17:01:09 #startmeeting weekly network team meeting, July 8 17:01:09 Meeting started Mon Jul 8 17:01:09 2019 UTC. The chair is nickm. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 17:01:09 Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic. 17:01:11 Hello! 17:01:15 o/ 17:01:25 hello o/ 17:01:27 This is likely going to be a preview of the Stockholm meeting, since we've only got a few days before that 17:01:34 I hope folks are well! 17:02:31 Pad is at https://pad.riseup.net/p/tor-netteam-2019.1-keep 17:02:45 do we have mikeperry / catalyst / dgoulet ? 17:03:42 * catalyst is here 17:03:45 Before we look at the 041Status page, let's look specifically at the 041-must tickets: https://trac.torproject.org/projects/tor/query?status=accepted&status=assigned&status=merge_ready&status=needs_information&status=needs_review&status=needs_revision&status=new&status=reopened&keywords=~041-must&group=status&col=id&col=summary&col=status&col=type&col=priority&col=milestone&col=component&order=priority 17:03:52 Hello catalyst ! 17:04:23 looks like #30871 doesn't belong in 041-must any more, since it's been merged to 041. 17:04:57 same as #30649 17:05:01 they both seem like backport tickets 17:05:09 removed 041-must from both 17:05:38 Does anybody super want to backport #31001 to 0.2.9? If not, I will. 17:06:07 ok, that's me. 17:06:56 Now, on to 041Status at https://trac.torproject.org/projects/tor/wiki/org/teams/NetworkTeam/CoreTorReleases/041Status 17:06:57 o/ 17:07:11 we're approaching our one-mont 17:07:25 we're approaching our one-month-to-stable date for 0.4.1, so I'm going to propose something here and on network-team@ 17:07:44 I want us to identify any tickets that should be 041-must but are not... 17:07:57 and I want us to identity any tickets (like CI ones) that can be done post-stable... 17:08:28 and we should assume that everything else that is "041-should" might get deferred. 17:08:43 ok 17:09:05 agreed 17:09:08 That way we can put out an -rc release right after Stockholm, and try to get stable out on time. 17:09:11 sound ok? 17:09:24 yes 17:09:27 awesome 17:09:48 I suggest that today we skip our roadmap checkin, and instead talk about roadmap prep for stockholm 17:09:53 gaba: Anything to say on that? 17:10:01 other folks: any ideas on roadmap prep? 17:11:10 like we did in brussels, but this time we have a lot of the tickets on post-its already? 17:11:13 right 17:11:14 nickm: we need to split up the pre-writing of stickies for s31? 17:11:38 catalyst: I spoke with Teor about that a bit this morning. They won't have time to write anything before Thursday... 17:11:55 ... so I suggested that we take all the tickets and the objectives and try to cluster them 17:12:00 so we don't do 1 sticky per ticket 17:12:06 oops, sorry I was looking at a pad. Yes 17:12:08 and then we each have a smaller list to do pre-Thursday 17:12:18 the only stickies i have readily available aren't big enough for our usual format, i think 17:12:25 catalyst: does that sound okay to you? 17:12:28 I can do stickies 17:12:43 and if so would you like to schedule a clustering time? 17:12:44 nickm: how that would work for building the roadmap? 17:12:45 how should we cluster them? keywords? 17:12:48 (i can do today or tomorrow) 17:12:54 gaba: how would what work? 17:13:07 catalyst: I think broad-ish projects with small-ish steps within them 17:13:13 having clusters instead of the tickets 17:13:26 catalyst: possibly, making parent tickets when appropriate 17:13:33 gaba: I hope we can do it with parent tickets 17:13:59 if that sounds reasonable? 17:15:53 hpoefully is fine. 17:17:21 ok. Is everybody confident about roadmapping going into Stockholm? 17:17:35 catalyst: would you like to cluster with me some time today or tomorrow? I am also okay trying to do it solo 17:17:36 i think so 17:17:45 im good as well 17:18:08 at least for s27. not sure waht's the plan with scaling 17:18:31 nickm: i'm mostly doing trip prep today and tomorrow 17:18:33 gaba: can you ping mikeperry about scaling? 17:18:42 catalyst: ok. I'll cluster then. 17:18:53 nickm: thanks! 17:18:56 yes. mike is on leave until wednesday. I will ping hime about it 17:19:16 we will need to have space for scaling as there are a few specific session on that and one will include planning 17:21:44 ack 17:21:53 gaba: will you be coming with capacity estimates? 17:22:42 yes 17:22:45 awesome 17:22:50 so, on to reviews! 17:22:52 i have some already 17:23:33 please check reviews and keep them coming if you can; more reviews before stockholm will help more than more code before stockholm most likely :) 17:24:51 yep 17:25:20 on announcements: please help with state of the onion items, and with sessions for day 1 17:25:42 on to discussion? 17:25:49 I don't see anything new on rotation updates 17:25:56 catalyst: are your discussion questions fresh? 17:26:36 or are they from last week? 17:26:41 we talked about the Trac workflow one last week 17:27:00 #31081 is new-ish 17:27:31 * catalyst commented on the ticket saying we should figure out which stakeholders to consult 17:27:48 ok. so my thought is that http://www.hyrumslaw.com/ applies, and that it's probably easier to document and support the current behavior than it is to make it an error 17:28:05 especially since the current behavior is reasonably logical 17:28:30 i don't think we have a complete list of every project that uses the controller API. 17:28:31 unless we ever name a config variable "OK" :) 17:28:51 ("set this to true if you are running in Oklahoma") 17:28:52 ;) 17:29:43 i'm going to go with "if there are zero arguments, it MAY return a 250 reply that doesn't correspond to a supported configuration variable" 17:29:54 sounds fine w me 17:31:40 other discussion topics are that 306 (and various other proposals) need attention 17:32:02 shall we talk about the metaproposal for how we do team consensus today, or save it for stockholm? 17:32:32 it may makes sense to have the discussion when dgoulet and teor are around too. 17:32:44 agreed 17:33:03 very much agreed 17:33:29 sounds good to me 17:33:40 do we have any other business today? 17:33:41 and mike around too 17:34:19 if not, I'm going to suggest that we all try to take it easy for the next day or two: we'll be putting in a whole bunch of working hours when we're all in Sweden, and it will be good to show up rested! 17:34:45 yeep 17:35:41 okay. If there's nothing else, I'll call the meeting done, and see everybody in Stockholm! 17:35:48 see you in sweden o/ 17:35:53 cheers all, and safe travels 17:35:53 see you sooner than ever! 17:35:58 yes safe travels! 17:36:03 #endmeeting