15:58:30 #startmeeting UX Team Weekly Meeting, 28 February 2023 15:58:30 Meeting started Tue Feb 28 15:58:30 2023 UTC. The chair is donuts. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 15:58:30 Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic. 15:58:39 IT'S TIME 15:58:43 hello! 15:58:44 pad is here: https://pad.riseup.net/p/tor-ux-team-keep 15:58:54 please add anything you'd like to discuss today to the agenda 15:59:00 hi 15:59:11 welcome welcome 15:59:17 o/ 15:59:34 let's take 5 mins to update our planning sections before we get started 16:01:54 i'll be afk next week - taking 3 days off before going for in-person activities in the other week 16:02:13 in which i'll be mostly afk, but i'll try to connect as much as it is possible 16:02:51 nah: is it in the afk calendar? 16:03:09 yes, it is! 16:03:20 it's also in tor-internal mailing list :) 16:03:32 yeah I remember you told me already too :) 16:03:38 but I can't see it in the cal, strangely 16:03:42 maybe my client's bugging out 16:03:48 it's the afk calendar 16:04:39 oh yeah I see it on Nextcloud, just not in my desktop app 16:04:41 weird 16:05:21 okay thanks for the reminder nah! hope you enjoy your days off ^^ 16:05:22 is everyone finished adding their updates? 16:05:40 yep! 16:05:48 ty! 16:05:56 awesome 16:06:34 so our whatsapp user support channel is now public public! \o/ 16:06:36 https://blog.torproject.org/meeting-you-where-you-are-we-added-whatsapp-user-support/ 16:06:49 congrats to the community/user support team :D 16:07:06 \o/ 16:07:11 wohooo 16:07:21 also thank you nicob for supporting the launch 16:07:36 yeah ofc 16:08:28 The only other topic I had planned for today was to give a quick update about the product designer recruitment efforts 16:09:21 We have around 16 more LinkedIn applications to triage, but the rate of applications has definitely slowed down 16:09:46 So I think we should start considering other places to post the job 16:10:12 The first place I'd like to try are tech-focussed remote job boards 16:11:01 do you have anywhere in particular you think would be good? 16:11:27 also the digitalrights.community board 16:11:48 https://www.digitalrights.community/job-board-form 16:12:07 https://civictechjobs.codeforamerica.org/ 16:13:31 I'm not sure we count has civic tech, but +1 to the team community board 16:13:47 Erin has an existing list I'm assuming it's on, but I'll double-check 16:14:21 I'm not really sure what the procedure is actually (i.e. whether I'm expected to post the job on these boards, or HR will) so I'll check-in and find out 16:15:06 nice, ty donuts! 16:15:44 given how busy you are nah, what week would be best to schedule the first interviews (assuming we have a candidate)? 16:15:58 like in three weeks' time, perhaps? 16:16:46 between March 19th and April 11th 16:16:51 ack 16:17:00 sorry, it's the opposite 16:17:08 March 11th and April 19th 16:17:40 aren't you gonna be in EC from march 11th? 16:18:47 yes, i'll be 16:19:01 sorry 16:19:20 march 19th and april 17th < these are the right ones 16:19:28 aha right, that's what I thought! 16:19:31 great, ty 16:20:17 :S 16:20:30 okay I'll ping you two on signal once I have a selection of candidates to progress 16:20:43 and/or when that folio is back online for your review 16:20:49 sounds good! 16:21:12 is there anything else for this week? or shall I get back to shoveling snow lol 16:21:39 hehe i'm good! ty, donuts! 16:22:26 just wanted to know if you need any more support with download page for now donuts? 16:22:49 nicob: the icons look great, thanks! I don't think I need anything special for iOS for now 16:23:04 ok! 16:23:23 good luck with snow shoveling 😬 16:23:24 we can still update the illustrations at any time this week too, if you want to keep exploring those 16:23:26 haha ty 16:23:30 noted 16:24:29 okay thanks for coming everyone! hope you all have good weeks 16:24:33 #endmeeting