15:59:50 #startmeeting Community Team - Mar 30 2020 15:59:50 Meeting started Mon Mar 30 15:59:50 2020 UTC. The chair is ggus. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 15:59:50 Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic. 15:59:56 hello folks! 16:00:09 Community Team meeting starting now 16:00:26 Please add your updates in our pad: https://pad.riseup.net/p/tor-community-team-2020-keep 16:00:37 > is around 16:01:26 hello everyone 16:01:27 o/ 16:01:36 o/ 16:01:40 hello 16:03:52 hello! :) 16:06:11 o/ 16:06:23 we don't have to many topics to discuss today 16:06:30 * Outreach applicants 16:06:37 do we have outreachies here? 16:07:42 yes am an outreachy applicant 16:08:02 hello o/ I'm an outreachy applicant also 16:08:14 o/ me also 16:08:45 welcome! please don't forget to add your names to the pad and add your updates 16:08:59 if you worked on a PR, add the link to that pr 16:11:22 outreachies: do you have questions about Outreachy and your application? 16:14:25 How long does it usually take for a PR to be merged into master? (in regards to documenting the contributions made for my application) 16:15:24 It depends on the quality of the PR and if we need to review it. but usually a day. 16:15:58 Thanks 16:17:28 and if you didn't answer, we have a list of questions + instructions here: https://lists.torproject.org/pipermail/tor-community-team/2020-March/000372.html 16:18:15 more questions? 16:18:20 I have some questions about the contribution to outreachy. (1) If I answered the users questions and sent by email AND did a PR, should I put both in the same contribuition? (2) I remember last year I made a contribution to another project and it was needed to have a schedule for the internship. Would you help us with that? 16:20:34 about 1: yes, and for the questions you can upload in a github gist or google docs (what works for you) and add to Outreachy form 16:21:07 about 2: the timeline! yes, i can help you on that 16:22:58 Perfect, thank you. How would be the best way to us talk about it? Email? 16:23:52 For the timeline, yes, by email 16:24:01 for PR review, please use #tor-www 16:24:24 ggus: is there a kind of template one can use for the final application that might include a possible format for timeline 16:24:26 deal, thanks 16:25:59 kulloveth__: no, we don't have a template 16:26:14 ok 16:27:59 one more thing: do you have any documentation about setting up Lektor? the videos that I've found on the internet are not being very useful. 16:28:19 luana: what operating system do you use? 16:28:44 Mac OS 16:28:56 we do have a documentation: https://gitlab.torproject.org/torproject/web/tpo/-/wikis/Compiling-a-local-version-of-the-website 16:29:20 it works fine in mac and gnu/linux, but on windows is a little bit problematic 16:30:54 uf! thanks! is gonna be a great help 16:32:06 if you dedicate sometime to try and learn now, your PR will have more quality since you can test locally first. 16:34:11 yeah, I am hoping to document how I got it saved on win10 to make a windows specific procedure to get it up and running locally 16:34:42 gonna do that! 16:35:02 nicoleiocana__: nice, very good idea 16:35:12 Hi all. Keen to contribute some time for working on issues related to website/support/wiki/instructions copy editing, proofreading etc. Any suggestions? On GitLab Community and elsewhere, I go by 'syntax' 16:35:52 truly a pain in the butt. hoping to save someone else from having to go thru that stress 16:36:35 parrhesia: my recommendation is to select a ticket and announce that you want to work on #tor-www 16:37:36 nicoleiocana__: that would be tremendously helpful, thank you :) 16:38:03 You are very welcome. 16:39:59 anything else on docshackathon or outreachy? 16:40:48 for docshackathon, is there a way to see who is currently at the top three regarding contributions? 16:41:28 hum, no, because we didn't count all the PRs 16:42:02 ah, got it 16:45:34 we're a bit behind on that... :) 16:46:32 ok folks, i think that's it for today, unless someone has another topic, i will end this meeting. we can chat on #tor-www :) 16:46:53 later team. Stay safe and healthy 16:47:11 #endmeeting