14:58:16 #startmeeting Tor Browser meeting 12 April 2021 14:58:17 Meeting started Mon Apr 12 14:58:16 2021 UTC. The chair is sysrqb. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 14:58:17 Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic. 14:58:27 hi! 14:58:35 hello! 14:58:38 Hello! 14:58:42 hello! 14:58:44 o/ 14:58:45 Pad: https://pad.riseup.net/p/tor-tbb-keep 15:05:46 okay, hello! 15:06:01 o/ 15:06:05 Please add any discussion items on the pad (line 48) 15:08:20 nice! what i wanted to add is already added :D 15:09:44 ah ha, great 15:09:56 okay, let's get started 15:11:49 we're now in build week, again 15:12:42 we'll squeeze the alpha Android build in this week between the 78.10esr-based builds 15:13:21 i have those reviews, and finishing the rebase and audits on my plate 15:13:56 i'm hoping richard is available this week to start reviewing closed mozilla tickets 15:14:07 GeKo: can you pick up the dev docs again? 15:14:11 yep 15:14:14 thanks 15:14:17 and closed tickets if needed 15:14:20 just ping me 15:14:28 thanks 15:14:29 and whatever is burning :) 15:14:51 yeah 15:16:01 boklm: did you add the item about adding the anon tickets projects? 15:16:08 yes 15:16:38 i'm supportive of adding those 15:16:40 so what people think about adding some new projects to anon_ticket (cypherpunks)? 15:16:45 does anyone want to discuss it? 15:16:52 +1 15:18:02 * sysrqb hears no objections 15:18:28 i'll post on the issue that we should proceed 15:19:24 okay, next. Burmese localization 15:19:48 i would like to help bridge the gap between Burmese translators and tbb devs this week. please let me know if there are problmes you see with the strings, and i will try to test tbb with the Burmese translators to see that the strings look OK, etc. 15:20:15 Unfortunately the release of Tor Browser 10.5a14 was delayed over the weekend 15:20:48 hopefully it will be released within the next day 15:21:23 emmapeel: thanks. i didn't see any obvious problems when I looked at the Nightly version on Friday 15:21:29 one thing to note is that there are currently internet and electricity shutdowns in Myanmar, so the communication may not be so easy 15:21:49 but I'll monitor the blog comments for feedback, as well as gitlab tickets 15:22:00 yeah :( 15:23:01 emmapeel: i'll ping you when the new Tor Browser version is available 15:23:12 thanks sysrqb 15:24:02 antonela: oh. did you add this item on the pad? 15:24:12 i just realized I didn't send comms an update 15:24:27 i directly pinged al over the weekend 15:24:38 sorry for that 15:26:48 okay, we can come back to this topic. 15:27:02 The last item is about the upcoming Firefox ESR transition 15:27:04 is good 15:27:08 emmapeel handled it 15:27:47 okay, good 15:28:25 I sent an email to tbb-dev@ last week regarding future Tor Browser plans 15:30:02 we can begin looking at the desktop migration from 78esr to 91esr at the end of this month 15:31:03 we can move Linux's Nightly version onto 91 early in the process 15:31:36 and then we can concentrate on moving Windows and macOS in June and July 15:32:14 and this transition should be stable by September 15:32:45 and this brrings us to the last item on the discussion list 15:32:53 Tor Browser 10.5 and Tor Browser 11 15:33:51 Tor Browser 11 is easy to plan - that is when we move Tor Browser Stable onto 91esr, in September (or earlier) 15:34:22 Tor Browser 10.5 is a little more interesting 15:34:56 the original goal was that 10.5 would be an anti-censorship focused version 15:35:22 but we haven't accomplished much in that area 15:35:49 we may have a quick-start mode, and that improves usability 15:36:22 i was hoping Richard would be at this meeting 15:36:34 is dunqan around? 15:36:48 hello! yes I'm lurking 15:36:54 hi! 15:37:32 antonela: dunqan: did you discuss the current quick-start implementation? 15:37:45 yep, antonela is going to be mostly taking back over on the quickstart work 15:37:53 yes, i took over s30 tickets and also commented on the current ticket 15:38:11 great. i haven't read the ticket recently 15:38:22 do we know when richard is back? 15:38:26 we were hoping to get an up to date build to test the recent progress on the ticket I believe 15:38:27 can you summarize your feeling about it in 1 sentence? :) 15:38:46 oh, i see. okay 15:38:56 richard should be back this week 15:39:03 that was the plan last week, at least 15:39:13 i'll follow up with him and confirm 15:39:24 and then lat you know 15:39:30 its great, i launched the latest build and i know there are a bunch of details dunqan and richard worked on refining but it looks super good 15:39:57 +1 15:40:00 we will need to define some stuff around bridges 15:40:03 awesome 15:40:33 do you think it should be part of Tor Browser 10.5? 15:40:46 depends 15:40:56 phrased another way, is adding it in 10.5 an important improvement? 15:41:06 im not sure about sponsor timelines 15:41:20 back last year we decided to launch this in 2 parts 15:41:30 i hope it eventually happens :) 15:41:37 yeah 15:41:48 10.5 stable is june? 15:41:56 i think we can have something refined for june, yes 15:42:11 i need to sync with richard 15:42:29 refined, polished 15:43:03 yeah, i think we should release 10.5 stable within the next 6-8 weeks 15:43:28 this will begin blocking/hurting the 91esr transition 15:43:43 so i don't want to delay more than necessary 15:44:23 but we can wait until Richard is online again 15:44:28 and you can discuss with him a timeline for this 15:45:20 yes, lets make sure gaba is in the loop, she should have better idea about sponsor timeline and teams capacity 15:45:33 yep 15:45:40 im here reading 15:45:55 cool 15:47:15 the four of us can meet later this week, if that will be helpful for planning 15:47:21 because we missed the s30 meeting last week 15:47:31 right 15:47:32 but i'll ask richard for his availability 15:47:39 super, thanks 15:48:23 yep 15:48:45 okay, that's all of the items on the pad 15:48:50 thanks everyone 15:48:55 have a good week 15:49:11 #endmeeting