16:00:39 #startmeeting websites 08/07 16:00:39 Meeting started Wed Aug 7 16:00:39 2019 UTC. The chair is pili. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 16:00:39 Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic. 16:00:45 let's start the bot anyway 16:01:27 hey 16:01:45 here's the pad https://storm.torproject.org/shared/6RVelpol1SVMs7nfID2W5aT0Y00ZXxTtsXoaesPIcsp 16:01:55 ok, just out of my other meeting 16:01:59 o/ 16:02:02 please add any updates and discussion points 16:02:11 while I quickly go get a drink... ;) 16:02:25 hi folks 16:02:32 *loading* 16:03:15 * antonela imagines ggus loading 16:03:26 o/ 16:03:48 back 16:04:27 haha sandstorming loading in tor browser 16:04:32 sandstorm 16:05:14 let's see 16:05:57 * cy63113 snooping around 16:07:12 welcome cy63113 :) 16:07:19 ok, let's start 16:07:29 :) 16:09:12 last week we reviewed the site and came up with some actions 16:09:23 I removed the speakers section from outreach 16:09:28 and did a few other minor fixes 16:09:42 does anyone have any other updates? :) 16:09:48 (on the community portal for now) 16:10:20 I'm working with Marco to have him as volunteer to migrate some trac webpages 16:11:06 i have been working on the code of conduct etc 16:12:06 *on how to localize the documents at https://gitweb.torproject.org/community/policies.git/ ) 16:12:41 great 16:12:42 but i am waitign for a version of the latex template to look on the slides l10n 16:13:02 yup, I've got that on my list, hopefully I get to look at this this friday 16:13:05 as next week I'm afk 16:14:28 antonela:any updates on the user research section? when do you think you and thurayya can start adding content? 16:15:12 we planned to work on it in the next two weeks 16:15:19 we have first to work on reporting q1 and q2 16:15:44 after that we will start on the user research material 16:16:38 sounds good, thanks :) 16:17:06 any other updates or discussion regarding the community portal? 16:17:57 i'm good, didn't have time last week to push a lot of contribution 16:18:51 lets add the edit button to staging so people can submit changes when reviewing! i am hoping for stephw to use it :D 16:19:11 yeah, we need to come up with a good workflow for her 16:19:13 I think hiro is working on something 16:19:24 little by little we can help people to help us more :) 16:20:04 ohh an edit button sounds wonderful :) 16:20:27 so maybe we can discuss whether this should point to github or dip here 16:20:44 so for me the pros for github are: 16:20:49 stephw: we are working on this, you can try the one on the support portal https://lektor-staging.torproject.org/support/staging/tbb/tbb-2/ 16:20:58 a) people can show off their contributions more easily 16:21:21 b) its easy to submit a PR for us to review and then cherry pick in dip 16:21:46 s/dip/torgit 16:22:18 pili: +1 i really believe the show off factor will also prevent people of ranting. 16:22:29 they will not want to smudge their github account... 16:23:13 :/ 16:23:23 do you prefer to link people to github? 16:23:49 antonela: in reality, once you are on the link you could do other things... you can fork the repo somewhere else... 16:24:30 yes, so in that case i prefer to keep people on dip 16:25:05 also it will mean we can rely on github to know this contributor, see if it has done contributions somewhere else... 16:25:17 noob question: in dip they can create an issue without creating an account? 16:25:40 we are leaving gh and we want to smooth our collab in our repos, so dip at some point will be official repo 16:25:44 ggus: we should try that 16:26:13 i mean, is the same for me but it is something we need some consensus 16:26:18 *that needs 16:27:02 right 16:27:25 i dont like that github is from microsoft now 16:27:55 but i mean, this is not the only way of submitting a patch.... 