18:00:51 #startmeeting Tor Browser Meeting 27 July 2020 18:00:51 Meeting started Mon Jul 27 18:00:51 2020 UTC. The chair is sysrqb. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 18:00:51 Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic. 18:01:09 hello 18:01:24 hi! 18:01:53 pad is at http://kfahv6wfkbezjyg4r6mlhpmieydbebr5vkok5r34ya464gqz6c44bnyd.onion/p/tor-tbb-2020-keep 18:02:31 o/ 18:02:40 sorry, it seems Ctrl+Shift+C removes authorship colours, i did that unintentionally... 18:03:18 no problem 18:03:34 * acat thinks that browser being able to capture key shortcuts can be problematic 18:04:05 :) 18:05:59 is a feature not a bug! 18:07:45 acat: i had some website the other day that stole ctrl+f for searching, i didn't get what was happening until i was i had already closed the page thinking the browser had a bug 18:07:55 discourse? :) 18:08:03 no, some webshop i think 18:08:22 Google? :) 18:08:50 (they're not only a webshop, but I know they do it, too) 18:09:01 :o 18:10:42 okay, let's get started 18:10:45 ahf: i think discourse (or similar) used to do it too 18:11:11 ok 18:11:14 ahf: you're on holiday for one week? or more? 18:11:17 let's start? 18:11:27 for 3! 18:11:35 maybe only 2 18:11:42 but right now i have in the calendar 3 18:11:50 okay 18:11:56 good to know :) 18:13:07 okay. we have a release this week 18:13:26 9.5.3 and 10.0a4. publishing tomorrow 18:13:51 they are very small updates, due to everything else we're working on for the migrations/transitions 18:14:12 looking at the gitlab boards 18:14:17 https://gitlab.torproject.org/groups/tpo/applications/-/boards 18:15:24 are there any ticket you know are blockers for releasing an alpha update based on esr78, but noone is planning on working on it this week? 18:15:33 *tickets 18:16:00 (and are all the issues you are working on shown on that board?) 18:16:30 remember you can filter by your name 18:16:32 in asignee 18:18:32 afhare you working on any tor browser tasks that we should plan on you handing off before you leave? 18:18:39 ahf 18:18:41 yes 18:18:47 maybe we should sync this week 18:19:00 i think we should sync later this week with the tor integration work for fenix, at least so that branches are up 18:19:13 sounds good to me 18:19:13 thanks 18:19:16 i really would like to do the sync of fenix github code to gitlab as well, such that we can do MR's there too 18:19:29 i don't know if it's okay if i just take the whole repo and push up on GL or if we want to cherry pick something or what 18:19:39 if i were to do it, i would just take a snapshot now and then we can rebase later 18:19:51 but i have no idea how you guys prefer to work in that case 18:20:01 i have a potential branch in my personal repo 18:20:22 ohhh that we can use as the release branch? 18:20:27 that would be perfect 18:20:36 and i could only push that to the "official" gitlab repo we'll use 18:20:40 yeah 18:20:55 it's just based on a tag mozilla created for their most recent version 18:21:07 but i think that is a good base on which we can work/modify the pap 18:21:22 and then i can rebase our patches onto future branches 18:21:25 let's do that then 18:21:27 yeah 18:21:31 that is perfect 18:21:33 like we do with the other tor browser repo 18:21:51 okay, we can discuss that after this meeting 18:22:04 yep 18:22:30 brade, mcs, acat: do any of you know about blockers we should prioritise for an esr78-based release? 18:22:39 i see the macos updater issue 18:23:44 I will need to look over the open issues and see if anything seems urgent. 18:23:59 thanks, yes please 18:24:14 i'd like to get out the first alpha around mid-august 18:24:17 when do we plan to ship an esr78 based alpha? 18:24:29 thx 18:24:32 me too. there's #33577 for example, not a sec issue, but i guess users would complain about that 18:24:50 since i assume now it's quite used 18:25:05 *used quite a lot 18:25:09 that is something we could include in the release notes.... 