13:59:19 #startmeeting ux team 13:59:19 Meeting started Tue Feb 4 13:59:19 2020 UTC. The chair is antonela. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 13:59:19 Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic. 13:59:22 hello folks 13:59:34 o/ 13:59:40 o/ 13:59:53 hi emmapeel o/ 14:00:17 february is here and so our meeting pad https://pad.riseup.net/p/tor-ux-team-2020-keep 14:00:32 please add your updates and discussion items 14:00:56 hi! 14:01:19 * antonela streaming from the simply secure offices in berlin o// 14:02:24 oulala! 14:02:48 jiji 14:02:50 hi pili! 14:03:20 antonela: nice :) 14:03:23 okey, lets start 14:04:35 pili, could you upload the user research plan in our repo? so we can all run a review of it before launching? 14:04:52 yup 14:05:01 https://dip.torproject.org/torproject/ux/research 14:05:24 cool, thank! 14:05:26 thanks! 14:05:46 so, moving to the discussion items 14:06:19 i dont think diogosergio is here today but I'd like to discuss the next steps for having all our design files in dip 14:06:47 the plan is basically set some kind of workflow using git to track design iterations and follow the design decision making process 14:07:37 diogosergio gave a very insightful talk about it during the open design room at fosdem and i believe is a process we can apply internally as well 14:07:49 i hope we can sync during the week about it 14:08:22 anything relating dip, git and design? 14:08:48 okey, moving next 14:08:55 #32602 14:09:06 emmapeel: could you resume the discussion going on there? 14:10:12 there is no discussion yet 14:10:48 i wrote what i think may be a pro blem for our users in the ticket 14:11:33 okey, i think we may need to discuss it with tbb devs 14:11:50 im not sure how we handle this issue in the past 14:12:10 maybe we should release tor browsers locale with a minimum amount of users 14:12:12 yeah. i feel we shoudl alert the users of tiny locales about the risk 14:12:19 but im not sure which number is that 14:12:29 yeah but how do we get the users if we dont offer the locale 14:13:12 i understand 14:13:27 i dont know the answer, would love to read more about this problem tho 14:13:50 maybe we should have some alert in the browser, saying 'warning: this locale is used by only 50 people and there have been problems of the locale leaking before' 14:14:20 i dont think pop-up alerts in the browser will solve the root of the problem here 14:14:32 maybe on the download page? 14:14:45 that is more closer to the path i'd like to explore 14:14:50 we could have the number of pings last month or something 14:14:55 exactly 14:15:15 currently running clients: approx. 50 14:15:33 not sure how to define update pings for (cough) normal people 14:15:34 maybe 14:16:05 i'll comment on that ticket a summary of what we are talking here but i'd love to have the input of other folks as well 14:16:27 yeah well i reported it but i dont want to own the ticket... 14:16:43 it is related to translations but its more about fingerprinting 14:17:06 agreed 14:17:45 anything else related with this topic? 14:17:46 let's bring it for discussion during next week's tor browser team meeting 14:18:04 good idea 14:18:25 okey, next? 14:18:26 ok! 14:18:34 do we have s27 meeting after this one pili? 14:18:46 i dont know about the strings at all. do we have a branch? i would like to work in a real branch 14:18:55 yes, I need to send the email 14:18:59 i dont think we have a branch yet 14:19:11 i bet pili is talking about #33035 14:19:12 or? 14:19:21 yeah :) 14:19:28 because last time we spend a lot of time asking and wondering, and then the strings where slightly different and we didnt had the translations 14:19:39 any new strings that we are introducing 14:19:48 I guess this is just a heads up that they will be coming :) 14:19:52 more than anything else 14:20:12 emmapeel: yeah, this is not going to be rushed like that, we have time 14:20:46 ah ok. that will be in the browser then? i can work with https://gitweb.torproject.org/tor.git/tree/doc/tor.1.txt#n1823 14:21:16 * emmapeel wonders, why the camel case? 14:21:24 cool, so next step on it is having tbb devs reviewing it and also stephw - alsmith 14:21:37 and after that brade will work on the implementation 14:21:43 and after that emmapeel can call for translation 14:21:46 is that right? 14:21:53 i mean the capitalization sorry i was trying to sound important 14:22:09 antonela: but this erros are going to be in tor or tor browser? 14:22:21 tor browser, those are client strings 14:23:11 so, they will probably appear in one of the translation .dtd we have already. i will check with acat 14:23:28 i think so 14:23:48 last time we added the strings to the translation file, even when we were not using them yet on the interface 14:24:56 i see 14:25:05 maybe is something we should talk about during the next meeting 14:25:12 *next hour meeting 14:25:29 sure 14:26:26 good 14:26:45 anything else folks? 14:26:52 seems we do have a short meeting today :) 14:26:57 im groot 14:27:10 * antonela which is great because my inbox is still flooding 14:27:21 pili? 14:27:28 I'm good :) 14:27:34 writing up the usability test :) 14:27:39 https://dip.torproject.org/torproject/ux/research/issues/1 14:27:46 it's not done but it will be there 14:28:04 perfect 14:28:09 thanks folks! 14:28:12 #endmeeting