14:00:45 #startmeeting ux team 14:00:45 Meeting started Tue Mar 31 14:00:45 2020 UTC. The chair is pili. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 14:00:45 Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic. 14:00:50 :) 14:00:55 thanks! 14:01:00 hello o/ 14:01:07 hi! 14:01:09 last ux meeting of the month 14:01:16 https://pad.riseup.net/p/tor-ux-team-2020-keep 14:01:18 here is the pad 14:01:18 0/ 14:01:26 please add your updates and any topic for discussion 14:01:37 i added some of them, one for pili and one for thurayya 14:01:51 take your time to fill the pad 14:02:02 nice :), let me see... 14:02:34 o/ 14:02:48 hi dgoulet o/ 14:03:11 dgoulet: i dont think this is the meeting you are looking for but you are welcome! 14:03:26 oki, lets start 14:03:41 do we have emmapeel around? 14:03:47 i think we lost tunde :( 14:04:11 hi all o/ 14:04:17 hey diogorsergio! 14:04:50 * antonela sorted the discussion items 14:04:51 I dont have much to note down, but able to pick a couple tasks this week. 14:05:29 diogorsergio: super, lets talk about it after the discussion items 14:06:06 so im trying to keep our kanban alive 14:06:07 https://gitlab.torproject.org/groups/torproject/ux/-/boards 14:06:36 i want to ask you to add a label to any ticket you are working on with [April 2020] label 14:06:46 you can do that with tickets under /ux 14:06:47 antonela: oh yes I'm off by 1 hour, sorry :) 14:06:59 dgoulet: i bet :) 14:07:22 pili: could that work to keep it updated? 14:07:32 yup 14:07:34 pili: what is the behaviour with tickets _outside_ ux? 14:07:59 it would also help if people create and assign any tasks they are working on 14:08:00 and update them if possible :) 14:08:29 I want to experiment with using the global torproject kanban 14:08:35 and filtering by UX keyword also 14:08:41 let me find the link 14:09:20 https://gitlab.torproject.org/groups/torproject/-/boards 14:10:00 I need to work with gaba to have columns that work for all teams though 14:10:01 so we can consolidate processes across teams 14:10:04 keyword as a label? 14:10:20 like https://gitlab.torproject.org/groups/torproject/-/boards?scope=all&utf8=%E2%9C%93&state=opened&label_name[]=UX 14:10:40 antonela: yeah I think so 14:10:44 unless there is a better way 14:11:13 yes, i'm happy to follow any workflow you and gaba decides 14:11:16 the current "defect" and "enhancement" columns don't really work well for our workflow 14:11:41 for now we will be working with tickets inside our team (/ux) 14:12:01 ideally I'd have backlog, in progress, needs-review and closed (or similar) 14:12:02 which works for thurayya on /research tickets 14:12:02 anyway 14:12:03 yup 14:12:12 it's just when we have cross team work it's good to not have ticket duplication 14:12:18 and works for me and others on /design tickets 14:12:29 +1 14:13:10 ok 14:13:32 next item 14:13:37 sorry, i'm back, i didnt realize i was off :// 14:13:48 thurayya: oi nah! 14:14:03 pili: i added the next item for you 14:14:12 i want to make sure that we have the roadmaps inline 14:14:25 thanks :) 14:14:40 so s27 ends today, we are already working with s30 14:14:43 s9 is going on 14:14:55 when does s58 start? 14:14:56 yup, I need to update the ALL Teams planning spreadsheet 14:15:00 now in April 14:15:09 oh wow 14:15:13 ok 14:15:15 let me double check the timeline for UX work 14:15:24 well, we started the work end of February already :) 14:15:46 for s58? 14:16:01 and contract will start April 1st 14:16:02 yup 14:16:03 let me double check when we had planned UX work to review Fenix UI 14:16:15 pili, antonela, can i add the researches planed in the roadmap as issues? 