15:00:52 #startmeeting Tor Browser Weekly Meeting 2024-05-28 15:00:52 Meeting started Tue May 28 15:00:52 2024 UTC. The chair is richard. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 15:00:52 Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic. 15:01:03 the pad per usual -> https://pad.riseup.net/p/tor-tbb-keep 15:01:20 some folks are afk this week on vacations/recovering from the dev meeting 15:01:41 but the Mozilla machine keeps raging, so it's a rebase/build week for 13.0.16 15:01:55 Is it? 15:01:59 isn't it? 15:02:03 No 15:02:10 It's June 10 15:02:10 don't we have tags? 15:02:13 or am i off by a week 15:02:14 No 15:02:17 I think so 15:02:23 ok amazing 15:02:34 Err, June 11 15:02:36 that aligns well with irl constraints 15:02:56 And we intended to go directly with 13.5 15:03:13 it won't align with irl all-tpi holidays very well in July :P 15:03:16 FWIW, I haven't disabled the 13.0 branch in my rebase script 15:03:25 * branches 15:03:35 So, the rebases are still automatically done and available in my fork :) 15:03:47 \o/ 15:04:12 o/ 15:04:14 ok, we'll see how the remaining android work fits in the next two weeks 15:04:39 dan_b: can you pick up the remaining tor-browser-build work to purge our old tor backend? 15:04:57 the relevant issues are all assigned to clairehurst atm 15:05:03 ah yeah sure happy to 15:05:21 or so i was gonna start this week off with digging deeper into the firefox-android rebase 15:05:34 but i've got some bridge config issues, and the tbb stuff, that'll likely fill my next 3 days 15:05:40 we also have a somewhat important android bug reported last week 15:05:45 yep 15:05:48 ah yeah tee ridge issue^ 15:05:52 the* bridge* 15:05:53 that's my first priority 15:06:05 yes please 15:06:30 really looking forward to the tbb ripping of TAS out too 15:06:33 should be a fun week with that 15:06:47 the bridge stuff we'll see but super eager to make the new GV bakcend keep ... working lol 15:06:55 and fix issues from the switch over 15:07:10 i'm going to go through the remaining 13.5 labeled issues tonight/tomorrow and start kicking things to 14.0 15:07:28 * PieroV is working on localizing the Windows installer right now for 13.5 15:07:38 I don't know of any other 13.5 items for me at the moment 15:08:01 i think desktop is in a pretty good spot atm 15:08:22 sweet 15:08:41 also next week bea will be starting, so I expect bella will be scheduling more on-boarding sessions like w/ jwilde 15:08:54 I'm glad the now default GV backend on android is hopefully getting more eyes and mostly proving good. if we just have this one bug left to squash that would be amazing 15:09:05 ah cool 15:09:10 I like onboarding stuff 15:09:17 Next week we might have the "review day" 15:09:23 review day? 15:09:25 I know we have a lot going on 15:09:34 But it'd be great not to postpone it 15:09:40 dan_b: yep, it's an idea Bella had 15:09:54 i missed that or forgot it? what is? 15:10:00 For the ESR rebase we could say that on a certain day, we all pause our tasks 15:10:10 And instead review the ESR rebase 15:10:56 haha damn, you in desktop land are so far ahead of us in android land almost makes me feel nervous 15:11:16 I hope it'll be helpful ^_^ 15:11:32 Also, desktop has much many more commits (we're constantly over 200) 15:12:00 did we have a plan for who's to look at which parts? 15:12:05 this is starting to ring a bell now 🙂 15:12:13 We need to create one 15:12:16 i think my brain is still defragging from last week 15:12:26 Even though hopefully everyone should go through the whole patchset 15:12:44 Also, we wanted to have a BBB thing about reviewew strategies 15:12:46 yes +1 re review day 15:12:58 (quick refresher on diff of diffs and how range-diff works 15:13:01 ) 15:13:15 (and range-diff is one of my announcements for today) 15:13:17 oh yeah that part would be super helpful for me 15:14:10 we also should have a meeting re the code/ticket audit process 15:14:21 Yes 15:14:26 though honestly that can probably just be an email 15:14:32 or a wiki doc 15:14:34 I don't think it's a blocker for the whole team 15:14:39 Better to do it sooner rather than later 15:14:45 mmhm 15:14:54 But I think getting the review is the first blocker 15:15:00 To get everybody work on the updated codebase 15:15:11 yes 100% 15:16:16 also in my backlog is to review each of our session notes from last weeks and resolve action items 15:17:38 ok any folks have discussion points for this meeting? blockers? MRs that need attention? 15:17:47 Yes 15:17:49 I have a couple 15:17:54 First one 15:17:55 take it away 15:18:16 Yesterday I've created a "commentary" of Mullvad Browser's range-diff (since it was fresh in my mind) 15:18:27 (but I intend to do the same for other branches) 15:18:55 Basically, I went through each point that needed attention (usually it's double-signed stuff, so ++, +-, -+, --) and added a comment 15:19:20 To try to make it more understandable, I setup a machinery to export a colored HTML for the range diff 15:19:33 (git range-diff --color R1 R2 | aha) 15:19:43 And I added comments there 15:20:04 I'd like to get some feedback on the format, to possibly improve when I start doing the same for BB and TBB 15:20:33 (a possible feedback is also "it's a waste of time, don't do it", but I hope it won't be the feedback I get :)) 15:20:34 send an example of the outout? 