15:00:17 #startmeeting S27 02/04 15:00:17 Meeting started Tue Feb 4 15:00:17 2020 UTC. The chair is pili. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 15:00:17 Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic. 15:00:48 hi 15:00:49 hello 15:00:54 Hello everyone 15:00:55 Here's this week's pad: https://pad.riseup.net/p/s27-meeting-keep 15:00:56 please add your updates :) 15:01:32 hello 15:01:39 hi 15:03:53 hola! 15:04:50 asn is around but in transit so he might be on a plane or a train or bathroom or ... but can't guarantee he will show up 15:05:34 ok, no worries :) 15:05:58 while we are waiting for pad updates, i will just mention the thing I put in bold on the pad: asn and dgoulet, you have been very responsive and we are very thankful! 15:06:23 \o/ 15:06:40 \o/ 15:06:53 i am available to talk about the strings translation but i secretly hope i don't have to do anything about it because you will add them to some of the existing resources we translate already 15:06:53 nice one asn and dgoulet :) 15:07:13 emmapeel: I think that will likely be the case 15:07:47 emmapeel: for the improved error page work, we are adding strings to existing resources (torbutton.properties if I remember correctly) 15:08:04 not quite ready yet but maybe soon 15:08:09 (as far as patches) 15:08:21 mcs: great! let me know if you need any help/test etc 15:08:29 yup 15:10:15 ok 15:10:53 I think we're pretty much done on the updates 15:10:54 so let's start with the discussion :) 15:11:20 I was hoping that we could get an update on any UX/Browser discussions about this project that happened during the All Hands 15:11:39 I know there were a few unresolved issues and I was hoping we could get a quick summary of what was decided 15:12:07 antonela: sysrqb I think this will have to come from you since I think pospeselr is still in transit :) 15:12:59 i think everything is on tickets honestly 15:13:18 pospeselr and i we have been working on onion errors and also the security indicators at the url bar 15:13:26 i pasted the exact comment in the pad 15:13:27 ok, I guess the ones that you posted in your updates 15:13:33 I'll take a look, thanks 15:13:46 i'd love to have your review there mcs, brade, dgoulet, asn 15:14:01 ticket num? 15:15:08 #33035 15:15:12 #33035, #19251, #32645 15:15:29 thanks 15:15:50 i met fiona today, maybe she is even reading :) 15:16:12 while people are reviewing those... is anyone blocked on anything and do they need help from anyone else? 15:16:20 this can include if there are any reviews pending :) 15:16:23 she will talk with you pili about how we plan to communicate all the features we are going to release in tor browser 9.5 15:16:38 antonela: will steph and other less techie people review the strings? 15:16:53 ok 15:16:58 brade: we would like that, I can follow up with stephw about it 15:17:02 which somehow is related with the work dan and stephw are doing, but we want to make sure that we are setting up a plan for onion names outreach and so on 15:17:10 brade: i hope 15:17:41 I,m looking at https://trac.torproject.org/projects/tor/ticket/33035#comment:6 15:18:04 and most of them could be summarize to something very simple like "Service not running" or "Unable to reach service" 15:18:15 I can do a pass to try to explain here 15:18:43 for instance, if we can _not_ find the descriptor, then the service is not running (bottom lien) 15:19:12 brade pili yes i'd like to review strings. thanks. 15:19:22 stephw: thanks! 15:19:41 thank you steph! 15:19:58 I think we need to use easier to understand, less technical language when possible. For example, most people will not know what a rendezvous circuit is. 15:20:06 looking at #19251 again, brade's comments about localizing onionsite seems like a good thing to discuss during this meeting, since we have emmapeel here 15:20:19 I think we could have a link out to the glossary there 15:20:55 e.g for rendezvous circuit 15:20:56 some people might be interested in finding out more 15:21:35 yes, we need to make deep info available for those who need/want it while at the same time not overwhelming new users 15:21:51 mcs: completely agree :) 15:22:42 * dgoulet is working on less technical meaning for those codes, will post on ticket 15:23:14 o/ 15:23:19 why are the strings capitalized? is that really needed? 