14:16:28 i tagged some issues last week in trac pili 14:16:28 yup 14:16:34 thurayya: yes please 14:16:45 ok 14:16:56 thurayya: i love the way we are using issues in /research 14:16:57 antonela: thanks, I saw, I'm slowly tagging others with people's help and then I'll start adding to objectives and activities 14:17:24 thurayya: we can keep doing it and label with the current month to make it appear in the kanban eg. [April 2020 14:17:24 antonela: have you seen the sponsor page in trac already? https://trac.torproject.org/projects/tor/wiki/org/sponsors/Sponsor58 14:17:49 antonela: perfect! will do that! 14:18:08 pili: O2.1 seems mine 14:18:26 yup 14:18:50 okey, i feel we need a meeting to kick off this sponsor and define the scope 14:19:04 but i need to sync with sysrqb about it 14:19:07 yup 14:19:29 I was wondering whether to do it during the regular browser meeting though 14:19:49 i'll be happy if we also can use s58 to bring to mobile the improvements we want to achieve with s30 in desktop, but im not sure if that is posible 14:20:00 as we're all there generally 14:20:01 but a kick off meeting is good and won't hurt 14:20:14 pili: i dont have a preference, but we need to discuss this sponsor 14:20:37 oki, am i missing anything else from my timeline? 14:20:56 I think the mobile improvements will have to wait until after that is done... we can try to sneak some in opportunistically though :) 14:21:17 yes, lets see 14:21:55 s27, s30, s58 and s9 running at the moment 14:22:00 antonela: for S58 I have you on O2.1 in April or May (you can choose... | ) 14:22:09 S27 will be over tomorrow ;P 14:22:17 but yes 14:22:24 i'm trying to focus on s30 so may is better for mobile 14:22:39 ok 14:22:45 cool 14:22:51 pili: anything else? 14:22:57 pili: am i missing anything? 14:23:12 there may be some stuff on onion certs but that will be in September 14:23:41 which stuff? 14:24:27 oki, we can discuss later 14:24:33 groot here pili? 14:24:38 yup, thank you 14:25:13 thurayya: do you want to go next? i just want to talk here about the tools we have been talking about and how it can get involved with the development process 14:25:29 ok 14:25:38 given the crazy status of the world all our user research will be moved to a remote fashion 14:25:39 yesterday ggus shared with us this 14:25:45 https://github.com/awesome-selfhosted/awesome-selfhosted#ux-testing 14:26:03 we should test running it as an onion service :) 14:26:21 good challenge haha 14:26:31 we have 3 tools listed there 14:26:44 i'm analysing them, but one of them is not being developed anymore 14:26:55 so we can have a look at the Uier and Selenoid 14:27:13 using selenium is a great move and we will need to discuss it with developers 14:27:50 i wonder how we can use it to distribute specific builds across users 14:27:57 have you used selenium before? 14:28:05 im not honestly 14:28:39 but seems the picked choice for automated testing, more popular around qa people than us 14:28:40 me neither 14:29:20 do you want to move forward with this proposal thurayya? 14:29:49 yes! i plan to run a local test to see how it works 14:29:58 where is the best place to discuss 14:30:03 if we can use it? 14:30:21 i think we can discuss a proposal in the ticket and then bring it to the browser meeting to see what they say 14:30:34 ok, perfect 14:30:42 it is now linked to the onion services research 14:30:57 Hi all, nice to be here 14:31:12 but maube creating an specific ticket for it 14:31:14 right? 14:31:17 maybe* 14:31:19 thurayya: we will need to see how it is related with the onion services research 14:31:25 thurayya: yes, maybe 14:31:35 hey T0_7_, glad to see you around 14:32:11 ok, let's discuss it there then 14:32:17 thurayya: yes I think if we're exploring remote user testing tools it should be a separate ticket 14:32:27 diogorsergio: have you been using remote user testing tools before? which of them? 14:33:05 oki, thurayya the next is yours too i think 14:33:13 I've used userzoom before. 14:33:45 i heard about userzoom, but it's not opensource as far as i know 14:33:53 :( 14:33:55 But not extensively.. 