16:59:00 #startmeeting network team meeting september 14 16:59:00 Meeting started Mon Sep 14 16:59:00 2020 UTC. The chair is ahf. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 16:59:00 Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic. 16:59:02 woo 16:59:04 hi! 16:59:08 o/ 16:59:09 our pad is at https://pad.riseup.net/p/tor-netteam-2020.1-keep 16:59:13 who do we have today? :-D 16:59:15 o/ 16:59:24 I think dgoulet is afk 16:59:27 gaba: you here? 16:59:45 * asn writing report 17:00:30 should we with our board at https://gitlab.torproject.org/groups/tpo/core/-/boards ? 17:00:42 ok! 17:01:02 the only thing I know for sure is on my plate is tpo/core/team#11 17:01:04 hi! 17:01:04 * ahf moves tor#40114 into icebox since it is sort of fixed, but it also not closed with a nice fix 17:01:05 yes 17:02:36 nickm: cool! 17:02:40 and yoyo gaba o/ 17:02:50 asn: you good with our board? 17:03:10 yep! 17:03:27 asn: are we good with reviewer assignments? 17:03:40 yep 17:03:44 looks good ya 17:03:44 everything is assigned 17:03:45 awesome 17:04:06 ok 17:04:15 we have 0.4.4 release status. tickets with zero owners: https://gitlab.torproject.org/dashboard/issues?scope=all&utf8=%E2%9C%93&state=opened&milestone_title=Tor%3A%200.4.4.x-final&assignee_id=None 17:04:39 * asn looks 17:04:45 that's backport 17:04:52 the protover one 17:05:34 ye 17:05:34 ok 17:05:36 we good 17:05:39 I don't think any of the remaining 044-must tickets looks like a release blocker right now 17:05:42 that link doesn't work unless we are logged in 17:05:57 agreed 17:05:58 nickm: i think you are right. we looked last week and went through your wiki list and i think that was one of the items there 17:06:21 we still want to keep doing 0.4.4 status in the meetings though, right? 17:06:31 yeah 17:06:39 we may find more 044 items as we release 17:06:43 yep 17:06:44 cool 17:07:02 okay. the next thing on our agenda is: https://gitlab.torproject.org/tpo/core/team/-/wikis/NetworkTeam/CoreTorReleases 17:07:04 o/ 17:07:08 hi hi! 17:07:10 hello dgoulet 17:07:13 made it ;0 17:07:17 \o/ 17:08:21 ok, looks like the release page is right if we release tomorrow? 17:08:49 yeah. Do we call it stable? I don't think any of the stuff we merged is too scary 17:09:04 I would be comfortable with that tbh 17:09:09 so rc vs. non-rc? i think non-rc is OK 17:09:17 agreed 17:09:19 how late would we be if we made another rc? 17:09:25 at least two weeks 17:09:31 likely more 17:09:58 ack 17:09:58 ok 17:10:01 let's go with stable 17:10:05 agree nothing is particularly sketch 17:10:37 ok! 17:11:00 we don't have anything else added to discussion? there is two items, but i think they are older? 17:11:18 one thing I have is that I want to know what we're hacking on next :) 17:11:23 or did somebody add them here today? 17:11:25 I can just work on small little tickets in my queue 17:11:54 i think this is where gaba comes in 17:11:59 we also need to complete the 045 exercise 17:12:12 https://gitlab.torproject.org/tpo/core/team/-/issues/7 17:12:51 there are many fun projects there 17:13:34 yeah I have mostly s28 ticets until end of Sept here 17:13:38 (gaba's order) 17:13:51 ack 17:14:22 ahf: are you still on TB most of the time? 17:14:25 nickm: you have things until thursday you can dive into, right? 17:14:36 nickm: yeah, last week was dealing with the glob stuff a bit with david, which was for them 17:14:41 nickm: we are going to be starting the scalability project very soon but we do not have a contract yet. 17:14:41 yeah; worst case, I pick a proposal and work on it 17:15:08 my hope was to before scalability to work a bit more on the transition towards more CI on gitlab 17:15:10 yes, september is non-sponsor stuff in general (other than s30 and 28) 17:15:11 gaba: I had thought that was starting in nov/dec; is that right? 17:15:16 and feature parity there 17:15:20 gaba: or are we starting sooner? 17:15:29 right, we will start as soon as we get a contract 17:15:42 ahf: anything wrt CI is worthwhile IMO 17:16:28 yeah. i think the prometheus stuff is a very interesting project too and would be a huge value add to HS users and relay operators and i don't think it is that much work to get it started, but i think the CI stuff is higher priority since it is a mess right now that we have to use two services :-/ 17:16:42 makes sense 17:18:17 do we have anything else we need to dive into today? 17:18:17 ok, I'll aim to have the 0445 changelog written in the next hour or so 17:18:21 sweet 17:18:22 then I'll ask others to have a look 17:18:27 i think i'm good 17:18:35 everybody remember to ping me if you need anything 17:18:35 * dgoulet good 17:18:50 ack 17:18:53 asn, gaba: you good? 17:18:56 im good as well 17:19:05 otherwise we have our thursday meeting to follow up on anything that pops up 17:19:13 yes 17:19:18 cool! 17:19:23 i am gonna end the meeting then. thanks all o/ 17:19:25 #endmeeting