14:02:50 #startmeeting 14:02:50 Meeting started Thu Dec 12 14:02:50 2019 UTC. The chair is hiro. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 14:02:50 Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic. 14:03:00 yo all welcome to the www meeting 14:03:03 Hi everyone :) 14:03:10 welcome c1e0! 14:03:14 Hello all! :) 14:03:19 esa, hello all! 14:03:22 hey RotationMatrix 14:03:26 hola amigues 14:03:31 WWW meeting pad: https://pad.riseup.net/p/tor-www-weekly-keep 14:03:34 ola! 14:03:36 thanks antonela 14:04:09 ok I'll set the first topic while people fill up the pad 14:04:14 #topic glossary 14:05:08 #link https://dip.torproject.org/torproject/web/support/issues/82 14:05:32 there is a lot of good info on the ticket and input from emmapeel on this 14:05:37 love that proposal emmapeel! 14:06:12 some questions 14:06:19 yes it's very good! thanks for this 14:06:29 do you think we should always have the english version as reference? even in other locales? 14:06:42 hi 14:06:48 * antonela thinks yes, but 'd love to hear your throughs 14:06:49 pili o/ 14:06:50 sorry, last meeting overrun 14:06:53 * pili catches up 14:07:25 I think emmapeel is not around? 14:07:34 ooops sorry 14:07:43 got distracted 14:07:50 hehehe I thought yuo were waiting in the other channel 14:08:31 antonela: yeah i think it is important to have the english version alongside, to serve more as a reference 14:08:52 the translators always translate from english into their language right? 14:09:26 yeah, well there are many names on the glossary for example 14:09:35 so those should ont be translated 14:09:42 like NoScript 14:09:53 or meek 14:10:37 ok! how many terms are we looking at? 14:10:44 all the ones from transifex or lesS? 14:11:04 emmapeel: agreed 14:11:50 less terms, not sure how many are there on https://support.torproject.org/misc/glossary/ , maybe some more 14:12:03 because I think understanding how many terms we have will impact where we can put the glossary.. I think we are going into the direction to have it in the styleguide? 14:12:34 or we want to keep it in support? 14:13:32 what does everybody think? 14:13:35 i think in support is better 14:13:55 +1 for support 14:14:14 i also think is better in support 14:14:22 support.torproject.org/glossary 14:14:24 yeah support is ok, in my proposal i talk about APIs but i dont feel a need for a subdomain 14:14:58 emmapeel, we do not have APIs because we do static sites. We might when we get search.. 14:15:19 oooh APIs :D 14:15:24 what I can do is a way to have this in lego and an easy way to reference something 14:15:33 like a template macro 14:16:21 actually waht you suggest in the ticket can be done just with the right model 14:16:22 yeah like [glo:NoScript] 14:16:27 yeah something like that 14:16:57 #agreed keep the glossary in support and work on a way to reference terms 14:17:20 I am starting to like these commands lol 14:17:25 lol 14:17:30 it's useful! 14:17:56 #topic download page 14:18:10 we have started implementing the changes to the download page 14:18:11 we might be able to reuse the redirect code to reference terms as well 14:18:31 yes! totally agreed RotationMatrix 14:18:40 antonela: do you want to update people on that? 14:18:51 the download page that is 14:19:52 yes! 14:20:01 so, i've been working on the changes we talked about last week 14:20:12 and now the version we are going to test is in the develop branch 14:20:25 https://lektor-staging.torproject.org/tpo/develop/download/ 14:20:47 nah is coordinating with some community groups who are going to run user research on this version this week and next 14:20:58 lets see how it goes :) 14:22:30 what does everyone t hink of this version without the navbar and the banner? 14:22:44 I think it's cleaner .. 