15:00:29 <richard> #startmeeting Tor Browser Weekly Meeting 2024-05-13
15:00:29 <MeetBot> Meeting started Mon May 13 15:00:29 2024 UTC.  The chair is richard. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot.
15:00:29 <MeetBot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic.
15:00:33 <richard> indeed
15:00:43 <boklm> o/
15:01:44 <dan_b> o/
15:03:09 <richard> hello everyone o/
15:03:43 <richard> MB 13.0.15 is signed and handed over, TB 13.0.15 is signing and so we should be on time for our release tomorrow
15:03:53 <ma1> \o/
15:04:02 <dan_b> woo
15:04:12 <richard> last week i put a dent into my gitlab cleanup backlog
15:04:42 <richard> for now anything that is labeled `13.5 Stable` is (optmistically) planned for 13.5 in JUne
15:05:59 <richard> if it's unclear what the priority is for you right now plz ping me
15:07:40 <richard> do we have anything scary looming/anxieties w/ regards to the 13.5 release?
15:08:44 <dan_b> we're doing the next alpha this week? and working hard to get TAS removed and tor-expert-bundle included in that?
15:08:55 <dan_b> that's the last of the big looming work i think
15:09:05 <PieroV> dan_b: I think we want to release the alpha before travelling
15:09:19 <PieroV> To avoid releasing during the meeting
15:09:39 <dan_b> cool
15:09:39 <PieroV> (hoping we won't need an emergency fix for unexpected crashes or something similar)
15:10:12 <richard> i can sign+publish Friday if need be
15:10:24 <richard> otherwise it will have to wait until we get back
15:10:32 <henry-x> Some of my "13.5" issues would require UX input. They are all minor issues, but I know UX team is very busy right now, so I think I'll just let them sit and maybe move into 14.0
15:10:33 <richard> as much as i love travelling releases
15:14:54 <richard> ok, does anyone have discussion discussion points to go over?
15:15:02 * PieroV doesn't
15:15:39 <dan_b> nope
15:15:41 * ma1 neither
15:15:48 * boklm neither
15:16:06 <richard> ok, thanks as always and have a good week o/
15:16:12 <clairehurst> o/
15:16:23 <ma1> o/
15:16:25 <richard> #endmeeting