15:03:06 #startmeeting Tor Browser Weekly Meeting 2024-06-10 15:03:06 Meeting started Mon Jun 10 15:03:06 2024 UTC. The chair is richard. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 15:03:06 Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic. 15:03:28 o/ 15:03:30 hello hello, the pad per usual -> https://pad.riseup.net/p/tor-tbb-keep 15:03:49 please update your section with your planned tasks this week and updates from last 15:04:36 hm 15:05:01 looks like riseup's certs are fucked somehow? 15:05:08 They work for me 15:05:09 it works for me 15:05:17 worked for me 15:05:22 you on a dodgy network? 15:05:24 interesssting 15:05:26 yeah one moment 15:05:26 brb 15:06:52 ok much better 15:07:06 leave it to your local public library to fuck with your internet traffic ^^; 15:07:18 *anyway* 15:07:20 as i was saying 15:07:22 good morning 15:07:59 brizental: I made you a section at the bottomof that pad ( https://pad.riseup.net/p/tor-tbb-keep ) 15:08:36 basically each week we record our planned todo list for the week, and update our todo's from previous weeks 15:09:01 and there is a section for discussion points or announcements at the top 15:09:02 richard: thanks! 15:09:24 we also sort of techncically use this time to update our issues in gitlab w/ respect to the Doing/Next/Backlog labels 15:09:42 *ideally* whatever one is working on should be labeled Doing 15:10:08 but in reality i ususally treat the pad as the source of truth is someone asks me hey what is so and so working on rn since i know gitlab can be a pain to keep sync'd with the real world 15:10:24 lol got it 15:10:43 so 13.5a9 failed to build over the weekend 15:10:57 My bad, I forgot to open a thread about updating translations 15:11:01 i didn't look into it because weekend, but my best guess is fallout from the localisation work on the windows installer? 15:11:07 Probably I only wrote that on IRC 15:11:14 And I could've done myself in the localization MR 15:11:30 (nightlies succeeded because they use the branch) 15:11:51 ahh, so i just need tore-run the localisation script and get latest hashes and re-tag a -build2? 15:11:57 need to re-run* 15:12:03 No, I took care of that 15:12:16 ok great :) 15:12:35 Also, relprep.py can do that :) (except it didn't find it needed to update the build number, for some reason git didn't fetch tags for me) 15:12:54 Anyway, ma1 ran builds on tb-build-02 and dan_b locally 15:13:00 Probably they're ready by now 15:13:09 checking... 15:13:20 yes, mine are done 15:13:31 they are not. mine crashed in the android but its back and going again 15:13:43 (this happened friday too, rerun and it was fine, so not sure whats up with that) 15:14:00 but i should have all the deps already built so should be a few hours only 15:14:02 dan_b: if it's Android it might be an OOM 15:14:08 dan_b, are your mullvad ready for comparing hashes? 15:14:10 i have 64GB 15:14:34 no they come after tor-browser 15:14:37 :? 15:14:52 but yeah I do have a lot of IDEs running lol, maybe I'll close a few 15:15:09 I see. At a certain point builds failed to me after a BIOS upgrade because I needed to re-train memory 15:15:26 looool 15:15:31 So, it might be anything, good things our builds are reproducible :) 15:15:43 anyways i'm wake to keep an eye on it too. should be good 15:16:20 /o 15:17:19 it looks like nearly everyone responded to the time poll i sent out last week re PieroV's patch review/walkthrough meeting times 15:17:53 seems the best time will be next Monday (17th), 1600 UTC or later 15:18:07 i'll send out a meeting invite for that shortly 15:18:09 hi thorin o/ 15:18:10 richard: i think i didn't get that, but that time works for me 15:18:26 yeah you probably weren't added to the email alias yet 15:18:45 I think people should start reviewing before that meeting if they have time though 15:19:11 I'm going to create a MR in a few hours, once we get the 128b1 tag 15:19:43 FWIW, FIREFOX_BETA_128_BASE has already been tagged 15:19:44 yes please^ 15:20:02 and thanks henry-x for improving the workflow on the mega review ticket(s) :) 15:20:07 and we already solved the mistery on one of the rebase issues (the betterboxing breakage) :) 15:20:18 