15:23:20 hello from airport 15:23:30 all these suggestions are indeed great 15:24:08 are we going to have the glosary online for when this goes live? 15:24:21 *glossary 15:26:55 antonela: this is something we should add as a dependency 15:27:20 we could, yes 15:28:00 emmapeel: I believe that is standard for titles within error screens 15:28:18 the current error page design is that each error can have a unique “learn more” link, so hopefully we can use that to point to detailed info 15:28:49 I hope that users don't feel a need to click those links ;-) 15:28:54 * pili is looking for the ticket about the glossary 15:30:07 we have something going on here https://support.torproject.org/misc/glossary/ 15:30:21 we might want to update this with any specific term we don't actually have 15:31:08 emmapeel: what was the ticket you were working on recently to do with the glossary? 15:31:46 if we decide to start using onionsite (as one word) we will want to revise the glossary to match :) 15:31:51 #29785? 15:32:01 I thought maybe it was #29502 15:32:08 but I don't think so 15:32:11 hmm 15:32:18 * antonela really likes onionsite 15:33:06 :) 15:33:18 emmapeel: any opinions about localising onionsite? 15:33:34 it sounds terrible in greek 15:33:43 but im not a fan of localizing technical terms, so im a very bad audience for this 15:34:05 pili: not yet. i could tell people what they think 15:34:21 in Spanish 'lugar cebolla'or 'sitio cebolla'sounds pretty bad :S 15:34:40 i dont think we should localize it 15:34:44 but that differs from language to language 15:34:47 website = sitio web? 15:35:14 emmapeel: true :) 15:35:27 I'm fine with not localizing onionsite 15:35:49 we can start with those guidelines 15:35:57 and see if there's any push back from translators 15:36:06 does anyone else have anything to discuss around this? 15:36:20 mcs: noted about glossary updates 15:36:42 how will translators know that they should not localize a term such as “onionsite”? 15:37:15 the glossary model is already done and pushed... now... (cough) 'somebody' should separate the old glossary page in small pages 15:37:46 emmapeel: that's the ticket I was looking for! :) where is it? 15:37:59 mcs: we have some names that should not be translated, but we enforce that with the reviewers and corrections. 15:38:42 if we add in the glossary the word, we can ask for it not to be translated 15:39:24 some languages really want to translate, and the ones without latin chars usually want to also transliterate, for example the Persians may write onionsite but with their alphabet 15:41:19 ok 15:41:27 well, let's add it to the glossary then 15:41:35 are we agreed on "onionsite" ? 15:42:11 another thing is that many people dont knows how to say 'onion' in english, and so the addresses are .onion, not .cebolla 15:42:50 pili: do we understand how much work it will be to update the glossary? 15:42:53 that makes sense 15:43:13 I don't think it's a lot of work, it's more a matter of resources :) 15:43:20 but emmapeel would know better 15:43:58 brade: i think it depends on the person... if they are proficient with shellscripting wil take 5 min, if not... one week :D 15:44:27 cause you need to copy and paste like crazy 15:44:37 ok 15:46:15 ok, so we will need to add onionsite and possibly review other terms, e.g rendezvous circuit, and add them to the glossary if necessary 15:46:26 you need to convert each of the words on this file: https://dip.torproject.org/torproject/web/support/blob/master/content/misc/glossary/contents.lr to a folder like this https://dip.torproject.org/torproject/web/support/blob/master/content/glossary/little-t-tor/contents.lr 15:46:53 and then we can link to them from the explanations 15:46:54 anything else on this? 15:47:16 I need to leave a bit early today...:) 15:47:41 also, any other topics anyone wants to discuss? 15:48:49 everyone good? :) 15:48:54 pili: i updated OBv3 status to 75% 15:49:01 now thta i published the alpha testing instructions 15:49:04 i feel safe doing it 15:49:06 great, thanks asn 15:49:09 (boom: https://trac.torproject.org/projects/tor/ticket/33035#comment:7) 15:49:12 even tho i have received 0 testing feedback so far 15:49:17 I will add that to my work completion report 15:49:27 thanks dgoulet 15:49:47 ok, I need to run now, I think we can leave things here 15:49:49 thanks everyone! 15:49:52 o/ 15:49:54 #endmeeting