18:00:47 #startmeeting tor-browser-release 05/22 18:00:47 Meeting started Wed May 22 18:00:47 2019 UTC. The chair is pili. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 18:00:47 Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic. 18:00:57 who's around? :) 18:01:02 * GeKo stumbles in 18:01:13 here's the pad: https://storm.torproject.org/shared/EPs6MFTsNAh8s3Rs9tT-dPIfnK1vdFbqbkfxJSWuUii 18:01:26 feel free to add in any discussion points, updates, etc... :) 18:01:51 o/ 18:03:28 ok, let's get started while people arrive 18:03:38 I feel it might be a short one today... ;) 18:04:34 so we release 8.5 stable yesterday and 9.0a1 today 🎉 18:04:48 is there much fallout from that so far? I've seen a few tickets :) 18:04:50 i’m here 18:05:31 hi sstevenson :) 18:05:34 and everyone else :D 18:05:37 hi :-) 18:05:44 `tbb-8.5-issues` is collecting things 18:05:57 i need to catch up on the past several hours 18:06:11 but in case nothing exploded meanwhile 18:06:27 then we have some bugs, yes, but the sky is not falling 18:07:03 there's a few tickets, but I haven't read to see if they are 8.5 related :) 18:07:16 o/ 18:07:20 so far, are passwords lost? 18:07:47 no, i don't think so 18:08:00 just not available 18:08:20 unless one sets security.nocertdb to false 18:08:23 (again) 18:08:29 i see 18:08:55 that's going to be unpopular... 18:09:23 yeah 18:09:34 i think that will be one of the fixes in a point release 18:10:02 I can work on #30560 18:10:16 but it was a long discussion at that moment 18:10:40 maybe removing the hamburguer menu + the searchbar from the image will make it works 18:10:51 what do you mean with long discussion= 18:10:53 ? 18:11:07 we talked a lot about that situation 18:11:14 * antonela goes to find the ticket 18:11:22 i wrote too much? :) 18:11:30 i think i like sysrqb's suggestion just to focus on the end of the awesombar + the new icons 18:11:59 that should work however you have styled your toolbar in the past 18:12:19 and focuses exactly on the part where the icons are actually injected: 18:12:26 immediately after the url bar 18:12:42 +1 (although it would be good to see what that looks like in an image) 18:12:49 i forgot about the past url bar layout, alas :( 18:12:54 me too 18:13:07 * GeKo is getting old 18:16:17 jiji its fine, will back to the ticket 18:17:06 ok 18:17:09 let's move on then ;) 18:17:44 any other issues we want to discuss or shall we move on to the discussion points? 18:18:41 ok, so we released the donate link 18:18:58 do we want to do anything more catchy for one of the next releases? 18:19:57 talking about next relases 18:19:58 we are considering a ‘bug squash’ mini campaign, but it seems like too quick a turnaround for 6/3 18:20:01 *releases 18:20:10 i think we want to build next week 8.5.1 18:20:21 fixing the most painful things 18:20:45 souns good 18:20:54 and #30541 18:20:55 for 8.5.1 18:21:07 which has na interesting story :( 18:21:10 yes 18:21:15 and then the next one (8.5.2) 2 weeks after that? 18:21:16 and we want 9.0a2 as well 18:21:23 ok 18:21:28 i don't know about 8.5.2 yet 18:22:00 i'd be happy if we just pick up the next batch of firefox security fixes up for 8.5.2 18:22:34 sure 18:22:35 sure 18:23:37 (which should help solving nick's question) 18:24:35 so 9.0a2 next week also then? including ? 18:25:20 at least builing later on in the week 18:25:27 ok 18:25:30 and releasing early in the week thereafter 18:25:39 cool 18:26:34 so, back to sstevenson and the bug squash campaign... were you thinking of adding that into about:tor also? :) 18:27:13 we haven’t fleshed out the campaign yet, but it would run for 1 month. 18:27:38 i think adding something to TB would boost the campaign, but not sure if the timing would work 18:29:25 what does bug squash campaign mean? 18:29:30 I guess depending on when the next security update is, we could either use that release as the end of the campaign or the start... 