15:00:20 #startmeeting S27 07/23 15:00:20 Meeting started Tue Jul 23 15:00:20 2019 UTC. The chair is pili. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 15:00:20 Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic. 15:00:29 who do we have here today? 15:00:41 I know asn and antonela won't be able to make it today 15:01:05 dgoulet brade mcs are you around? :) 15:01:20 yes 15:01:27 Thanks for the ping :) 15:01:54 ok, I'll give everyone a minute to update the pad and get situated 15:02:09 I imagine most updates today will be from network team 15:02:21 I'm expecting a quiet meeting... 15:04:32 the main thing I wanted to double check is what activities we can bill at least 50% for from the sponsor 15:04:45 I know we discussed in Stockholm but it's not in the notes ;) 15:05:10 for O2A1: client auth I think we had mentioned we could bill for 50% 15:05:29 does anyone else remember any other activities that were partly completed? 15:06:59 i wonder if onionbalance-for-v3 got a lot closer to ready with the decision to not fix the cross-cert bug? 15:07:43 I am 15:08:03 I don’t remember for sure, but it seems like there was another item… maybe the DoS work? 15:08:08 pili: the DoS part of s27 is definitely above 50% 15:08:08 (since 'now we have a solid plan and design for it') 15:08:12 I would say close to 90% imo 15:08:22 great dgoulet! thanks for confirming 15:08:50 pili: how can I give you a proper number? 15:08:56 pili: or you just need "above 50%" 15:09:05 90% is fine 15:09:16 or I can just say 75% to be on the safe side 15:09:21 yeah could be a bit less in reality, can't say for sure but definitely above 50% 15:09:24 yeah go safe 15:09:32 great 15:09:42 arma1: OBv3 is on asn's task list starting end of August 15:10:25 arma1: because of the cross-cert bug that we won't fix for now, I guess we made a leap forward in % for sure :P 15:11:32 dgoulet: is that bug documented somewhere? 15:11:47 it is 15:12:02 we have a proposal to fix it, we'll clean it up and merge it to torspec also 15:12:07 in order to "not forget" ;) 15:12:25 cool cool 15:13:18 also, next week it will be time to submit the next report to the sponsor 15:13:31 I was planning to give a summary of the stockholm meeting 15:13:46 are there any other items anyone would like to highlight? 15:14:11 I will send the reminder email this week anyway but this is your first reminder to start thinking of things :) 15:15:57 does anyone have any blockers and or dependencies they'd like to discuss? 15:16:04 * dgoulet is good here 15:16:21 all right 15:16:43 the last item from me is regarding the meeting frequency during the summer vacation/ESR68 transition period 15:17:05 I propose we move this to a ~montly meeting 15:17:07 until October more or less 15:17:16 we can make it more regular if we see we need to 15:17:36 but that would make our next meeting the 20th August at the same time 15:17:42 is that ok? any objections? :) 15:17:56 fine with me 15:17:59 fine with me 15:18:22 good good 15:18:29 any last items from anyone? :) 15:18:44 paul wanted to join us today btw, but he's having problems connecting 15:19:28 ok, I think we'll leave it at that for today then 15:19:33 thanks everyone! 15:19:44 #endmeeting