15:57:55 #startmeeting tor anti-censorship meeting 15:57:55 Meeting started Thu Apr 1 15:57:55 2021 UTC. The chair is cohosh. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 15:57:55 Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic. 15:58:00 hey everyone 15:58:40 here is our meeting pad: https://pad.riseup.net/p/tor-anti-censorship-keep 15:58:58 hello 15:59:23 we don't have any discussion on the agenda for today 15:59:57 there was microsoft's announcement last friday that they are going to stop supporting domain fronting 16:00:05 https://www.microsoft.com/security/blog/2021/03/26/securing-our-approach-to-domain-fronting-within-azure/ 16:00:17 which is pretty big news 16:00:24 n8fr8 says "may already be going offline, according to some reports" https://lists.torproject.org/pipermail/anti-censorship-team/2021-April/000152.html 16:00:36 yeah :/ 16:01:56 just a brief update on our end: we're setting up snowflake broker distribution and Moat bridge distribution through fastly 16:02:04 but we're still unsure what to do about meek 16:02:14 it was already very expensive for us 16:02:52 so we don't have a plan to just switch the domain fronting provider at the moment 16:03:39 I mean, shut it down then. That has been an option since before this even. 16:03:45 yeah 16:06:24 i don't have more to say at the moment 16:06:50 thanks for jumping on the azure and pion issues quickly 16:07:38 no worries, i think most of the timely reviews i need for these are from the browser team 16:07:52 so i can ping them about it outside the meeting 16:07:56 What's the story with snowflake!32 16:08:06 ah that's for the hackweek alerts 16:08:09 https://snowflake-broker.torproject.net/prometheus 16:08:14 i am just trying it out 16:08:32 ok, are you looking for comments at this point? 16:08:46 right now it exports the same things that our metrics and debug handlers do, just in a different format 16:08:57 i would love to join your meeting but i have burning servers and need to have lunch :p 16:09:05 i'm happy to help again after :) 16:09:16 dcf1: there's a few more small changes i'm thinking of making 16:09:50 comments are welcome at any point, but i can reach out once the merge request is fully done 16:10:28 ok 16:10:45 right now we are playing with the alerts and once those look reasonable I'll let them out of the anti-censorship-alerts moderation queue 16:10:59 basically what this all lets us do is get alerts if the number of polling proxies drops to zero 16:11:21 or more intricate trends like the number of client rejections has grown significantly in the last X minutes 16:13:58 anything else to discuss during the meeting? 16:14:10 dcf1: thanks for helping out with domain fronting questions btw 16:14:48 np 16:16:05 alright, i will end the meeting here i think 16:16:11 thanks everyone 16:16:16 #endmeeting