15:59:24 #startmeeting anti-censorship team meeting 15:59:24 Meeting started Thu Aug 6 15:59:24 2020 UTC. The chair is phw. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 15:59:24 Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic. 15:59:30 hi 15:59:34 hi, all. here's our meeting pad: https://pad.riseup.net/p/tor-anti-censorship-keep 16:00:39 oh, we now have a pad to collect bugs 16:00:49 https://pad.riseup.net/p/tor-anti-censorship-bugs-keep 16:00:53 thanks to dcf1, i assume 16:01:03 yes, this is part of tpo/anti-censorship/pluggable-transports/snowflake-webext#14 16:01:23 I figure we can check the bug pad during each weekly meeting 16:02:08 that's a good idea 16:02:09 nice, thanks! 16:02:45 hello all. is it possible to connect to a vpn and then to a snowflake proxy? its possible to connect to a vpn and then to an obfs4 bridge or meek-azure. 16:02:45 looks like it's only going to be the three of us today. and we have an empty agenda 16:04:15 ferdario: weclome :) this question is better for #tor 16:04:27 this is the weekly anti-censorship development meeting 16:04:41 sure 16:05:07 are questions about censorship related issues OK? 16:05:37 yes, but not during a meeting 16:05:52 OK 16:06:00 hmm, i'm struggling with opening these short urls from gitlab 16:06:04 tpo/anti-censorship/pluggable-transports/snowflake-webext!3 16:06:13 phw: the best way I've found is to paste it into the search box. 16:06:14 and no irc bot to come to my rescue 16:06:20 thanks dcf1 16:06:24 the irc bot only works for issues 16:07:12 I'm kind of amazed that it still doesn't know exactly what you want after searching, you then have to click on the "Issues" or "Merge requests" tab or whatever, and select the single result. 16:07:52 i just had the same thought 16:09:21 I guess it's better to just use full links, they are barely longer than the short references anyway. 16:10:19 ok, let's take a look at reviews 16:10:35 https://gitlab.torproject.org/tpo/anti-censorship/pluggable-transports/snowflake-webext/-/merge_requests/3 for dcf1 16:10:51 and snowflake-webext!1 for cohosh 16:10:53 dcf1: i can take that one 16:10:58 i'll do the other 16:11:27 is there anything else you'd like to talk about today? 16:12:37 we should pick a reading 16:12:43 for maybe two weeks from now? 16:12:53 and perhaps from the foci papers 16:13:25 yes, i was about to say: they should be public in a few days 16:13:51 how about we read turbo tunnel? i hear that we may get one of the authors to join us 16:14:24 the one on iran's protocol whitelister also looks interesting, and HTTPT, and MIMIQ 16:14:43 but yes i'm also down to talk about turbotunnel if dcf1 is up for it 16:14:50 MIMIQ I've read, it is not really anti-censorship, more like anti-surveillance 16:15:12 i'd like to read the others too. we can make the next few reading groups about foci papers 16:15:15 but yeah, okay with me 16:15:40 https://www.bamsoftware.com/papers/turbotunnel/ 16:15:51 There's a 10-minute video online now as well 16:16:10 nice! 16:17:43 that's all from me today, i think 16:18:42 the resolution isn't quite high enough to recognise all the book in the background, dcf1 16:19:25 nothing from my side either, so let's wrap it up 16:19:27 #endmeeting