17:58:50 #startmeeting anti-censorship meeting 17:58:50 Meeting started Thu Apr 23 17:58:50 2020 UTC. The chair is phw. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 17:58:50 Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic. 17:58:53 good morning everyone 17:59:06 here is our meeting pad: https://pad.riseup.net/p/tor-anti-censorship-keep 17:59:17 hi 18:00:22 two announcements for today 18:00:45 hi 18:00:58 we now officially have two snowflake repos; one for the core golang code, and one for the web-based proxy code, yay! 18:02:01 and apparently, kyle has found distinguishers in snowflake dtls handshake 18:02:11 oh cool 18:02:19 does anyone want to elaborate on these announcements? :) 18:02:26 Yes, kyle says Snowflake sends "supported_groups" and "renegotiation_info" extensions but other common WebRTC apps don't. 18:02:36 nice 18:02:41 But he's planning to post more details in a ticket. 18:02:46 okay great 18:03:03 yes, great work 18:03:54 if there's nothing else, then let's take a look at each other's 'help with' sections 18:04:18 i need a review for #33666 18:04:20 i could use some feedback in #28531, and cohosh in #33666 18:04:30 phw: i can take a look at yours 18:04:40 thanks cohosh 18:04:55 i think arlo said he'd look at #33666, but if he's not around this week I'd appreciate a review sooner 18:04:57 ...and arlo wants #33365 reviewed 18:05:00 so we can start seeing if this works 18:05:11 phw: that's from last week 18:05:17 oh, then nevermind 18:05:46 i can review #33666 18:05:54 thanks! 18:06:38 anything else for today? 18:08:52 * phw waits for another three minutes before closing the meeting 18:10:12 Is there already a paper released by Kyle regarding Snowflakes fingerprinting? 18:10:35 agix: no, I believe it is preliminary research, not published anywhere yet. 18:11:10 dcf1: ah okay, thanks :) 18:12:36 #endmeeting