the macOS-onl one? 15:20:26 it was everywhere actually 15:20:31 And I'm doing pretty good with the 115-128 commentary 15:20:47 It was everywhere but only with new profiles for some reason 15:20:55 I wonder if the Chrome cached is to blame 15:20:57 xul cache, probably 15:21:00 yep 15:21:20 But we purge it on make deploy now that I think of it 15:21:25 everything everywhere all at once ..a apparently .. this is why we uplift in a timely fashion so maintenance fail son upstream :) 15:21:26 Unless some cache remains 15:21:51 I purge always it in my tb launching script, and in fact I could reproduce it on first run on my "old" profile 15:22:32 is there a potential upgrade/migration issue here, or is this just a dev build problem? 15:23:02 no, it was just some CSS moved away in a file where it should not have been. 15:23:36 Yeah, there was a refactor upstream and I followed it 15:23:47 the chrome cache may have hidden the problem by keeping the old CSS around. 15:24:02 ah ok 15:24:03 neat 15:24:07 But the JS contained the hardcoded name of the old CSS file 15:24:25 So, I'm reverting the migration 15:24:27 and also the new CSS file could not be reached directly because it's an @import rather than a top level 15:24:50 (we should iterate deeply, which is wasteful) 15:25:44 anyway, I'm commenting in the rebase review issue so we can keep track of this. 15:26:47 We should probably add an inline comment 15:26:55 There's one already about the selector 15:27:40 Yeah, it should be the same with "keep the rule(s) in this file!!!" 15:28:49 ok, anyone else have discussion topics for this meeting? 15:29:08 When are we discussing 13.5 QA? 15:29:16 anyone blocked on anything? 15:29:21 In the extra release meeting? 15:29:25 Oh, yes 15:29:27 we can do that now 15:29:32 or in the release meeting later 15:29:33 dan_b: ma1: I haven't set a reviewer in the addons 15:29:45 But I think one of you should have a look at that (or both :)) 15:29:49 I tagged you earlier 15:30:10 i kinda skimed it but i dont know anything about AMO or how that worked 😕 15:30:24 ack, then ma1 probably :) 15:30:33 do we have a browser release meeting today? 15:30:44 yep 15:30:47 wait no 15:30:52 we should but we don't 15:31:06 let me update the calendar ^^; 15:31:11 lol 15:31:16 does anyone want to talk about FPing? j/k .. nvm 15:31:25 the problem is i don't know what today is 15:31:32 scrollbars anyone? 15:33:06 thorin: thx for the mega post in the scrollbar issue, i haven't had a chance to read it in depth yet but it seems the takeaway is overlays are already default everywhere (in esr-128) except windows 10 15:34:02 richard: we force Windows 11 to have the same scrollbars as Windows 10 15:34:13 so i think i'm fine defaulting in Win10 as well with some caveats depending 15:34:35 i think we're dependant on UX now for onboarding w/ a11y prefs in the future now 15:35:16 But yeah, probably doing the opposite could be a better idea for fping, less for accessibility (but I think we can hear about that upstream) 15:35:41 basically 15:35:59 regardless let's plan to flip the relevant pref in 14.0a1or a2 over the summer :3 15:37:00 alright, let's go over QA plan in the release meeting today (invite should have been jsut sent out) 15:37:13 received 15:37:15 1800 UTC in donuts' BBB room 15:39:03 richard: i didn't get the invite :/ probably the alias issue again, would you mind sending it to me specifically? 15:39:34 richard: can you also add donuts' BBB link to the invite? 15:39:49 well i guess it doesn't matter, i see i tin the enxtcloud calendar :D 15:40:06 here's the link, for ref: https://tor.meet.coop/dun-b97-zx5-0dh 15:40:23 donuts: tyty!! 15:40:36 yw! +1 for adding it to the invite :D 15:40:38 also i see i am in fact in the list, lol 15:41:02 oh wait a moment, by tor email is bea@torproject.org, not brizental@torproject.org 15:41:21 ooh 15:43:29 ok, invites updated; added link to the bbb room and fixed bea's email ^^; 15:43:45 thanksss 15:43:58 alright that's all from me 15:44:07 unless there are objections, happy to end this meeting and catch up on emails :3 15:44:18 👍 15:45:11 None from me 15:46:19 alright, have a great week everyone o/ 15:46:23 #endmeeting