 14:02:03 yeah I got back yesterday :) 14:02:11 oi narriral! 14:02:20 oh great dunqan 14:02:21 only woke up about two hours ago 😂 14:02:30 hola! 14:02:35 ohh you must be tired 14:02:36 hola ggus 14:02:45 hi narriral ! nice to see you here :) 14:02:54 okey, lets do the admin things https://storm.torproject.org/shared/UKKjns8sFPVbiB-ljL72TUFEibJKiGxV-h8W74UgAWE 14:03:00 please add your updates there ^^^ 14:03:08 i included some items for the agenda 14:03:55 is caroline around? 14:04:04 mmm i dont think so 14:05:17 okey, narriral (nah) is here because we are planning to have her running user testing in Colombia with ggus 14:06:03 nah is a researcher and digital security trainer, she runs a lot of cyberfeminist projects and she is helping riseup at the moment with user testing 14:06:35 since she speak spanish and pili cannot make Colombia, we invited her to join us in this adventure 14:06:47 hi narriral! 14:06:48 \o/ yay!!! 14:06:49 o/ 14:06:54 :D 14:07:14 hey cellarpaper! 14:07:21 hi! 14:07:32 do you have backlog? if not i can copy paste for you :) 14:07:37 i dont no :( :( 14:07:43 no worries! 14:08:11 cellarpaper <> narriral -- cellarpaper is our user research coordinator, narriral will be running user testing in Colombia 14:08:23 hi narrial! 14:08:34 hi cellarpaper :) 14:08:43 cellarpaper: nah is a researcher and digital security trainer, she runs a lot of cyberfeminist projects and she is helping riseup at the moment with user testing. Since she speak spanish and pili cannot make Colombia, we invited her to join us in this adventure 14:09:15 we will continue this convo via email but i wanted to make sure that you can met so we can coordinate next user research :) 14:09:24 great great 14:09:49 i am here 14:10:28 im thinking about to run our onboarding script + something related with TBA, I'll go deep via email about that. I can make the spanish translation, ideally we should have it done by the end of this week 14:10:31 hi hiro! 14:10:50 okey, anything else related with colombia? 14:10:57 @antonela— that sounds great to me 14:11:11 ggus: i'll prepare the outreach material in spanish so you can print it, also this week 14:11:14 cellarpaper: awesome, thank you! 14:11:34 antonela: ok! we still have time for printing, so you can do next week 14:11:41 ohh okey 14:11:44 good to know 14:12:13 next agenda item, pili when is the website postmortem? 14:12:16 i'll check narriral logistics (flights+lodging) and i'll followup with you and her by email 14:12:23 wait wait 14:12:32 sorryyy 14:12:32 thursday at 14UTC 14:12:40 should we discuss the activities in colombia? 14:12:47 yes sure 14:12:48 sorry 14:12:51 lets do it 14:12:54 go on :) 14:12:56 how many people we should interview 14:13:16 who 14:13:22 ideally 5 persons per location, not strict 14:13:30 in popayan we will have more campesinos 14:13:38 and students group 14:13:47 yes, and they all have mobile phones so will be a great group for tba 14:14:04 okay! 14:14:20 you have bogota, popayan, cali and ? 14:14:27 medellin? 14:14:28 narriral: questions about the interview, for example, it needs to be recorded? 14:14:31 yes, antonela 14:14:43 the itinerary: cali, popayan, bogota, medellin 14:14:54 we will stay more days in bogota 14:15:05 i'll share with narriral all the instructions for running the test, we have that doc with suggestions and all 14:15:06 i understood that if the interviewee allows, we should record 14:15:08 just to understand- are we having like 20+ user interviews if we're going to 4 locations? 14:15:17 cellarpaper: yes, that is the plan 14:15:24 what do you think? 14:17:17 cool- so maybe for like some demogrpahic questions- it should jsut be a quick paper survey maybe? 14:17:24 it'll cut down on the interview and transcripts 14:17:41 cellarpaper: yes that is a great idea 14:17:46 interview time for transcribing* i mean :) 14:18:01 ah good, it was clear! (i was worried i wrote that weird…) 14:18:08 hahaha 14:18:09 is good 14:18:24 who will transcribe the interview? 14:18:45 if nah records voices after consent, i can transcribe the interviews 14:19:05 do you want their consent to be recorded as well? 14:19:23 ok, but how cellarpaper will analyse the material if it's in spanish? 