15:02:06 #startmeeting metrics team meeting 15:02:06 Meeting started Mon Oct 14 15:02:06 2019 UTC. The chair is karsten. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 15:02:06 Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic. 15:02:12 hi sysrqb, acute, irl! 15:03:32 https://storm.torproject.org/shared/5h1Goax5eNusxjXJ_Ty5Wl7hFR1uqCReUiN8xdlBG8T <- agenda pad 15:04:29 please add topics you want to discuss today. 15:05:32 should we start without gaba? 15:06:01 ok 15:06:06 alright: 15:06:10 Tor Browser measurements (karsten) 15:06:28 sysrqb: thanks for joining us today! 15:06:39 hi! 15:06:48 thanks for having me :) 15:06:48 we briefly talked about running these measurements ~1.5 weeks ago. 15:06:52 yes 15:07:02 the time is 4pm utc, right? 15:07:14 3pm utc 15:07:26 current time is 3:08 utc. 15:07:37 but you're asking for the community team meeting, reetika? that's in 52 minutes. 15:07:57 15:08 utc to be precise. 15:08:10 i am asking about the one, in which stephw will be co-ordinating 15:08:37 hi reetika: please send me an email to introduce yourself steph@torproject.org 15:08:55 cool. :) 15:09:08 sysrqb: so, I wrote you an email with where we are re: tor browser measurements. 15:09:09 already sent:) 15:09:37 sysrqb: what are your thoughts on setting something up? 15:10:39 karsten: yes, i got your email and read it, but didn't respond :/ 15:11:06 i think this is something we can work on beginning in the next month or two 15:11:27 i'll need to discuss this with the team, but it is important that we begin collecting this data 15:11:35 when's your next meeting? 15:11:50 today at...17:30 15:12:55 how about we talk again on thursday at 15 utc at our usual meeting time? 15:12:57 so i can bring this as a discussion point then 15:13:32 or we discuss this more via email in the next days? 15:13:39 this thursday? (17 Oct)? 15:13:48 yes, right. 15:14:07 okay 15:14:16 i can follow up with an email after our team meeting 15:14:27 yes, that would be great! 15:14:30 and then we can decide if we should discuss this on Tursday 15:14:41 sounds good. 15:14:44 thanks! 15:14:59 great! tanks 15:15:46 moving on: 15:15:47 OpsDocs (irl) 15:16:08 #30881 is context 15:16:23 the sysadmins are producing documentation for services, and we have services too 15:16:25 this sounds very related to our attempts to have a second operator for all our services. 15:16:47 we should use similar documentation techniques to ensure that not only can we manage all our services, but so could the sysadmins in a disaster where we are both unavailable 15:17:26 some html version of this can be found at https://help.torproject.org/ but i'm writing the documents in mdoc in the metrics-cloud repo with a script to update help.tpo 15:17:48 the first one will be onionoo, as we're changing how deployment for that works 15:17:53 can we somehow combine this with automating our services more? 15:18:00 ah, okay. 15:18:09 that's the idea, the document is a manual on how to use the automation 15:18:35 I would like to do this for onionperf 15:18:54 and onionperf also uses metrics-cloud automation, so this makes sense as the next thing to do 15:19:22 once these are done, perhaps karsten you would like to use these as templates for another service 15:19:27 and eventually we cover all of them 15:19:27 how can I help with the onionoo part of this? 15:19:44 for onionoo once i've done the doc you can review it to add anything that might be missing 15:19:56 okay! 15:20:15 and yes, having this for onionperf sounds very useful, too. and for the other services after that. 15:20:43 alright! moving on? 15:20:48 yes, that's all for that topic 15:21:08 ouch!! I didn't add this meeting to my calendar and i forgot! 15:21:12 sorry I'm just connecting 15:21:15 hello! 15:21:32 hi! 15:21:41 hi! 15:22:00 I'll quickly say something about OONI metadata database, to give gaba the chance to catch up. 15:22:15 so, I followed the instructions to mirror that database. 15:22:46 this process stopped ~1.5 weeks ago shortly before I left, and I resumed it a few hours ago. 15:22:59 apparently it takes many hours for postgresql to import the files downloaded from s3. 15:23:17 in summary, no real news today. but a question: 15:23:22 is the instance in the same region as the bucket? 15:23:41 what's the goal here? have a database copy to look for interesting stuff? 15:24:02 or is the goal to later have a database copy for metrics-web? 15:24:05 to have the vanilla tor and bridge reachability data to make visualisations relevant to anti-censorship work 15:24:09 yeah, for metrics-web 15:24:16 it's not the downloading that is slow, it's the processing on the machine. 15:24:21 we don't need all the tables so maybe we can find a way to exclude some 15:24:41 I don't see how we could exclude tables using the described approach. 15:24:49 what about downloading a .csv file from them instead? 15:25:02 this would be after knowing exactly what we need. 15:25:15 i think the problem with that approach is that it's not going to scale over time 15:25:26 because the file gets bigger? 15:25:31 yes 15:25:36 we need a way to get deltas from them 15:25:37 but the database gets bigger even faster. 15:26:17 downloading a 10M or even 50M file from them once per day shouldn't be a problem. 15:26:24 if we've learned that it's too big for us to handle, then that's something we will need to discuss with other sponsor 30(?) people to reassess what we can do 15:27:14 when I discussed this topic a few years ago with arturo, he seemed to be okay with the .csv file approach. 