16:01:03 #startmeeting Community Team - 07/10/2019 16:01:03 Meeting started Mon Oct 7 16:01:03 2019 UTC. The chair is ggus. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 16:01:03 Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic. 16:01:13 Hello folks! Community team meeting starting :) 16:01:17 hi! 16:01:26 Let's update our pad here: https://pad.riseup.net/p/tor-community-team-2019-keep 16:01:38 o/ 16:01:55 hiii :)) 16:02:20 hello cy63113 clash bim :) 16:02:25 o/ 16:02:28 hellais: correct! 16:03:21 Hello! I'm an Outreachy participant :) 16:03:28 hello bluemoon :) 16:03:34 hello! 16:03:52 hi! 16:04:03 also, outreachy sounds nice :) 16:04:10 I wasn't aware of Outreachy, but I have contributed to community stuff before and would like to get involved and participate in that still... is that possible? 16:04:11 Hi. I'm participating in Outreachy as well o/ 16:04:12 Hi all:) 16:04:23 I belive there was a deadline I missed 16:04:41 Yep. You missed the initial deadline. 16:04:52 bim: hum, i don't think so :/ 16:05:11 bummer :9 16:05:12 :( 16:05:37 My first meeting. Hello @ggus :). I have not started my contributions yet but "Check and answer common questions from our users (probably some of 16:05:40 them you will need to do some research) - we will email this to 16:05:44 for those who arrived now, here's our pad: https://pad.riseup.net/p/tor-community-team-2019-keep please update it with what you have been working 16:05:45 applicants, get in touch with us." 16:05:50 There's always next year, bim. :D 16:05:57 hi, sorry, I'm a bit late today :) 16:06:10 bluemoon: oh yes, we will arrive there. see Discussion at the end of the pad :) 16:06:15 Since I got an email adding me to a list I haven't sent separate email but is that what I need to do? 16:06:16 hello pili! 16:06:21 ok :) 16:07:23 Hello everyone, I am an outreachy applicant:) 16:09:49 Hi jyox. Welcome 16:10:55 hi outreachy applicants, welcome! 16:11:22 Thank you:) 16:12:19 since everyone updated the pad, let's start 16:12:33 * Outreachy applicants introduce yourselves (if you want) 16:12:59 since last week we have some new faces around here on IRC 16:13:18 we have two projects in this Outreachy edition 16:13:30 Hi, I'm Debora from Paraguay (I've sent an email to everyone but not sure if you got it), I'm another Outreachy applicant :) 16:13:41 one project is connected with Community team 16:14:10 and the other (influencers and improve Tor's image) is connected with stephw 16:14:11 hola debora! bienvenida! 16:14:28 Hola Emma! Gracias! 16:14:56 for project 1 - support tor users, we have weekly meetings here in IRC, every monday, 1600 UTC. 16:15:33 in other to collaborate, you must send an email to us to get a gitlab account (dip.torproject.org) 16:15:52 you can email me (gus@torproject.org) and pili (pili@torproject.org) 16:15:58 o/ 16:16:39 some of you are starting to contribute, sending pull requests to our documentation, and it looks pretty good! :D 16:16:45 Hi, I'm Teona from Georgia (country), Outreachy applicant for the 1st project:) 16:17:15 If someone need help with project 1, you can reach me out 16:17:39 i'll review these PRs this week. If you have questions while working on the website, please join us on #tor-www 16:18:05 My PR needs to review still.......... 16:18:11 in that channel we discuss all about the websites and we can help you to contribute 16:18:25 Hello all, I'm Renate from Cameroon and am interested in tor's second project. Nice to meet you all 16:19:12 Highflyer910: yep, it's on my list 16:19:37 How about new frontdesk questions?:) 16:19:50 Good question! 16:19:51 so 16:20:45 for outreachy people and other people that wants to start contributing to the website, i prepared some notes about how to write content on the website. you can read them at https://dip.torproject.org/torproject/web/tpo/wikis/Writing-the-content 16:20:46 for now, you all will not have directly access to frontdesk, since it's a private communication. But I'll email common questions that we receive there to you 16:22:03 more questions? 16:22:06 Thanks emmapeel ;) 16:22:24 yes thanks :) 16:22:40 good stuff, emmapeel 16:23:05 Thanks emmapeel! 16:23:09 I have a question about opening tickets to report bugs to Tor Browser devs 16:23:17 do we have access to this? 16:23:36 To report TB bugs, you need to use trac.torproject.org 16:23:41 you can create an account 16:24:00 and you don't need pili or I to approve that 16:24:23 Ah ok, I just saw a broken link and I guess this is where I notify, right? 