18:59:56 #startmeeting network-health 18:59:56 Meeting started Mon Mar 23 18:59:56 2020 UTC. The chair is GeKo. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 18:59:56 Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic. 19:00:38 o/ 19:00:46 okay 19:00:53 pad is at https://pad.riseup.net/p/tor-networkhealth-2020.1-keep 19:01:04 please add your items if there is something to add 19:01:27 hey 19:03:04 alreight 19:03:08 *alright 19:03:29 ggus: is that item you have supposed to be bold? ;) 19:04:09 yess 19:04:15 good, good 19:04:29 o/ 19:04:53 o/ 19:05:15 ggus: i have one item for you in my status update 19:05:35 do we have such a list of relay operators with some kind of notes 19:05:42 o/ 19:05:44 how good we know them 19:05:48 ? 19:06:03 or what contacts we have/means reaching them? 19:06:28 arma2 brought this up recently (again) 19:06:29 hum, we don't. or at least colin didn't make one. 19:06:45 as an operator suddenly tried to contribute >100 exit relays 19:06:53 they seemed kind of legit 19:06:56 but still... 19:07:56 ggus: okay. do you think as well it would be useful if we tried to create some document for that? 19:08:27 or what's your stance here? 19:08:50 GeKo: we should check how sarah is doing with donators, if she is using a spreadsheet or a CRM to do this kind of list. 19:09:05 but yes, we need to have a system or at least a document 19:09:35 sounds good 19:10:01 i can imagine we could use such a list for more than the regular troubleshooting 19:10:29 or an "hey, please update your tor version on your relay" 19:11:04 but okay, let's ask sarah and then think more about it, i guess? 19:11:38 yes, i'll check with her 19:11:52 GeKo: but 19:12:29 GeKo: do you think in this list only relay operators with more than X% ? 19:12:47 X for bw, relays, exits? 19:13:14 well, we could 19:13:31 there are a bunch of criteria 19:13:37 that could be interesting 19:13:59 i guess a good thing could be to have a general list of relay op contacts 19:14:11 and then sorting it according to criteria we want 19:14:29 maybe that's overkill 19:14:32 i can do that easily with metabase 19:14:33 at least for a start 19:14:42 great 19:14:52 the idea came from a bad-relay context 19:15:05 so that's one angle to keep in mind 19:15:24 but there are a ton of use cases more that could be interesting here 19:15:45 like sending out "thank you emails" to particular groups 19:15:53 yes, for sure. for example, if we need to ask private bridges, i'd ask to relay operators that we trust and have capacity 19:16:05 depending on campaigns we have etc. 19:16:12 yeah, and that one 19:17:37 okay, i don't see anything more bolded in the status updates 19:17:42 are we good with that part? 19:18:16 yes yes 19:18:22 okay, discussion 19:18:38 are we good with finally moving the meeting to 1800 utc next week? 19:18:57 that should give the old local time back to those folks who already have dst 19:19:01 yes 19:19:11 i'm ok 19:19:39 hearing no (strong) objections, then let's do it 19:19:55 yah it is good 19:19:58 i'll announce it tomorrow on the net health list 19:20:02 thanks 19:20:08 so, ggus, your item then 19:20:17 so we have docshackathon this week! 19:20:21 /o/ 19:20:24 yay 19:20:45 basically, we are updating documentation of these portals: tb-manual, support, community, tpo 19:21:19 i need to check with kushal the state of rpm.tpo documentation, so we can change in community.tpo/relay/setup 19:22:15 i will open new issues that we collected to do the tor legal faq 19:22:31 as to your questions, i am honestly not sure whether we need to about docs about relays 19:22:42 s/about/update/ 19:23:11 when did they get updated last time? 19:23:30 maybe that could be an indicator whether someone should look over them again 19:24:28 the instructions are fresh. we didn't make any significant change in the last months. but might worth to read again about automatic updates in debian, for example. 19:25:20 okay 19:26:01 ggus: if you have something you think i could be helpful from a network health perspective let me know 19:26:15 (Sorry I added a topic late - apparently my edit was rejected the first time and I didn't realise) 19:26:30 it's okay 19:26:32 GeKo: ok! thanks 19:26:32 :) 19:26:57 do we have anything else for the hackathon? 19:27:27 we are hanging out on #tor-www if you want to help. that's it! :) 19:27:43 k 19:27:50 dennis_jackson: you are up 19:27:55 thanks! 19:28:19 So I saw George's DoS prevention using anon credentials email recetnly on tor-dev 19:28:22 recently* 19:28:46 If implemented, this obviously has nice network health benefits, less frustrated users / HS operators 19:29:11 Are any extensions or applications for exit nodes being considered or already ruled out? 19:30:08 For example, if the same scheme was reused for exit nodes, could we see (some) exit nodes apply anti-abuse schemes of their own initiative and thus reduce Cloudflare etc abuse 19:30:21 yes 19:30:40 we have had ideas for years e.g. to have kind of private exits, too 19:30:47 I would not advocate for making it mandatory or anything, but if we could solve both problems with the same solution/engineering effort... 19:30:52 and a scheme like privacypass could help with credentials here 19:31:13 Yes. I would like Tor to do this work, because if Cloudflare + Google push a solution, I am sure it will be worse 19:31:24 so alex davidson from cloudflare pointed me to the ietf session 19:31:40 and i agree we probably should have someone there if possible 19:31:54 for me it's likely too late in the evening 19:32:01 Okay, that sounds great. With the Tor work on Hidden Services, is there a network health voice in the room already? 19:32:08 and i pointed asn, sysrqb, and mikeperry to it 19:32:33 that could easily be dgoulet ;) 19:32:47 even though i am not sure what you mean with "room" 19:33:02 either way it seem like mike will pick this up 19:33:04 I think I saw there was a big DoS HS call recently 19:33:13 yeah 19:33:21 so I figured that corresponded to some interested group 19:33:32 okay, great, sounds like it is in good hands then 19:33:46 i think so. thanks for the reminder 19:33:55 np, just wanted to ask :) 19:34:22 okay, do we have anything else for today? 19:36:10 i'm good 19:36:24 all good here 19:36:37 thanks then everyone! have a nice week and happy hacking 19:36:40 #endmeeting