00:01:03 #startmeeting Sponsor 55 00:01:03 Meeting started Thu Feb 20 00:01:03 2020 UTC. The chair is teor. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 00:01:03 Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic. 00:01:18 pad: https://pad.riseup.net/p/tor-s55-ipv6-project-keep 00:01:25 Here's my status update: 00:01:54 I have mainly been working on chutney relay reachability tests (O1.3, #33232 and related tickets) 00:02:19 It is slightly slower than I expected, because I needed to fix some tor bugs, and update some chutney and some CI for tor and chutney 00:02:49 I have a request for you on reviews. The volume is not too high, though spreading more stuff to ahf or others would be grand 00:02:55 But I am making good progress, and I expect to have some kind of relay reachability checks in chutney today, or early next week 00:03:00 one thing that would help me is to know which reviews are urgen and which are not 00:03:23 (practically speaking -- are there any of the current needs_review tickets on my plate that I should try to review before I go to bed in about 3-4 hours?) 00:03:44 I am just checking that list 00:05:03 I only see #32792, and it is not urgent 00:05:35 In general, for urgent chutney tickets, that I need in Tor's CI, I explain that on the ticket, then merge to chutney after chutney CI passes 00:05:50 For urgent tor tickets, I explain that on the ticket 00:06:06 For most tickets, I just leave them to the standard review assignment process 00:06:30 But I will try to get better at saying "this ticket is not urgent" 00:07:18 ack 00:08:45 Ok, just working out where we were at in the meeting 00:09:44 I have a list of tickets in the pad that I plan to work on next. I am currently working on #33232 00:10:16 Next will be #32588 and then #33220 00:10:33 I expect that those tickets will take 1-2 weeks from now 00:11:08 Does anyone have any questions about the work so far, or my proposed schedule? 00:12:02 lgtm 00:12:11 Great. 00:12:13 sounds good 00:12:14 thanks 00:12:28 I think we've already talked about my next question. 00:12:30 two weeks is a little ambitious for some of this, but I don't think it's completely out of the question 00:12:47 it would be great to have another reviewer for some of this 00:13:05 I don't expect to have it all done in 2 weeks, but I want to make sure I have at least 2 weeks of work planned. 00:13:45 When I start modifying C code, then I will be able to assign more reviews to ahf. 00:13:46 makes sense 00:15:00 I can assign #33378 to ahf also, because it's mostly python refactoring and tweaks 00:15:31 I'd like nickm to review #33379, because it modifies some chutney internals 00:15:45 (and some code that nickm wrote) 00:16:22 And then we're back to C code 00:17:44 Now on to my last question: Is #33370 in scope for Sponsor 55 ? 00:18:24 looks like gaba has a followup on the pad 00:18:36 I think the answer to Gaba's question is "not really related, we could do Sponsor 55 without it" 00:19:57 I also have another question, probably for Gaba: 00:20:12 How do we know how we are tracking against the Sponsor 55 schedule? 00:20:25 I don't really feel like I know the schedule right now. 00:20:42 And I'd like to know if I need to cut work 00:21:02 teor: we have a timeline that we agreed on when sending the proposal 00:21:05 but we can change it 00:21:18 I need to look at the timeline based on your plan and see how to change/fit on it 00:21:37 but we can be pretty flexible on the schedule 00:21:47 there is no report mid term that we need to send 00:22:01 I'm not sure if that answers my question, I'll try to be more specific: 00:22:20 We have a limited amount of time and money for this grant. 00:22:28 ahh, you want to know if you are assigning more work that we can fit 00:22:29 yes 00:22:43 Are my estimates accurate? 00:23:02 Based on those estimates, do we need to cut work? 00:23:06 I will sit down and look at it about what we had versus what you are proposing. Last time I took a look it seems it was right on the amount of time/resource we have from s55 00:23:27 Thanks. I also think we are about right, but it's easier to cut things now than later. 00:23:28 I looked at it when you did your first plan a couple of weeks ago. I need to look again 00:23:31 yes 00:23:56 I think my new estimates are slightly low, but not too bad. Some are also a bit high. Between 0.5x and 2x. 00:25:14 That's pretty much it for my questions. Anything else to add? 00:25:49 nothing else from me 00:26:26 not i 00:26:33 #endmeeting