14:19:34 @narriral we should get their consent 14:19:35 (usually, i record the consent) 14:19:46 ok 14:19:48 yes, i think is good 14:19:49 @ggus if it's a similar structure like age first, then location, etc i can trnslate 14:19:58 and just record teh answers, etc 14:20:00 yeah i can transcribe and translate 14:20:06 ok 14:20:13 the demographics will be easier if we have a check list or something like it 14:20:26 the paper survey seems perfect 14:20:33 sorry @ggus i meant for the paper survey for demographics, cos it wont be changing. @antonela a check list is great!! 14:20:47 yes we can prepare it 14:20:52 i used to have one 14:20:53 let me find it 14:21:18 https://share.riseup.net/#ZoiwrphUtz4FYBsrw0dIcg 14:21:23 we can iterate over this one 14:22:36 one thing that we will need to check if about s/orbot/tba 14:23:41 yep 14:24:39 narriral: any more questions about colombia? :D 14:25:13 no, i'm fine. if i have questions i'll send you (all) an email 14:25:23 thanks! 14:25:30 ok :) 14:25:32 perfect, thank you narriral! 14:25:51 now yes, website postmortem 14:25:55 ok 14:26:10 11:12 pili: thursday at 14UTC 14:26:11 So, we're going to have this at the same time as we normally have the website sync 14:26:13 yup 14:26:22 there was an email sent to tor-internal 14:26:32 but maybe not everyone here is on that email 14:26:40 is going to happen here? in tor-meeting? 14:26:43 yup 14:26:48 perfect 14:27:09 any other questions on that? :) 14:28:00 nope, we have notes about it, is very important that we have this conversation public so people inside the project are in the same page about what we are building, how and specially the capacity we have 14:28:18 +1 14:28:39 specially the capacity we have, in *bold* 14:28:45 :) 14:28:59 *capacity* 14:29:00 lol 14:29:09 pili, you next too 14:29:26 regarding capacity, I did a little exercise earlier of listing all of the projects the UX team is working on lately, it's a lot! 14:29:27 anyway 14:29:37 hahahha 14:29:44 I'm putting together the application and ideas for google season of docs 14:30:09 * antonela crossing fingers for it 14:30:10 and since we can only apply for 2 technical writers maximum I want to dig into the plans for docs.tpo.org 14:30:15 perfect 14:30:17 we have a ticket 14:30:20 #29200 14:30:26 since that would be a nice project that can cover more than one team 14:30:27 aha! 14:30:30 great, thanks! 14:30:37 that probably has all the info I need :) 14:30:56 yes, there is some discussion happened in Belgium about it 14:31:16 ok, do you know if there were notes on that also> 14:31:18 ? 14:31:43 something that we need to discuss also with the networking team is the architecture of all this data. If that human Duncan is going to take this, i'm sure he will have suggestions about how to make it succeed 14:32:12 some nickname overlapping dunqan :( 14:32:29 nono, no notes, just "antonela we should have this", "okey, lets open a ticket" 14:32:30 duncan ≠ dunqan in this instance, right? 14:32:38 ahha yes 14:32:45 haha okay 14:32:48 I was wondering... ;) 14:32:52 i need a better nick 14:33:05 i like your nickname haha 14:33:56 pili: i think we should map the content for docs.tpo, because at the moment there are documents there that aren't technical (how to use tor trademark) 14:34:16 where's "there"? ;) 14:34:27 yes that is my point with "the architecture of all this data" 14:34:34 https://2019.www.torproject.org/docs/documentation.html.en 14:34:53 is everywhere 14:36:12 ok 14:36:19 this all helps :) 14:36:24 thanks 14:36:36 any more info you can provide for me to put together a project would be great :) 14:37:47 i think the priority is organize +update the content we have now at that link ggus shared. Then we have documentation about Tor Browser, which needs to live somewhere at docs.tpo. I think we can discuss it with the technical writer. 