16:00:41 #startmeeting network-health 2024-06-10 16:00:41 Meeting started Mon Jun 10 16:00:41 2024 UTC. The chair is hiro. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 16:00:41 Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic. 16:00:43 and ggus? 16:00:56 yep and ggus I think 16:01:01 here is the pad https://pad.riseup.net/p/tor-nethealthteam-2023-keep 16:01:14 maybe we should update the date :) 16:01:40 i did! 16:01:42 :) 16:01:51 no I mean in the url 16:01:58 was there a 2024 pad? 16:02:09 anyways 16:02:19 o/ 16:02:27 ah! 16:02:50 no, we usually kept the pad url and only rotated when really needed 16:03:00 but, yeah, we could do it in on a yearly basis or something 16:03:04 *shrug* 16:03:59 ook we have no bold items, good, I am fixing the db issues and cleaning up descriptorParser and tagtor issues 16:04:17 and figuring out why de8a has stopped producing metrics 16:04:42 GeKo let me know if anything I am doing is a blocker for you 16:04:54 and I'll try to do that first 16:04:59 could we get the latest descriptorparser code deployed? 16:05:08 yep 16:05:12 it's not a real blocker but i was still dealing with "contacts" 16:05:25 instead of "contact" today and wondered what's up :) 16:05:37 :) 16:06:04 nothing really blocking from my side 16:06:27 i finally started to adapt my scripts to use the database from now on for bad-relay stuff 16:06:35 \o/ 16:06:36 and got that working today, which is very nice 16:06:48 🎉 16:06:50 nice! 16:07:01 i might hit more snags/bugs while flexing my new muscles :) 16:07:11 I am sure you will 16:07:43 anway, that's all of the exciting stuff worth mentioning here... 16:07:56 :) 16:08:01 *anyway 16:08:04 ggus do you have anything? 16:08:15 ggus: so, we can finally close our eol ticket? \o/ 16:08:19 one thing I was wondering is that I was going through the EOL tickets 16:08:21 ahah same! 16:08:22 i leave that honor to you :p 16:08:55 GeKo: i just closed it 16:09:04 another 🎉 16:09:04 https://gitlab.torproject.org/tpo/network-health/team/-/issues/344 16:09:36 hiro: this week i'll work on the agenda for the next operator meetup 16:10:05 i guess ddos update 16:10:11 eol cycle is done 16:10:18 hiro: GeKo: can i publish the incentivization policy on the ticket? 16:10:50 let me give it a final read and then tomorrow? 16:11:00 sounds good! 16:11:20 but if you and hiro are happy then just go ahead right now 16:11:29 for me that is ok to start the discussion after GeKo has given a final review 16:11:36 since you ahve worked on it 16:11:42 yes, it's fine 16:11:47 okay, then let's aim for tomorrow 16:12:08 I know there have been people that have shared feedback, but we can incorporate that as more people will give theirs too 16:12:17 yeah 16:12:57 yes, the proposal is just to start discussing 16:14:17 great then 16:15:15 if we are all groot, we can end the meeting early 16:15:30 nothing else from my side 16:16:03 ok! 16:16:21 #endmeeting