18:25:13 if necessary 18:25:43 if we release alpha versions every two weeks until the end of September, then we have three opportunities to catch critical bugs 18:26:09 acat: mcs: yeah, but if we can get it working, then all the better 18:26:33 but i wouldn't prioritize that over other more important issues (of course) 18:27:29 the UTor Browser Nightly is already based on esr78, in case anyone wants to begin playing around with it and finding bugs 18:27:48 err, *Tor Browser Nightly 18:29:23 i don't see any tickets in "Needs Review" for the migration without anyone assigned 18:29:50 there are some MRs: https://gitlab.torproject.org/groups/tpo/applications/-/merge_requests 18:30:38 only https://gitlab.torproject.org/tpo/applications/tor-browser/-/merge_requests/5 is missing an assignment 18:31:08 acat: can you take that one? 18:31:32 sysrqb: sure 18:31:47 thanks 18:32:25 gaba: am i missing anything else before we move onto Discussions? 18:33:44 * sysrqb assumes not until gaba says otherwise 18:33:51 i do not think so 18:33:56 thanks 18:34:00 you have reviews on? 18:34:02 figure out 18:34:08 acat has 9 reviews on his plate :) 18:34:40 oh. can i see that query? :) 18:34:42 I mean, people are ok with the reviews they are assigned to 18:34:43 https://gitlab.torproject.org/groups/tpo/applications/-/boards?scope=all&utf8=%E2%9C%93&state=opened&assignee_username=acat 18:35:31 ok, i guess there are tickets with needs review which already have a MR with a needs review 18:35:47 yeah 18:35:48 so i should remove the needs review label from those tickets i assume 18:36:09 yes, i think we should only add Needs Review on MRs (now) 18:36:28 ok 18:37:34 should we move onto discussions? 18:38:27 yes 18:38:56 okay 18:40:05 people can look at the pad posted in tor-internal with the draf of the blogpost 18:40:07 as a follow up to the discussion topic from last week about what assumptions Tor Browser should make about connections with onion services 18:40:08 draft* 18:40:13 for the onion service connections one 18:40:34 i'd like to write a blog post about that 18:40:44 Alec published an advisory today: 18:40:53 https://github.com/alecmuffett/eotk/blob/master/docs.d/security-advisories.d/001-torbrowser.md 18:41:03 some of you probably already saw it and read it 18:41:50 but if Tor Browser is not reverting the behavioral change being questioned here, then we should be clear about why the behavioral change is correct 18:41:59 id like to discuss with comms if having a blogpost is the best way to deal with this issue 18:42:26 anyways, having the technical background summarized is very helpful for any action we would take 18:42:28 antonela: okay, please include me in that conversation if it's helpful 18:42:30 And we should look at documentation and see what needs to be chagned on setting up onion services 18:42:40 sysrqb: sure thing 18:42:57 gaba: yes 18:43:19 okay, that was topic #1 18:43:33 topic #2 i mentioned earlier 18:43:57 about prioritzing release blockers for esr78-based Tor Browser 18:44:20 acat, mcs, brade: please ping me (or get my attention somehow) if ou find anything that I should look at 18:44:28 *you 18:44:41 will do 18:44:49 thanks 18:44:50 ack 18:45:07 topic #3 was from ahf 18:45:17 i think that is resolved, yes? 18:45:17 re #1, is there something we can do? 18:45:18 that one is resolved i think! 18:45:19 yep 18:45:24 great 18:45:32 maybe review the draft? 18:45:34 acat: i'd like help with writing the blog post 18:45:38 ok 18:45:39 yes, writing/reviewing 18:45:42 that's good 18:45:47 pending comms decision 18:46:46 but independently of the decision, i also think it's good to have the technical arguments somewhere 18:46:58 i ran through those discussion items a little fast, do any of you have questions/comments about them? 18:47:17 acat: yes, having that would be good and is very important 18:47:24 +1 18:48:17 okay, if no one else has question/comments, then i'll close this meeting 18:48:26 thanks everyone! 18:48:30 thanks 18:48:31 thanks! 18:48:32 thx folks o/ 18:48:32 thanks! 18:48:38 #endmeeting