15:59:35 #startmeeting Community Team meeting - 08-26-2019 15:59:35 Meeting started Mon Aug 26 15:59:35 2019 UTC. The chair is ggus. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 15:59:35 Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic. 15:59:57 hola! let's update our pad - https://pad.riseup.net/p/tor-community-team-2019-keep 16:00:43 * ggus eating the desert while wait others to update the pad 16:00:44 o/ 16:00:46 hi 16:00:58 (running late :P _ 16:01:19 last week i was at cccamp. pretty *amazing*! <3 16:02:49 kat5: about tshirts, we received an email at frontdesk asking about material, sizes and other things. i'll fwd to you tomorrow. 16:03:01 Cool. 16:06:24 antonela: we should publish media party activivty in torproject calendar 16:06:40 yes, lets do it 16:06:47 i just got the confirmation, adding the details in the pad 16:06:55 nice! 16:07:44 media party activity? :D 16:07:57 ah 16:08:15 * emmapeel wonders still 16:08:30 http://mediaparty.info/ 16:08:40 just click on anto link :) 16:08:47 there is a media party event in ba later this week, we are talking about it ^^ 16:09:34 nice 16:09:52 awesome! 16:09:55 is ailanthus around? i read an email about helping helpdesk 16:10:54 okay, let's start. 16:11:10 today we have on our agenda docs hackathon 16:11:22 i was offline last week i didn't finish to read irc backlog 16:11:34 how the hackathon prep is going? 16:12:52 we' ve got a plan :D 16:13:38 pili has it (i cant find the link) 16:13:51 the wiki? :) 16:13:54 one sec 16:14:07 https://trac.torproject.org/projects/tor/wiki/org/teams/CommunityTeam/DocsHackathon 16:14:19 it's not finished 16:14:31 I ran out of steam, would appreciate some help filling out the details 16:14:44 and we really need to publish the blog post this week 16:15:26 what's the state of the blog post? do we have the survey ready? 16:15:45 I saw stephw made some great edits: https://nc.riseup.net/s/48LAECAtkLNjWbF 16:16:05 i am still working on it, but i can definitely have done this week 16:16:08 we do have survey: https://survey.torproject.org/index.php/726752?lang=en - it's waiting for the right theme to be added 16:16:09 I'm working on the image, hopefully can send it by tonight 16:16:26 I think either antonela or hiro were going to look at updating the survey theme 16:16:36 * antonela doing it now 16:17:02 thanks antonela ! :) 16:18:04 I was thinking if the repositories could have a readme with instructions on how to set up locally, that would help the hackathon participants. 16:18:23 clash: +1 16:18:46 https://github.com/torproject/manual has one but https://github.com/torproject/support doesn't 16:19:19 clash: i even think that this readme should be part of the hackathon 16:19:38 ggus: that's an awesome idea! 16:20:19 since the whole point is making it easy for outside contributors to understand what's going on, it's smart to have their insights 16:21:13 an initial readme could be set up first 16:21:24 when we want to publish the blog post? 16:21:28 tomorrow? today? 16:22:05 asap :) 16:22:39 can someone take a look at any missing details? I think it's just links to wikis, etc... 16:22:52 I'm swamped with browser planning today 16:23:36 i am finishing another post for tomorrow 16:23:45 i'm traveling in 1 hour and getting home very late 16:23:52 stephw: is about bridges? 16:23:55 yes 16:24:10 maybe wednesday then? :) 16:24:11 i think wednesday makes sense so we can review 16:24:12 yes 16:24:18 sounds good, thanks stephw 16:24:19 wednesday to start on friday? 