17:00:44 #startmeeting 17:00:44 Meeting started Mon Jun 1 17:00:44 2020 UTC. The chair is gaba. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 17:00:44 Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic. 17:00:52 agenda here: https://pad.riseup.net/p/tor-netteam-2020.1-keep 17:00:54 please review it 17:01:37 (haven't heard whether Caitlin will be around for this one) 17:02:21 i don't have any updates on the sponsors or reviews, except that i'm behind on reviews and hope to be caught up by the end of the week 17:02:43 I've updated the status page to point at 0.4.4 17:02:52 ack ack 17:02:59 thanks 17:03:05 fwiw, i assigned reviews. and assigned to both of them incidentally. 17:03:09 asn: there are some things we could talk about a little if you want, or we could defer till we have more folks around 17:03:10 so done that. 17:03:25 nickm: yep im here 17:03:29 gaba: I think the plan is for me and dgoulet to split the s55 tickets owned by teor 17:03:42 nickm: ack 17:03:57 and to put some of them as 'unassigned' if they aren't essential 17:04:19 asn: ok. so i think i want to send an email asking people to work on triage for 0.4.4, and one about clang-format status. 17:04:35 ack 17:04:58 we should still figure out what to do with all our proposal pile 17:05:23 that one i don't have any ideas for 17:05:33 for clang-format I'll basically just say where we're at and what we could do next 17:05:42 can we start using some of Thursdays to discuss proposal by proposal? 17:05:49 gaba: good idea 17:05:56 gaba: we could but some should have more people 17:06:03 ok 17:06:05 we could decide that those should have more people 17:06:16 so maybe the monday meetings in irc 17:06:22 that seems to be shorter 17:06:40 when we send the notes to the mailing list we can say that next week we discuss proposal X 17:06:45 for triage I'll mainly say "we should see if there's any "scheduled to be deferred from 0.4.4 that we actually want/need to keep" 17:06:58 nickm: i thiknk that makes sense 17:07:04 ok 17:07:57 but yes i think using either mondays or thursdays to move forward on the open proposals sounds like a good plan 17:08:09 maybe if we're hoping to advance stuff on thursday, we should ask people to have at least skimmed proposals by then? 17:08:37 yes 17:08:45 works for me 17:08:52 perhaps we dont need to do all of them immediately 17:09:12 nickm: do u have any specific proposals in mind? 17:09:16 that perhaps are more important than other proposals? 17:09:27 perhaps we should touch those first 17:09:30 I think we could do prop#315 in 0.4.4 17:09:50 I hope we have consensus on prop#318 being "just do it" 17:10:19 and I want to know from dgoulet whether he believes my feedback on prop#319 17:10:42 finally, I'd like the team's perspective on whether we think prop#321 is viable 17:11:02 (I think we havea consensus not to do prop#320, and prop#322 is esoteric to the point we can ignore it0 17:11:06 for now) 17:11:40 that's all I've got, till walking onions lands (later today or early tomorrow, after proofreading is done) 17:11:49 aha 17:11:51 what about starting prop#314 this Thursday and then we see there if we follow up the conversations in irc or not 17:11:54 * gaba brb 17:12:09 #314 was mentioned? 17:12:15 or u mean #315? 17:12:15 314 was already accepted 17:12:20 i guess #315 17:12:39 perhaps we can start with #315 and #318? i think we can def get that read until thur. 17:12:47 ok. let's plan on that. 17:12:58 works for me1 17:12:59 ! 17:13:01 I'd love more feedback on the others if anybody has time, but I get that folks are busy 17:13:21 u want me to send an email to this effect? 17:13:23 asn: can you send a quick note to the ml for dgoulet and ahf about those? 17:13:27 sounds good 17:13:31 heh, yes please 17:13:34 ok. 17:13:47 do we have anything else for today? 17:13:50 im good 17:14:01 what's the latest with pow, btw? 17:14:27 it was put a bit on hold while we were doing the funding proposal 17:14:29 but we are starting again now 17:14:35 cool 17:14:35 i worked with dgoulet last week 17:14:37 on the scheduler 17:14:41 and the measurements that need to be done there 17:14:56 we are getting performance times for services handling INTRO cells 17:15:01 I've been holding off on reading the proposal draft, but I'm excited to look at it whenever you let me know you're ready 17:15:07 to see the verificaiton overhead of PoW + how much we can tune it 17:15:09 sounds good :) 17:15:37 * gaba back -- sorry that was somebody at the door 17:16:01 sounds good to me 17:16:11 ok cool. Sounds like we're done with the meeting? 17:16:24 yes 17:16:25 if so, see you online everybody! 17:16:31 #endmeeting