14:22:47 nice! 14:22:54 i wish the menu to change locale stays 14:23:05 good point emmapeel 14:23:06 emmapeel is in the footer 14:23:09 I like it 14:23:10 true 14:23:10 and I thought about that too 14:23:31 I think we should add it 14:23:38 I wonder if we can make the space between the logo on the top left corner and the "Defend yourself" smaller 14:23:41 I like how it's clearer which is the download vs the signature 14:23:54 I think some people said in smaller resolution screens that was also an issue 14:24:25 i think we should have a better check signature flow, we talked a bit about it during the ux meeting, i think a collab will work on it soonish 14:24:45 +1 on the signature flow checks 14:24:52 pili antonela should we make headers smaller all around? 14:25:06 I mean, I like the way there's so much space and it looks clean 14:25:07 not reallt 14:25:21 but maybe on lower resolution screens it's too much "empty" space 14:26:04 next step is work on the smaller screens, i will take a look on the responsive flow once we have a closer version 14:26:23 ooh yeah download button get a little weird with iOS screen size. using the firefox simulator on desktop atm. 14:26:36 yep 14:27:10 in lower resolutions i generally need to zoom out 14:27:11 i agree with the language button on top or somewhere that is easy to switch. i'd remove from the footer, actually 14:27:23 i mean on our lektors 14:27:51 antonela: sounds good! :) 14:28:11 cool 14:28:16 +1 14:28:22 ggus I think we have it on the footer and navbar because that's what people usually do 14:28:38 the navbar one is not usable in android 14:28:42 only the footer 14:29:09 emmapeel what is the issue? the scrolling? 14:29:18 yeah, there is a ticket in trac 14:29:27 ok I'll find that out then 14:29:45 emmapeel: i thought that was fixed 14:30:00 #action find issues with language selectors and fix 14:30:53 tried now and it looks fixed(i can select the language on my mobile) 14:31:08 I tried that last week I think the latest and it was ok 14:31:45 maybe depends on the screen resolution 14:32:36 works atm 14:33:05 oh yeah cool 14:33:11 works on my android too 14:33:27 #removeaction 14:33:36 * antonela ^___^ 14:34:01 haha not sure that works 14:34:15 I'll try to check those things anyway 14:34:20 shall we move to the next topic? 14:34:30 yep 14:34:45 #topic web statistics 14:34:55 I haven't done much on this topic this week 14:35:32 ggus have you had time to look a bit at the meta platform (can't remember the name now) 14:35:53 it's ok if you haven't had 14:36:08 metabase? like i said, only next week 14:36:18 was just curious to see if that would work 14:36:21 yeah metabase 14:36:49 it works, the thing is to upload the logs in a database and start playing 14:37:02 I wanted to try the local app 14:37:15 'the name was meta and something else' 14:37:55 sorry bad joke mayba 14:38:08 if you follow that blog post, you will have a nice interface and dashboard to play with relays 14:38:23 the relay dashboard is nice 14:38:36 if we could have something similar for the web logs I think it will be great 14:38:48 #action look into metabase 14:38:52 let's see if I have time next week 14:39:01 so we can exchange opinions 14:39:39 this is related to the web analytics? 14:39:47 yes! it's the web analytics! 14:39:56 ah okay! 14:41:11 ok if we are ok with this I think the last topic is the css capitalization 14:41:18 #topic CSS capitalization 14:41:30 I haven't had time to do anything about this 14:41:45 yeah, i tried to fix this many times but i cannot seem to find the real source of the css 14:42:02 It's ok 14:42:07 and got my changes overwritten :S 14:42:08 I have this again for next week action 14:42:23 RotationMatrix: if you want to play with metabase and tor, here's a nice article: https://www.dustri.org/b/exploring-the-tor-dataset-with-metabase.html 14:42:54 thanks ggus! 14:43:08 #link https://www.dustri.org/b/exploring-the-tor-dataset-with-metabase.html 14:43:35 I think unless we have other stuff to discuss we can finish this meeting eraly 14:44:29 I need to fix the blog again lol 14:45:23 ok 14:45:26 #endmeeting