15:27:18 we blocked last time on needing the ooni team to implement this interface for us to download the data in some way 15:27:29 they didn't have the time to make that interface and it didn't already exist 15:28:26 hmm, which part didn't they have time for? 15:28:29 irl: wonder if this changed this time. is this something that can't be acceded throug their API (sorry if it is a stupid question) 15:28:51 the api doesn't produce aggregates 15:29:04 or even summaries 15:29:12 it only gives you measurements last time i looked 15:29:19 but they're producing aggregates somewhere. 15:29:21 right? 15:29:40 Hello 15:29:53 it would be sufficient to produce a .csv file once per day and store it somewhere accessible for a web server. 15:30:10 it would be, but that didn't go anywhere 15:30:13 if the tricky part is deciding how to produce that .csv file, we can probably help. 15:30:18 maybe we can ask them again 15:30:38 i hadn't looked closely enough at the mirror instructions, it's not postgres mirroring, it's importing a dump every time 15:30:57 it might even be that importing this dump now and writing some queries helps. 15:31:12 yes, it's importing dumps every time, and that's crazy for production. 15:31:17 yeah if we can write the query for them then maybe that's a lot easier 15:31:28 postgres can even write the csv file too 15:31:35 right! 15:31:50 ok, let's see if we can do that and ask them again if they'd give us an endpoint for it 15:32:15 that seems a good next step 15:32:15 alright, I'll keep the import running and then take a look at the database. 15:32:18 cool 15:33:12 moving on? 15:33:14 ok 15:33:18 Reviews of #19332 and #31941 (karsten) 15:33:22 this is just a ping. 15:33:41 these would have happened last week but i destroyed by desktop by trying to reproduce the jetty bug locally 15:33:58 an apt upgrade went terribly wrong and it took me a day to get a working environment back 15:33:59 uh oh. :/ 15:34:21 okay, great, you're aware of these. 15:34:32 the (main) lesson learned was: don't install firefox and firefox-esr together because they will fight over which gets to open links 15:34:45 heh 15:34:45 i'll get to them this week 15:34:54 which one wins? 15:35:03 firefox-esr apparently 15:35:14 alright! 15:35:19 Funding proposal status (karsten) 15:35:27 gaba: is this submitted? 15:36:06 not yet :( Grants teams was concerned that the amount is much more than what we useually ask 15:36:17 so we are having meetings with people at Mozilla 15:36:22 to go over the proposal first 15:36:31 okay. 15:36:38 one meeting this week and then I will talk with them at mozilla festival in london next week 15:36:54 let us know if you need anything. 15:37:00 yes, thanks 15:37:13 moving on: 15:37:15 Exit scanner (gaba) 15:37:32 you asked somewhere about torbel. 15:37:35 Yes. I moved things around in the roadmap for us to start working on this sooner rather than later 15:37:40 Yes. Sent you a mail 15:37:52 exit scanner is next up after onionoo migration is complete 15:37:59 so, TorBEL is probably 5+ years old and was never in production. 15:38:03 i would have liked to have already started on it 15:38:05 s30 tasks can wait a little more so this one has highger prioritiy 15:38:23 ahh, ok 15:39:04 irl: when do you expect the onionoo migration to be done? 15:39:32 end of the week unless we hit some problem like a bug in systemd that breaks stuff in ways you can't predict 15:39:35 it's unlikely 15:40:00 everything is basically done except the priv sep 15:40:01 okay. please let me know when you're running into similar problems like the missing .jar. 15:40:08 yeah will do 15:41:05 gaba: we should finish the onionoo stuff first, because stopping this now and picking it up later would be sad. 15:41:33 ok 15:41:36 irl: what about the exonerator thing. let me find the ticket. 15:41:44 it also somewhat tells us how exit scanner works because we would deploy it in the same way 15:41:47 #31071 15:42:10 did you expect anything else from that in preparation of the exit scanner rewrite? 15:42:43 i'm not sure what the question is 15:43:35 if there is anything that anybody can do to help the exit scanner rewrite later? 15:43:40 ah, it's about missing exit scanner data and how that affects exonerator results. 15:44:03 I think you had some hope that resolving this one would help us with the exit scanner rewrite later. 15:44:26 the only remaining parts are UX, translations, and then deployment. 15:44:34 i can't remember anything about it, but i can update the ticket if i do 15:44:37 except if you had hoped to learn anything else. 15:44:40 ok. :) 15:45:01 so, let's talk more about the exit scanner on thursday? 15:45:06 sounds good 15:45:47 added to the agenda. 15:45:54 Roadmap - how are we doing? (gaba) 15:46:28 no changes for me, things there are still accurate 15:46:34 no planned changes for me, either. 15:46:41 ok 15:47:00 same for me 15:47:10 cool! 15:47:17 EOL 15:47:24 anything else to talk about today? 15:48:08 nope 15:48:15 not from me 15:48:28 one more thing. There is a possiblity to have a cybersecurity policy fellow (from hewlett foundation). Let me know if this is something that can be useful... 15:49:20 gaba: can you send details in an email? 15:49:28 heh, that would also be my question. 15:49:43 yes... I need to check for more info but I will and send it to you. 15:49:48 thanks! 15:50:11 alright, thanks, everyone. talk to you on thursday, same time. bye! o/ 15:50:49 #endmeeting