15:59:35 #startmeeting Community Team - mar 02 2020 15:59:35 Meeting started Mon Mar 2 15:59:35 2020 UTC. The chair is ggus. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 15:59:35 Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic. 15:59:44 hello, who's around? :) 16:00:12 Hiya! 16:00:19 hey cleo o/ 16:00:19 o/ 16:00:23 o/ 16:00:24 hi 16:00:32 (I'm only half here for now) 16:00:45 here's our meeting pad: https://pad.riseup.net/p/tor-community-team-2020-keep 16:01:26 this is the last week of cleopatra as intern in Outreachy :~ 16:02:00 :( 16:02:37 oh! 16:03:17 it was too fast :( 16:03:47 yes! although it was enough to get used to her :D 16:06:31 if everyone is ready, we can jump to discussion topics 16:07:17 +1 16:08:35 this week will also start the new contribution period for the next Outreachy 16:08:55 and we submitted the same project 16:09:22 so we should start tagging docshackathon / documentation in tickets in trac 16:10:43 i also added to my tasks to write/update the blog post calling the docs hackathon (to next wednesday, march 11) 16:12:50 https://trac.torproject.org/projects/tor/query?status=!closed&component=Webpages%2FSupport 16:13:26 where are we going to open the tickets, in dip? 16:14:12 emmapeel: i'm not sure if dip is going to be online in the next weeks... since there's a migration to gitlab.tpo 16:14:36 so i was thinking to stay in trac 16:14:44 ok! 16:15:08 https://trac.torproject.org/projects/tor/ticket/33423 16:15:14 this is a nice one 16:15:35 very common question and easy to answer 16:15:43 what do you think? 16:16:47 yup 16:17:09 yes. are we going to triage them now? sorry i didnt understood 16:17:39 emmapeel: yes 16:19:05 https://trac.torproject.org/projects/tor/ticket/33431 16:20:03 emmapeel: do you think this one is done? https://trac.torproject.org/projects/tor/ticket/29502 16:20:24 ggus: no 16:20:51 do you think it's a docshackathon task? 16:21:00 i wanted to talk with hiro about the model and then when it is ready, ask for moving the contents 16:21:12 i didnt do that yet 16:21:13 okay 16:21:25 not sure if it will be ready by then 16:21:35 #33384 looks easy if you can read the mentioned ticket 16:21:49 i mean, if you understand a little about tor 16:22:28 #33340 looks easy 16:22:30 that one i asked cleo to do, we discussed in our last 1:1 :) 16:22:42 emmapeel: yes for 33340 16:23:08 emmapeel: but there's a tricky (see boklm answer to my pr) 16:23:12 ggus: what is the tag then? DocsHackathon like before? then we can reuse 16:23:21 ooh 16:23:22 emmapeel: yes, same tag 16:23:46 Sorry to change the topic, but what is the best to way to update the FAQ? Is that documented? 16:23:58 tgeek: hey! 16:24:06 which faq? 16:24:11 support.tpo or other resource? 16:24:28 https://support.torproject.org/ 16:25:01 tgeek: the easy way is to click in 'edit button' and open a pull request 16:25:06 in github 16:25:12 Hello, sorry for being late. 16:25:19 hello kushal! 16:26:16 That works for me. And sorry for being late also. 16:26:45 the community pad is here: https://pad.riseup.net/p/tor-community-team-2020-keep 16:26:52 I am hoping to do a dump of questions from stackexchange and put the best/most frequest questions there. 16:27:13 great! 16:29:25 tgeek: if you are planning on writing a lot of content, maybe it is better to build the website in local. all websites work the same, here intructions for the main website: https://dip.torproject.org/torproject/web/tpo/-/wikis/Compiling-a-local-version-of-the-website 16:30:14 i like this one for outreachy - https://trac.torproject.org/projects/tor/ticket/28516 16:30:21 Thanks. I will review that and stay in contact here or via the mailing list if run into problems 16:31:02 tgeek: i recommend joining us in #tor-www 16:31:26 ok, will do 16:35:57 https://dip.torproject.org/torproject/web/support/issues/88 - We should migrate metrics Q&A to support.tpo/metrics. 16:36:00 Source: https://gitweb.torproject.org/metrics-web.git/tree/src/main/resources/doc/users-q-and-a.txt 16:36:03 what do you think? 16:38:23 +1 16:38:36 sure, as long as the metrics team are onboard with this ;) 16:39:06 i will open the ticket in trac and ask them to comment 16:40:13 boom, done 16:41:08 and we have all these tickets in dip: https://dip.torproject.org/torproject/web/support/issues?label_name%5B%5D=DocsHackathon 16:41:47 should we open in trac? 16:43:30 i think it isbetter if we just use them and close them there, or wherever they are saved after the close down. i mean, we already copied them from trac maybe 16:43:56 i think copying tickets from one bugtracker to another is not really needed, we can have two links 16:43:59 two lists of tickets 16:44:03 ok 16:44:50 maybe we can ask in tor-project for people to make sure their documentation issues are on the list? maybe other tor people comes up with new documentation needs 16:45:03 i.e. more tickets 16:45:03 yeah, great idea! 16:45:21 please add more tickets, we need it! 16:45:22 i can do that 16:45:28 I have some for S27 but I'm not sure if they're good for the docs hackathon 16:45:32 as they are not yet in stable 16:45:35 We can add a few of those for the hackathon this week 16:45:51 kushal: when is happening? 16:47:28 6-7th 16:47:35 We need issues for the hackathon 16:47:48 also if possible some on programming things too 16:48:43 pili: ^ 16:48:51 do you know tasks in tba or tbb? 16:49:06 there are a few easy-ish ones 16:49:19 I think the main issue with these is how long it take to build tor browser to verify the fixes 16:49:32 unless we want to encourage PRs that are not "tested" :/ 16:50:44 pili, they have to get the steps + how to documents :) 16:51:02 kushal: do you know how many people will be at the hackathon? 16:51:11 between 10-20 16:51:32 they are here: https://trac.torproject.org/projects/tor/wiki/doc/TorBrowser/Hacking 16:51:38 Micah Lee and I will be there. 16:51:41 pili, Thank you :) 16:51:52 pili, we will need a few easy tasks/issues :) 16:52:28 kushal: that will take a bit longer :) 16:52:35 I will see what I can get you this week 16:52:56 Thank you. 16:53:08 5th night will also do :) 16:53:39 cool :) 16:54:44 kushal: https://dip.torproject.org/torproject/community/meta/issues/2 16:54:58 this a whole new project 16:55:30 i don't know how much coffee would need to have to build it in a hackathon hehe 16:56:13 One thing that I would like to see is a general best practices guide. 16:56:32 for using tor browser? 16:57:21 tgeek: if it's for docshackaton, open a ticket in trac 16:57:22 That and also building onion services, relays, etc 16:57:48 for relays we have a section in community portal about good practices 16:58:13 ok, i will stop the bot 16:58:18 thanks everyone! 16:58:21 #endmeeting