15:01:34 #startmeeting Tor Browser Weekly Meeting 2024-06-03 15:01:34 Meeting started Mon Jun 3 15:01:34 2024 UTC. The chair is richard. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 15:01:34 Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic. 15:01:51 o/ 15:02:04 o/ 15:02:06 o/ 15:02:31 hi folks 15:02:38 hello jwilde! 15:02:41 o/ 15:02:52 manuel :) 15:03:10 i'm no my usual computer so give me a sec 15:03:14 ah here we are 15:03:14 https://pad.riseup.net/p/tor-tbb-keep 15:03:23 hello! i have finally found my way to a meeting as it's happening :P 15:03:38 jwilde: so each person has a section in this doc where we jot down things done and planning to do, discussion items, etc 15:03:43 ha hey welcome jwilde 15:03:48 it's a living doc so it gets pruned every once in awhile 15:03:53 There's also brizental! 15:04:01 eeh! 15:04:05 brizental welcome to IRC! 15:04:12 onboarding contniues to improve I see :) 15:04:29 did I miss some emails? 15:04:31 uhuuuu jwilde AND brizental!!! 15:04:53 manuel iirc is a mozillian interested in helping with patch uplift (correct me if i'm misrememmbering) 15:05:06 heey!! 15:05:10 i *presume* brizental is our second new engineer 15:05:32 thats true. I have some bandwith that I can spend on uplifting stuff 15:05:37 forgvie me i'm behdin on emails because NA timezone for next good little while :) 15:05:53 brizental = bea 15:05:54 oh wow manuel! welcome welcome! 15:06:04 ah cool 15:06:15 yes yes, it's me, bea 15:06:17 manuel[m] I'm afraid I'll become your nightmare then 15:06:30 lol 15:06:37 no worries :D 15:06:42 "your new best friend" sounds better :) 15:06:52 ma1 a nice-mare :) 15:06:52 weasely 15:06:58 we're all (hopefully) friends here 15:07:08 ok 15:07:21 we are tentatively planning releasing 13.5 next week around the 11th 15:07:34 which means we should prep analpha release candidate this week 15:07:42 an alpha* 15:07:54 I'm half way through removing tas/top from tbb. hoping that'll be sorted today 15:08:08 the major blockers iirc are the remaining android bug fixes + build work, and the mullvad brower installer localisation stuffs 15:08:10 We're getting tags today/tomorrow 15:08:37 \o/ 15:08:39 For the installer l10n, I've opened a MR 15:08:44 excellent 15:08:47 fwiw: the android but about the weird opening in tba issue, seems to be in 13.0 as well. Some kind of intent problem? I was wondering if clairehurst is around to take a look? 15:08:51 But I'm also looking for comments, especially about the format 15:09:02 dan_b: I think she's not until next week 15:09:07 clairehurst is afk until next week iirc 15:09:10 ah k 15:09:15 if it's not a regresssion then i say move on 15:09:24 well, fwiw it doesn't appear to be a regression, so i moved on 15:09:29 has the bridge settings not sticking issue been fixed? 15:09:49 you were asking about the save versus apply operations on settings last week iir 15:09:51 iirc 15:10:17 Speaking of settings, before the big release it'd be nice to do some additional settings migration testing 15:10:53 that got mixed up in the new reports. I need to revisit that. I don't think it was a problem quite as reported but I did find some improvements I have sitting in my working branch 15:10:53 android? 15:10:58 (like uninstall any current build, install 13.0aX, update to the latest 13.5aY) 15:11:13 Yes, Android 15:11:18 ack 15:12:06 Especially to be sure people won't lose bridge lines they got from bridgedb/telegram/something difficult to reproduce 15:12:32 Probably this should become a step of the final QA for all platforms 15:12:52 if only we had a QA process 15:12:57 or desire to make one 15:13:02 oh well 15:13:16 If needed I can also setup some fake release builds to test the updater 15:13:23 omg, we will!!! (prays in QA) 15:13:29 \o/ 15:13:29 that seems smart, i'll open a tb ticket and cc everyone to list QA checks 15:13:38 for us to act on before final release 15:13:47 (i.e., a 13.0.whatever it was the last one I lost count with a different update URL and key) 15:13:55 brizental: do you have a gitlab account yet? 15:14:16 richard: not yet, i am waiting for my tor email, bellatchau fileda ticket eariler today 15:14:25 brilliant 15:14:38 richard that is the link I sent you :) 15:14:42 it'll probably be a couple weeks before everthting is finally setup 15:14:49 ahh 15:14:50 let me know if you cant see because of permissions 15:14:52 <3 15:15:06 ok 15:15:32 the other major task ahead of us is to review PieroV's desktop esr-128 rebase for the 14.0 series 15:16:02 I'm still writing "commentaries"/range-diff reports 15:16:20 I'm still diff-ing branches in pairs, I'm at 122 15:16:34 I plan to arrive to 128 tomorrow 15:16:44 And then do a final range-diff with 115.12 15:18:04 I haven't created a MR with the final branch because 128 is still nightly (it's