16:28:03 i don't like they blocking users from Iran & other countries 16:28:08 emmapeel: that works great for me, thank you! 16:28:19 true 16:28:20 hmmm 16:28:25 ok, let's keep it in dip then and see how that goes 16:28:37 can users create an account in dip? 16:28:51 ggus +1 16:28:52 in dip to create an issue you need to have an account now 16:29:06 stephw: could you do a test correction to see if it works? 16:29:47 hey! sorry that I comment without reading backlog (not following the meeting). We are working on having people to create guest accounts. The idea is to have the same as debian has with salsa.debian.org in front of their gitlab. 16:30:16 thanks gaba 16:30:17 well, I don't want to create friction for people to submit a correction 16:30:18 we want to make it as easy as possible 16:30:29 I wonder if it would be overkill to have both a link to github and dip 16:30:57 not too easy cause they may be living on their mothers basement and start clicking cause they are bored 16:31:00 to let people decide what they are most comfortable with 16:31:12 haha 16:31:21 well, I mean, submit a PR easy :P 16:31:30 rather than go to dip, need an account, etc... 16:31:37 which is also overhead for us 16:31:42 because we need to possibly approve the account 16:31:45 or whatever 16:31:53 not sure how the flow would work in the dip case 16:31:58 pili: but for us to review the PR of a stranger is a lot of work always! 16:31:58 we need to figure that out 16:32:17 it is nice if we can get some references.. like ... oh this is hte guy that wrote gpg, ok... 16:32:20 of course 16:32:22 but that should be the only work, not also to create an account, etc, etc... 16:32:29 especially for the hackathon coming up 16:32:34 oh, sure 16:32:50 OMG we need the people attending the hackaton to be able to open tickets in dip then 16:32:55 yes 16:32:58 tickets and PRs 16:33:21 /o\ ;) 16:33:47 maybe we need to move this discussion to some other forum because we have 30 minutes to go and I want to do some triage also 16:33:55 maybe we each come up with a list of pros and cons? 16:34:06 gaba: when do you think it will be possible to open guest accounts in dip? 16:34:11 sure 16:34:19 and try to solve it that way? 16:34:21 also what the workflow would look like for each 16:35:53 ok, shall we move on for now then? 16:36:00 sure 16:36:23 we can continue this conversation in the pr https://dip.torproject.org/web/support/merge_requests/1 16:36:23 we must have a decision before the first week of septmeber 16:36:25 I'll skip over the blog for now because I think we need to wait for hiro to get back for this 16:36:28 emmapeel: when we make it official. We do not have a deadline so far and we should. I'm planning to talk with hiro when she is back to check on capacity for this. 16:36:30 yup, thanks antonela 16:37:37 great job on the support portal antonela :D 16:37:45 tpo 16:37:48 :) 16:37:49 thanks 16:38:17 does anyone have any items on the tpo website before we move on to the triage? 16:38:49 so, for the triage, I just looked at trac for now: https://nc.riseup.net/s/3XqnSkC9rGmb9CN 16:38:50 i think the banner is quite ok 16:39:15 since I'm interested in clearing backlog 16:39:37 I already did some pre-triage and I have some tickets I want to discuss :) 16:39:45 we can also mark some that could be good for the hackathon 16:40:32 starting with the newest tickets for now though: #31295 16:40:33 yeah. also get the ones that are not ours out of the list :D 16:40:40 hehe 16:40:55 so, I'm not sure if anyone knows anything about this and whether it's possible 16:41:18 it seems to be part of a trend of usability issues with signature verification 16:41:30 if no one has any ideas maybe we can wait to discuss with hiro in 2 weeks 16:41:48 could you make your "signature verification issues" list public, pili? 16:41:59 i dont kno whow to do that in lektor, but it should be possible 16:42:15 or add them to a parent ticket? maybe? 16:42:18 antonela: sure, I haven't completed it yet :) it's mainly as I'm triaging things 16:42:19 but I can compile it and send it to UX list 16:42:40 cool, thanks! 