16:24:24 ops 16:24:25 to start monday 16:27:09 stephw: for your bridges blogpost tweet -> https://pad.riseup.net/p/b-lo-QcVCC9To_RwenM6 16:27:24 let's review togerther the blog post 16:27:29 ok, so tomorrow I'll try to take a look at the blogpost then and fill in any missing details 16:27:48 in wiki says Monday 2nd September 00:00UTC to Sunday 8th September 23:59UTC 16:27:59 antonela: <3 16:28:09 in blogpost: " with a week-long documentation hackathon during the week of the 2nd - 6th September" 16:28:14 stephw: :) 16:31:03 I think it will be until the 8th, no? but it depends if we're able to monitor over the weekend 16:33:35 everyone's gone quiet :D 16:33:46 cri cri 16:33:54 I'm happy with either decision, but we need to commit to one or the other :) 16:33:57 i think we should simplify the blog post and remove things that we don't have capacity to do. 16:34:05 i want to connect but i think i will go to party to bcn 16:34:12 for example, to have point on tickets 16:34:35 ggus: but we need to have some way to estimate effort... :/ 16:35:00 and if we're not available at the weekend, let's just make it run until Friday midnight 16:35:17 and then have the merge period happen over the following week before deciding prizes? 16:35:26 pili: we need someone with git r+w available on saturday 16:35:42 maybe instead of points we can look at the work done and award points based on that though 16:35:49 i.e evaluate the work people have actually done 16:36:38 pili: yes, it would be easier for us 16:37:01 i think we should have a simplified verison of this blog post to be published today 16:37:12 so ppl have 1 week to know about it 16:37:33 and we can update the blog post with more details later this week (like wednesedsay) 16:37:56 where do you think it could be simplified? 16:38:17 we also need to wait for the image 16:38:18 for example: How will contributions be counted? 16:40:02 ok, maybe we can remove that or just say we will "grade" the contributions 16:40:29 I wanted to be transparent but I guess it's going to be more work... 16:42:34 i agree 16:42:53 who's going to be available on satruday and sunday? 16:42:56 o/ 16:43:56 ill try to be a bit available for merges, but not the whole time 16:44:24 I can help out in the morning and evening 16:44:56 what will we need to help out with? reviews, merges, helping people get started? 16:46:01 yes, lektor help :D 16:46:08 i think that's all 16:47:01 also we need people to review the content changes 16:47:10 but if it's only we 3, i think it's just more and more work. and probably we should do till friday so 16:47:43 yeah, the other thing I just realised is that it will be my last weekend here and I'm flying on Monday 16:47:51 so I will probably need to be sorting things out 16:48:02 I think it will be a better experience for people if we just do it until Friday 16:48:08 it's our first one so let's see how it goes 16:48:09 ok 16:48:11 agree 16:48:16 and be more ambitions for the next one 16:48:21 i hope people kkeps contributing after the hackathon 16:48:44 *keeps 16:50:04 let's say what else is missing 16:50:05 * clash is back from dinner 16:50:07 in our todo 16:50:23 What is the scope of anything goes on Sunday? 16:50:35 All repos under torproject? 16:51:05 no, the hackathon scope is just documentation from tpo, support, tb-manual 16:51:39 oh so any of those 3 16:52:23 yes 16:53:00 but we're not going to do the weekend in the end clash 16:53:09 so I need to update the wiki to reflect that 16:53:30 maybe we just change thursday and friday for people to work on anything they like 16:53:35 pili: i selected the right theme and since we have just 2 questions, i'm showing them in a one-page fashion https://survey.torproject.org/index.php/726752?lang=en 16:53:46 and just have monday - weds be focused on one website 16:54:04 antonela: perfect, thanks! 16:54:22 pili: the title is quite confusing, maybe we can update it with the same wording we are using in the blogpost to make it easier for people to understand 16:54:28 yeah 16:54:37 pili, cool thanks! 16:54:40 there's quite a bit of duplication in the bullets also 16:54:49 we can probably condense that quite a bit 16:54:57 yep, feel free 16:56:21 i think below "more details" this all should be in wiki page 16:56:30 so we can have a blog post 16:57:47 we have 3 minutes left 16:57:50 agreed! 16:58:13 so for the blog post: we only need to review and have a image? 16:59:03 let's discuss at tor-www or mailing list 16:59:38 #endmeeting