18:29:52 GeKo: is the next security update the same as the ESR 60.8 release date? 18:30:09 hopefully :) 18:30:25 isa hasn’t given me all the details, but basically we are trying to raise a certain amount to deal with certain bugs 18:31:05 It might be bad timing to include browser bugs (we will be very focused on the ESR 68 transition for the next several months) 18:31:06 so, from my notes... that's out on 2019-07-09 18:31:07 which bugs? 18:31:36 GeKo: I think the team could decide 18:31:39 mcs good point. i’ll bring that up to isa 18:32:34 and yes, I agree with mcs :) 18:32:40 i don't understand the idea behind that campaign 18:32:47 july - september will be pretty much 100% on ESR transition 18:33:09 GeKo: I believe that you match an amount of money raised to a bug fixed based on the number of man hours/cost to fix 18:33:12 i mean we have a bug bounty program and such 18:33:30 e.g thanks to the money you raised we were able to close bugs x, y and z 18:34:16 So we are not asking people to open new bugs, but we are promising to fix certain things if enough $ is raised? 18:34:35 regardless of whether we include tor browser bugs or not though, we could still advertise the campagin on tor browser 18:34:51 i’m not sure if we plan to promise certain bugs will be fixed 18:35:31 okay, i guess we wait for some more details to understand the idea 18:35:36 :) 18:35:37 isa hasn’t given me all of her brainstorm notes - sorry this isn’t fleshed out 18:36:16 knowing the 7/9 date, though, we plan on a banner then - maybe not for the bug squash campaign, but something more general 18:38:58 ok, I'll add a note to remember this mid june 18:39:07 so we can plan for it :) 18:39:20 I can create a ticket also 18:40:16 we can use the same banner we used for the end of year campaign, i mean, the structure/code 18:40:27 we can change the copy and the colors 18:40:53 how much time do we need to leave for localization? 18:41:28 2 weeks more or less 18:41:35 #30577 18:44:20 great i’ll get with the team and decide how to best use the space. 18:45:20 ok, anything else on the banner? :) 18:46:41 seems not 18:46:52 any other requests/questions/comments? :) 18:47:24 i added the item about the wiki page 18:47:39 but this may not be the best place for discussing it 18:47:52 I think it's a good place to bring it up :) 18:48:06 and we can discuss it with the rest of the team on Tuesday also 18:48:42 we can update it during these meetings then :D 18:48:43 okay, that works. basically, i noticed on https://trac.torproject.org/projects/tor/wiki/doc/doc/TorBrowser 18:48:55 there's a link to a non-existant page for the release schedule 18:49:14 hehe, oh dear 18:49:20 it seems like having a public page where we publish our next planned release would be helpful 18:49:29 yup 18:49:31 haha, yeah :) 18:49:41 i know GeKo has plans in his head 18:49:52 but i don't know if many other people know them :) 18:50:07 I'm trying to do some mind reading every now and then ;) 18:50:26 i am fine with making a wiki page if it's helpful for people 18:50:39 the main issue would be maintenance 18:50:42 it's just another page we ened to keep updated 18:50:45 but I'd be happy to keep it updated 18:51:02 and the page should not siffer much from mozilla's schedule 18:51:07 I already have my "master plan" spreadsheet where I try to track this 18:51:08 *differ 18:51:11 yup 18:51:42 yeah, i was thinking it could say something like "we follow mozilla rapid release schedule [here] plus the below additional point releases" 18:51:45 or something like that 18:51:54 which is why i was not sure yet whether the effort is worth it 18:52:07 but pili, i think your idea of updating it during these meeting may work well 18:52:20 even if only adding the next one or two releases 18:52:31 is basically making public this meeting notes 18:52:48 sounds good 18:52:49 but, as an example, when nickm asked earlier when the next alpha release would be - i didn't know the answer 18:52:50 the page could even mention this meeting (and maybe also include a disclaimer: subject to change, etc.) 18:52:55 whatever works for everyone hee 18:52:57 *here 18:53:21 mcs:+1 18:53:53 sounds good to me 18:54:18 ok, let's bring this up on Tuesday to finalise the discussion with the rest of the team 18:54:35 yep. 18:54:58 great! :) 18:55:01 anything else? 18:57:05 ok, let's end it here then 18:57:08 thanks everyone! :) 18:57:11 #endmeeting