16:43:16 https://trac.torproject.org/projects/tor/ticket/31325 seems ot be ready for a PR 16:43:28 yup, I need to finish that off 16:43:31 and the other sponsor ones 16:43:34 oh sorry, we were coming from the bottom up 16:44:19 nope, from the top :) but I'm skipping those that already have owners or a clear next step/action 16:45:04 anyway, then there's a few I've seen so far related to the onion services for our websites and redirections to onion services: #31216 , #30709, #29944, # 16:45:39 pili: this is not tpa? 16:45:46 possibly 16:46:11 tpa? 16:46:18 this is one of those where the line is unclear 16:46:19 because hiro sits on the line :) 16:46:20 should I move the component then? 16:46:24 or assign to anarcat? 16:46:25 or? 16:46:49 i think we could ask anarcat 16:47:09 it's more infra than web dev 16:47:42 ok 16:48:38 yes 16:48:49 i agree with ggus 16:49:20 let's move on to a few issues with display on mobiles: #31014, #30327, #29937 16:49:34 (there may be more, but this is as far as I got with my pre-triage) 16:50:06 hmmm, css 16:50:18 yup 16:50:34 at some point we need to start thinking about priorities for these 16:50:52 #29937 is horrible, we should fix it 16:51:18 :) 16:51:42 is this one for you antonela or for hiro? or someone who loves css? :) 16:51:43 i think it is a duplicate even 16:51:48 or one for the hackathon? 16:51:53 i can work on mobile tickets, yes 16:51:58 it's not for the hackathon 16:52:09 its not documentation, is web programming 16:52:16 web-dev 16:52:38 maybe we could temporarily move the dropdown to the top before 'about' 16:53:43 done 16:53:45 ok, I'm going to move on while people are thinking about this :) 16:53:58 #30966 I asked the person who raised it to write it for us ;) 16:54:00 i just assigned those 3 to myself 16:54:17 #30965 16:54:19 we were just discussing in #tor-dev, it's been moved to dip 16:54:43 #30936 - I'm unclear where this is at, I think it just needs a review 16:54:50 can someone volunteer to do this while hiro is out? 16:55:00 #30966 should be done in hackathon to support portal 16:55:10 pili: catalyst had some ideas about #30936 16:55:19 I think they did a PR 16:55:45 it has been merged 16:55:48 is done? 16:55:54 ah, cool, so it can be closed? 16:55:56 https://dip.torproject.org/web/tpo/merge_requests/1 16:56:24 #30844 - hackathon? 16:56:53 #30838 - hackathon? 16:57:00 yeah 16:57:39 #30751 - this is signature verification adjacent... antonela could we have another bubble next to the signature for this? 16:57:42 i thought we were not going to update 2019.www anymore (re #30838) 16:57:48 ggus: agreed 16:58:11 so, that instructions should move to other portal 16:58:21 actually, I think that one was up for discussion 16:58:27 ok, so I'll add a comment about this going to docs portal 16:58:39 yes 16:59:02 the problem is that we still use that link in many places... 16:59:03 i think we should nevertheless add a note to the good document at the 2019.* pages 16:59:09 for example, relay guide in community portal 16:59:16 like ' this page has been superseeded by URL' 16:59:26 well... what do we do then? :) 16:59:37 pili: /o\ dunno 16:59:48 :) 16:59:53 let's leave it there :P 16:59:58 and can carry on conversation on ticket 17:00:26 I'll continue going down the list and can continue this next meeting until we catch up :) 17:00:38 any last comments from anyone before I end the meeting? 17:01:18 i would like to reproduce the links on the community and tb lektors in staging 17:01:20 im not going to fix #30751 by adding more information at the download page 17:01:34 antonela: ok :) 17:01:40 emmapeel: sounds good 17:01:49 lets try to work on the signatures issue in a holistic way, not by adding patches to fix tickets randomly 17:01:54 when hiro comes we can do the merge to master 17:01:55 antonela: and md5 is broken for years 17:02:17 antonela: yup, I will collect all the signature tickets for this 17:02:22 yes, and the politics behind those 17:02:24 ok, anything else? 17:02:53 I'll take that as a no :) 17:02:58 #endmeeting