14:38:32 okey, what else? 14:39:07 that's it from me 14:39:26 dunqan: we had some back and forth at #29768 14:39:36 Yep just caught up! 14:39:38 i think we are ok now and it will go live 14:39:47 looks good :) 14:39:48 thanks a lot for your help there 14:39:55 no prob! 14:40:09 I have some free time so if personas are still in limbo feel free to fire something over 14:40:39 personas, can we work on it at least to close what we have? 14:40:53 what should i do? review user stories? 14:40:56 review the layout? 14:41:23 User stories should be identical to what was in the spreadsheet, so if they've already been reviewed there they should be good 14:41:34 i know is missing my metrics data part, im waiting for irl reply on it 14:41:38 but feel free to fire over amends on anything 14:41:45 perfect, will do 14:41:53 it's all set up as one big template so pretty easy to change! 14:42:14 there are some minor text issues with the stories I'll fix (lines clashing) but I think everything else imported fine 14:42:15 i showed our draft to some people at IFF, they were impressed :) 14:42:22 oh awesome! 14:42:45 the illustrations are from humaaans.com 14:42:52 and related with it, i found this article from spotify 14:42:57 https://spotify.design/articles/2019-03-26/the-story-of-spotify-personas 14:43:04 yess i know :) 14:43:14 Sorry I missed it, I thought it was canceled for some reason and didn't parse it would be 1h later for me 14:43:37 hey elioqoshi! 14:43:40 oh one thing I think we can improve on is the representation of data in the sidebar 14:43:47 dunqan: yes :) 14:43:48 i'm not sure if the three-level dots is best 14:43:59 is/are 14:44:03 i like the emojis we have at the table 14:44:08 I only have 1 update, a first draft of the Explorer Country page mobile resolutions 14:44:09 https://www.figma.com/file/Z6PtVLW7YkqcTRIRsO2Qzg/Explorer-Country-Pages?node-id=1319%3A3432 14:44:10 we could consider something like it there 14:44:27 yeah in hindsight they actually do a better job of communicating, don't they? 14:44:51 dunqan: i think so 14:45:06 elio! that looks great, we will need a navigation there 14:45:14 besides the main nav 14:46:12 will country pages be responsive? is that mock an approximation of how it should looks? 14:46:15 Yeah, I was talking with Arturo about that 14:46:37 Yeah, they would be responsive and this is a raw vision of how it should look 14:47:12 What would you think about navigation? We thought to include it in the main menu eventually 14:47:20 Or what other pattern would be good here 14:48:03 i expect the hamburger menu having the main navigation, we need something to navigate between inner sections too 14:48:28 the main navigation is Search, Results, Countries, About 14:48:29 Yeah that's my question what you'd suggest? 14:48:46 i'm not sure now, will think about it 14:49:24 https://support.torproject.org/#faq 14:49:36 I could only think of Support being a similar use case 14:49:44 yes, a dropdown 14:50:10 i think that could be better if is fixed 14:50:25 sticky? 14:50:30 yes 14:50:35 Well, I don't think the dropdown for support works right now 14:51:35 mmm 14:52:02 ye is not working 14:52:11 but yes, a sticky/fixed dropdown could help there 14:52:13 But I can imagine the pattern 14:52:16 Sounds good 14:52:29 flag circle + country + V 14:52:38 Once scrollwed down the country name will also be fixed at the top 14:52:43 exactly 14:52:54 So when sharing screenshots, it's understandable what country we are on 14:53:03 yes 14:53:34 thanks elio! 14:53:40 okey, anything else? 14:53:49 * antonela has another meeting in 7 minutes and needs to download random software 14:54:30 i'm good 14:55:09 i'm good as well :) 14:55:23 I'm good 14:55:30 @hola so something like this when scrolled: 14:55:30 https://www.figma.com/file/Z6PtVLW7YkqcTRIRsO2Qzg/Explorer-Country-Pages?node-id=1319%3A3678 14:55:45 I'd only like to have the Firefox Photon Sketch library if that is still possible 14:56:10 no Section but {$flag} {$country_name} 14:56:35 And no main menu bar? 14:56:44 Only have that at the top of the page, not fixed? 14:56:55 like instead of "Section" the country name 14:57:04 elioqoshi will try it for you 14:57:17 re: the .sketch library ^ 14:58:12 okey, thank you folks! 14:58:25 #endmeeting