16:25:09 i just wish to ask what criteria are taken into consideration when choosing an Influencer who could help improve Tor's image 16:25:10 If it's documentation, you can report to us. The community and ux team are responsible for the content 16:25:30 if it's tor browser onboarding: UX team 16:25:38 if it's website stuff: community team 16:26:12 debgal: but you can open there, and if it's wrong we modify it. so, don't worry :) 16:26:33 ;) cool, got it! 16:26:37 I wish to know how I can submit answers to questions/issues on GitLab. And maybe an alternative means to submitting proposed answers to questions on GitHub perhaps,so that I can get familiar with how those platforms work,since I am new to Open source 16:26:54 reta: that's more of a question for stephw :) 16:27:01 reta: so, this project is coordinated by stephw. get in touch with her. i don't know what she is planing there :) 16:27:29 ggus I had my 1st attempt to answer a question on Reddit. Should I send the link to you on email? 16:28:12 ok thanks i will get to her. 16:28:23 Hey Asong. We don't use GitHub issues. Because...well, long story short, it would create a new bug tracker and in tor project we use Trac. 16:29:31 So, in order to contribute, you need to ask a gitlab account for us 16:29:54 Highflyer910: Yes 16:31:57 Another important thing: in march of this year, we moved from this website 2019.www.torproject.org to https://www.torproject.org. So we're still working on migrating stuff from there to the new portals: support.torproject.org, community.torproject.org and soon dev.torproject.org 16:32:22 what will dev.tpo be about? 16:32:49 the developers portal. everything about little-t-tor 16:33:25 ah sounds nice! 16:34:11 Could we help with migrating stuff too? 16:35:32 not now, because we need to check if it's updated, if it's going to dev/community/support/tb-manual, or if we don't it want anymore :) 16:35:50 debgal: there are already some tickets for moving things 16:36:38 ok, I see 16:38:19 Thank ggus 16:38:45 More questions? :) 16:39:02 my worry is how to make contribution for Outreachy after seeing an issue i want to work on ,on the GitLab Repo 16:39:36 I think you're supposed to make the changes on GitHub and propose a PR 16:39:47 Asong: the workflow is: you comment on the issue, go to your github or other git instance, and submit a PR to us 16:40:02 We will review the PR and approve it or ask you to make changes 16:40:57 So what should be the flow of the PR 16:41:06 Question, then answer? 16:41:30 Like i highlight the questions i am answering? 16:42:03 and am i creating a new repo to answer the questions? 16:42:28 let me give you an example 16:42:33 ttyl pipol! 16:42:45 ggus,that will be perfect. Thanks 16:43:34 ggus,i didnt get the reply to Highflyer910 questions 16:43:35 RotationMatrix checked that this issue was open: https://dip.torproject.org/torproject/web/manual/issues/11 16:44:20 and here's the pull request: https://github.com/torproject/manual/pull/51 16:44:55 Asong: could you share the link? 16:45:09 what questions? 16:47:08 Asong: ? 16:48:29 ok people, more questions? 16:48:36 Btw there were questions on reddit , that can't find on manuals , so what can I do in this case? 16:48:45 about their 1st attemp to answering questions on reddit 16:49:14 Asong I should send Ggus the link of the QA 16:49:34 Highflyer910: if you think it's relevant to the documentation, you can open a new issue on dip.torproject.org 16:49:42 okay Highflyer910 16:49:53 if you don't know the answer, you can ask #tor-www or #tor-project 16:50:14 Thing is those were not 16:50:21 Okay, good:) 16:51:40 and please don't forget to fill the pad: https://pad.riseup.net/p/tor-community-team-2019-keep 16:52:03 add your nick in presents, what you have been working, etc 16:52:13 ok, more questions? we have more 8 minutes 16:52:49 Oh and when we can start to record our contributions on Outreachy site? 16:53:13 hm, this is a good question to ask Sage/outreachy org 16:53:45 @Highflyer910 I think you can start recording them any time and you can edit them after 16:54:48 "You can record a contribution as soon as you start working on it. You can go back and edit your recorded contribution at any time. " 16:55:00 https://www.outreachy.org/docs/applicant/#make-contributions 16:55:59 And also, how do i make a proporsal to the dev team for new features or edits? 16:56:00 thanks, bluemoon 16:56:04 bluemoon thank you! 16:56:19 Thanks bluemoon 16:56:35 Thank you too Highflyer910 for the question 16:56:42 No problem :) 16:57:19 Asong: depends on what kind of edits. and features we can discuss on community/ux team meetings, but you can open a ticket on trac 16:57:52 ok people, it's almost on time. i'll stop the bot. 16:58:04 if you have questions, we will available on #tor-www 16:58:07 Okay,I will open a ticket 16:58:24 Thanks ggus ! 16:58:25 thanks all for coming to the meeting. I'm very happy to work with you all! :D 16:58:36 #endmeeting