being finalized this week, in a week it should go beta) 15:18:25 Are we going to have a meta issue for us to "claim" commits to check for ESR? 15:18:41 So, I'm still rebasing to stay on top of mozilla/central. But I can stop and create a branch for the MR when people are ready to review 15:18:51 Otherwise, you can use my remote for reviewing already 15:18:53 reviewing this will be a slightly tedious task, but please make it y'alls highest priority once the commentaries are ready (unless you're working on a 13.5 release blocker) 15:19:25 henry-x: that sounds smart too 15:19:30 The alternative is to wait for B1 to be tagged (next Monday, IIRC) and create the first 128 branch on top of b1 15:20:11 * dan_b waves in 13.5 android release blockers 15:20:18 o/ 15:21:04 oh just that if folks wanted me to look at rebase this week, might not have bandwidth 15:21:09 (i'll create the meta issue and cc everyone one we have a branch to review) 15:21:18 dan_b: yeah that's 100% fine and expected :) 15:22:20 Actually, I still have to cherry-pick 115.11-build1..HEAD 15:23:23 Also, it might be a good idea to have the review BBB session first 15:23:46 a walk-through of the patches? 15:23:48 Should we send out a poll to check the best date+time to have it? 15:24:06 Maybe we can include also that, but I was thinking more about reviewing strategies 15:24:24 (how to read range-diff, what's diff-of-diffs, etc) 15:24:27 wfm 15:24:30 we do need to also review some action items to prioritize from the tor meeting :) 15:24:33 yes please (both tutorial and poll) 15:24:40 <3 15:24:51 i'll send one out to the team 15:25:07 whispers - yes! 15:26:52 are there any other pending patches or MRs beyond the ones mentioned people are hopeing to sneak into 13.5? 15:28:01 Nothing from me 15:28:22 I sneaked into last uplifted commits earlier, I don't think I'll have more 15:28:48 Not from me 15:29:00 manuel: are you interested in the esr rebase review process; should I cc you on the future gitlab tracking ticket? 15:29:29 beyond that, happy to hand over to any other discussion topics 15:29:43 please do 15:29:53 manuel: what's your gitlab handle? 15:30:21 its "manuel" 15:31:48 perfect 15:34:46 For the commit messages. Can we change the convention for referencing tor bug reports at gitlab in the esr-128 branch? Instead of "Bug #" use something different like "Tor #" or something else? 15:35:12 (I'll add a discussion section in the pad) 15:35:16 this is something we discussed in the past actually 15:35:32 specifically converting Bug XXX to tor-browser#XXX or tor-browser-build#YYY 15:35:42 since we have our own internal collision problems 15:36:16 (like a year ago i think) 15:36:29 Oh ok, the good thing is, that tor-browser isn't rebased that often. But would make it easier when writing tooling parsing the commit history. 15:36:30 If we do, could we postpone to a -2 rebase? It'll add tons of noise to the range-diff otherwise 15:36:45 yeah for sure 15:37:19 but this point is probably a good time to do it, since we probably own't have many backports from stable during 13.5 -> 14.0 release cycle 15:37:27 messing with our fixups 15:37:54 may be a good opportunity to trim down some of our massive commit messages (looking at your prefs commit >:[ ) 15:38:03 as well 15:38:06 Definitely 15:38:18 I think we had an action item about reviewing the patch set 15:38:23 Also for testing 15:38:37 Like to define what each commit does, and say what we will need to test fo rit 15:39:04 It's a lot of tasks, actually, but they could all refer the same "patchset review" meta 15:39:26 We already had one for 13.0 that we postponed to 13.5 and are postponing to 14.0, unless we closed it 15:39:40 i think that can wait until after the rebase, but good thing for us to do regardless 15:39:59 tor-browser#42227 15:40:13 Oh wait, that is for Android 15:40:18 But I think we have one for everything 15:40:40 once we have a basic QA pipeline up it would probably wise to somehow analyse our fixedd bugs and see what areas would benefit most from tests too 15:40:45 but that's out of scope of this meeting :3 15:41:09 PieroV: if we don't i'll open an issue for that 15:45:16 alright 15:45:18 if there's nothing esle 15:45:20 Quick announcement: Giulio Berra, the researcher on FPF / SecureDrop code integrity project, thinks is done with the theoretical work, started prototyping & invited me to their currently private code repository. We've got a sync meeting tomorrow: I will debrief with status update and implementation prospects (targeting >=14.5 I guess) by opening a TB issue afterwards. 15:45:32 hooboy 15:45:50 thx for keeping an eye on that ma1 :) 15:46:05 my pleasure <3 15:46:07 ok, NOW if there's nothing else 15:46:19 have a good week everyone o/ 15:46:25 thanks, cheers 15:46:47 #endmeeting :)