16:00:39 #startmeeting network-health 2024-06-17 16:00:39 Meeting started Mon Jun 17 16:00:39 2024 UTC. The chair is hiro. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 16:00:39 Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic. 16:00:48 the pad: https://pad.riseup.net/p/tor-nethealthteam-2023-keep 16:00:59 hi 16:01:33 ok we have nothing in bold which is good 16:01:38 * arma2 is nearby too 16:01:46 * hiro waves at arma2 16:02:33 on my side I have a somewhat long list of things to do... but I am optimistic that I can clear up those tagtor and descriptorParser leftover issue and we can deploy and start load some historical data 16:02:53 also this sat is the relay meetup 16:02:53 i've quite some backlog too... 16:03:34 hiro: i filed a load of descriptorparser tickets. i think i can work on some of them at least 16:03:41 so, it's not all on you 16:03:57 o/ hi 16:04:01 GeKo: I know you had asked me to deploy the latest code from descriptorParser I was hoping to put more eggs into that release basket 16:04:15 but I am know thinking maybe it is better to do some incremental deploying 16:04:30 so I might get that done between today and tomorrow 16:04:42 yeah, no worries 16:04:43 also thanks for the help 16:05:12 hiro: i've a list of `refresh materliazide views` that can wait for next release or run in a cron 16:05:17 although i am not sure about the "incremental deploying" part :) 16:05:28 but, sounds good 16:05:34 I meant deploy the code we have for now 16:05:45 o/ ggus 16:05:49 ah, sure 16:06:21 juga I think maybe we could add those view in a MR to metrics-sql-table and I can also add the code in java to refresh those 16:06:37 that is not a lot of code to add should be quick enough (famous last words) 16:07:34 hiro: yeah, i'm going to add the views and functions in metrics-sql-table, the refresh command can go to descripotrparser or cron 16:07:39 ggus is there anything you might need for me or geko for the meetup? 16:08:06 I think I should add farahavar back into collector 16:09:02 the meetup agenda is here: https://pad.riseup.net/p/tor-relayop-june22-meetup-keep 16:09:33 I was specifically wondering about point 2 16:09:33 i need NH help with #2 and https://pad.riseup.net/p/tor-relayop-june22-meetup-keep#L27 16:09:40 :D 16:09:43 ahah xD 16:11:05 * juga doesn't have the answers to the lines in the pad 16:12:02 uhm GeKo what do you think? 16:12:21 maybe we can sync later during the week and come up with a few points to share 16:12:45 i can add answers to those during te week 16:12:48 *the 16:12:51 yeah, or that 16:13:05 hiro: i think network team would like to know if they should work on implementing pow in onionbalance 16:13:33 did we have feedback to your mail? 16:13:40 yeah I think maybe a quick sync could help since tere might be questions at the meetup 16:13:45 do we know of any onion service operators who are using pow and have any experiences (good/bad) with it? 16:13:56 like, did someone say i need that for my onion service setup? 16:13:59 GeKo: we didn't 16:14:00 ideally, people who need it and found it to help 16:14:28 uhm I think network team had some contacts that shared insights but I am not sure 16:14:36 https://gitlab.torproject.org/tpo/community/team/-/issues/95#note_3038906 16:16:15 it is intended to only change behavior when you're under sufficient attack 16:16:25 but i guess it could also reduce performance or introduce surprises when not under attack 16:18:25 ok I think I can talk to some network people and ask before the meetup 16:18:37 so we are prepared for questions just in case 16:19:33 sounds good 16:20:27 oook is there something else we should discuss? 16:20:31 not so important question: all the descriptorParser and metrics-sql-tables issues should be labeled s112-o1?, 16:20:34 if yes, i can re-label the ones i put in my week plan 16:20:50 uhm, I think so 16:20:57 ok, thx 16:21:00 unless the bandwidth stuff 16:21:05 ah 16:21:05 should go into O3? 16:21:09 yes 16:21:15 oh, ok 16:21:24 then no need to re-label i think 16:21:30 so I think your tables are most related to bandwidth 16:21:34 so it's all O3 16:22:01 ok if that's all we can end the meeting 16:22:07 * hiro is groot 16:22:08 yeah from me 16:22:33 all good 16:22:57 #endmeeting