15:20:50 i'm a fan of color outputs so i doubt i'll vote "waste of time" 15:20:52 Sure, was about to find it :) https://gitlab.torproject.org/tpo/applications/tor-browser/-/issues/42441#note_3033274 15:21:05 There's an attached HTML (cannot really inline it in GitLab comments) 15:21:36 An alternative I thought of is to convert the HTML to PDF, and add inline comments, but I've already been told that HTML is better 15:21:49 Also, ma1 might do something for me to make the creation of inline comments easier :) 15:21:53 PieroV: I think this HTMl report ought to be integrated into the tor-browser-spec repo along with the code/ticket audits going forward 15:22:09 (I don't want to spend more time to add them inline than to write the comments themselves) 15:22:21 happy to help 15:22:22 oh this is pretty nice 15:22:39 ack, in case for the record this is a quick script I wrote to split the various commits and encapsulate them in
: https://gitlab.torproject.org/pierov/lazy-scripts/-/blob/main/split-range-diff-aha.py 15:23:09 (aha itself is a nice C tool to transform ansi colors to HTML, I found it packaged on Debian) 15:23:24 tho i think it needs a key at top... i have green+ lines with only black text, bolds i dont get where they are coming from, red(-) lines with green text... 15:23:46 Yeah, it's the range-diff format 15:23:49 but if i recall thats the range diff format i saw last year... it's a little a lot 15:24:02 We can probably talk about that in the BBB meeting 15:24:06 It's probably easier 15:24:10 a key/refresher blurb somewhere would def help. just a header 15:24:20 Also, the man page has a lot of details on how range-diff works 15:24:25 aaaah ok 15:24:40 then maybe i'll read than and shoot you an MR hopefully distilling my new understanding 15:24:41 https://git-scm.com/docs/git-range-diff#_examples 15:24:54 oh sweet thanks 15:25:37 What you really want is to check very carefully the "double sign" lines. Lines with background +/- are upstream changes, lines with colored +/- are our patches 15:25:49 So, lines that have both means that both the upstream code and our patches changed 15:26:35 Anyway, I won't manage to start working on this today, maybe tomorrow (my) afternoon I'll start with Tor Browser 15:27:17 I can start with this format and in case change it later 15:28:07 My second point is a reminder for uplifting patches, we have only one week 15:28:25 Then 128 is going beta around June 10 15:28:42 (maybe two weeks, I'm not sure what happens while the current beta enters RC) 15:29:34 Anyway, it's okay if we don't get them uplifted immediately, but the sooner we get them, the lowest is the effort to update them to RR 15:29:46 (and update them back for us) 15:29:50 yes 15:32:42 (I'm done with my points) 15:33:12 ok, anyone else? 15:33:43 my plates full this week but other than firing off MRs I'm good 15:34:09 other than pointing out obviously the firefox-android to 128 to tor-browser alpha is gonna be later than the desktop one, but I think thats the case every year? 15:34:26 Yes, more or less 15:34:33 Also, I haven't started working on toolchain yet 15:34:44 (I'm not sure I'll be the one working on them, but I did it for 102 and 115) 15:34:59 * ma1 assumed it was boklm's elves 15:35:10 So, I know we more or less build on Linux + Windows 15:35:35 ma1: for 102 boklm was on vacation when the rebase was ready to be built :) So, eventually I did the update 15:35:43 maybe we'll need an assist from clairehurst for macOS :D 15:35:55 For 115 I guess I thought I had done it for 102, and did it again 15:36:24 Or boklm was working on other MB stuff at that point, I didn't have anything else on my plate and did the upgrade 15:37:05 and jwilde who's gonna be looking at windows build tooling anyways 15:38:02 I built 126 for Windows. We need to update mingw, but there weren't new patches 15:38:14 nice 15:38:16 And the patches we had for 115 are still needed (and still apply cleanly) 15:38:34 We might need to download and inject the windows create on the build container 15:38:41 \o/ 15:38:50 PieroV: did webrtc build successfully? 15:38:54 But I'm not sure (I had to run `cargo download`) 15:38:59 richard: I think so, but I don't remember 15:39:04 Oh well 15:39:10 :) 15:39:13 Now that I think of it I've rebased MB only yesterday 15:39:17 So I built WebRTC 15:39:26 * I built Tor Browser only 15:39:30 Which doesn't have WebRTC 15:39:39 oh right 15:39:59 Also, very recently Moz completely reworked the default browser agent 15:40:28 (maybe not very recently, again, I just rebased MB very recently) 15:40:52 I had to drop our patches, but they might not be needed. They dropped the dependency on Wintoast, which was the main obstacle to building with Mingw 15:41:04 We still might have to disable some telemetry also in the refactor 15:41:11 WinRT dependency? 15:41:22 or w/e the windows 8 thing is 15:41:29 Yes 15:43:19 alright 15:43:38 we can figure out who's updating what and when after 13.5 is released 15:44:01 any further topics or problems? 15:44:07 Nothing from me 15:45:48 👍 15:46:06 ok, have a good (short) week everyone 15:46:21 #endmeeting