14:33:58 yeah not at all 14:34:29 yep, we should find a tool that keeps users data safe 14:34:35 diogorsergio: thank you 14:34:44 thurayya: next one is yours too 14:34:55 ok 14:34:56 T0_7_: do you want to update us about your research at the end? 14:35:22 Yep 14:35:24 we have to scripts for onion services now 14:35:33 one is demographics 14:35:35 https://gitlab.torproject.org/torproject/ux/research/issues/6 14:35:53 i would love to get your opinions in the changes i've made 14:35:59 just small changes 14:36:00 I've commenced the Uganda cohort of my research. I've begun contacting potential interviewees 14:36:19 thurayya: i can review it today 14:36:28 I was supposed to travel there from April 26 but the pandemic changed all that 14:36:31 as remote research has its challenges, and the survey *must* have all the information the user needs when they are reading/filling 14:36:53 I've scheduled the first interview for Friday 14:36:59 ah, T0_7_ can go on, and I go next, no problem :) 14:37:14 thurayya: yes, when you shared tools for research i thought you were finding an alternative to LimeSurvey 14:37:20 That's all the updates I have for now 14:38:05 T0_7_: good thank you, did you were able to see the notes i took from the interviews hosted in NC? 14:38:27 thurayya: sorry, yes we should have all the info there 14:38:39 ooops sorry 14:38:39 nice T0_7_! how do you plan to run the interviews? 14:39:20 I've seen some of the notes. Will take a deeper look in the coming days. The interviews are online. 14:39:55 Skype, Zoom, WhatsApp or Signal depending on preference of interviewee 14:40:31 From my experience in Zimbabwe, some are only comfortable with filling paper questionnaires and are reluctant to chat online 14:41:58 T0_7_: yes, is true 14:42:08 T0_7_: we have been using jitsi internally for our calls 14:42:17 i see, and we have to adapt to the interviewees 14:42:24 Ok, maybe I'll try that too 14:42:36 T0_7_: meet.jit.si 14:43:20 However, honestly I prefer physical interviews like I did in Nigeria and Cameroon. The interaction and data is perhaps richer. However the pandemic has affected that 14:43:48 yes, for sure 14:44:00 thurayya: sorry, you were talking :) what is next? 14:44:07 in person interviews are always better for me too... 14:44:09 yes! 14:44:16 remote research challeges 14:44:17 haha 14:44:55 yes, i've been using proprietary software before and also savage data collectors 14:45:05 i hope we can find something that works for us with the needs we havev 14:45:23 si! 14:45:26 so, while analysing the new tools, the research problems/goals are in the scripts 14:45:52 we have new demographics and the script for OS 14:45:57 perfect 14:46:04 now we need users 14:46:10 first we thought about running this with a more technical audiene 14:46:25 yes 14:46:44 ggus and i will be contacting partners this week 14:46:59 but i'm not sure if it's the case to run it with them 14:47:03 what do you think? 14:47:39 i think we should find a good pool of 5-10 users we would like to run it with and run it 14:47:49 i dont think we can do it through orgas at this time 14:48:06 i was thinking about two options: partners participating in the research themselves; 2) partners running with their communities 14:48:25 that could work, yes 14:48:39 antonela: ok. then, running with partners works 14:48:50 yep 14:49:19 they are already familirized with our tools and it's not complex 14:49:35 perfect 14:49:51 i'll review the demographics and the final script this week so we can start to call for testing next week (the first week of april) and run this the 3rd and 4th week 14:49:51 thanks! 14:50:12 cool 14:50:17 perfect, that gives us plenty of time to test the other tools too 14:50:29 we need to sync about s30 thurayya, i made a draft for testing bridges 14:50:52 my plan is still the same, working on s30 the entire april 14:51:24 maybe we can run user research at the end of april/may 14:51:36 oki, anything else folks? 14:51:57 antonela: ok 14:52:06 when do wanna sync? 14:52:26 thurs? 14:52:30 tomorrow? 14:52:50 tomorrow i can't 14:52:56 but the next days yes 14:53:04 diogorsergio: #3455 and #32228 were listed in the "call for design" last month 14:53:19 ay #3544 14:53:35 but antonela i think we can activate our partners in uganda to test it 14:53:35 thurayya: thursday works for me, at morning? feel free to ping me i'll be around 14:53:41 ok! 14:53:44 will do :) 14:54:01 super, thanks! 14:54:15 i think that is all 14:54:22 any last words? 14:54:29 I'm good 14:54:42 (S27 meeting starting in 5 minutes) 14:54:46 stay inside and take care :) 14:55:00 yes, stay safe! 14:55:05 thanks folks o/ 14:55:08 thank you! 14:55:12 #endmeeting