16:00:17 <onyinyang> #startmeeting tor anti-censorship meeting
16:00:17 <MeetBot> Meeting started Thu Jun 20 16:00:17 2024 UTC.  The chair is onyinyang. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot.
16:00:17 <MeetBot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic.
16:00:31 <onyinyang> hello everyone!
16:00:31 <onyinyang> here is our meeting pad: [https://pad.riseup.net/p/r.9574e996bb9c0266213d38b91b56c469](https://pad.riseup.net/p/r.9574e996bb9c0266213d38b91b56c469)
16:00:34 <theodorsm> Hi!
16:00:36 <meskio> hellohello
16:00:53 <onyinyang> if you need access to the pad, please send me a direct message
16:01:06 <ggus> hi o/
16:01:17 <gaba> hi
16:05:14 <meskio> doesn't look like we have much to discuss today
16:05:17 <onyinyang> there are no real discussion topics or other points to discuss listed
16:05:18 <onyinyang> yeah
16:05:26 <meskio> I guess the northhemisphere summer is kicking
16:06:03 <onyinyang> the heat is kicking us alright XD
16:06:04 <meskio> this weekend is the solstice, here we make big fires and stay the night around them
16:06:26 <onyinyang> sounds nice
16:06:49 <meskio> it is fun
16:07:09 <onyinyang> well, if there's nothing to discuss this week, we can just end the meeting and talk about solstice plans in other channels heh
16:07:21 <meskio> good for me :)
16:07:25 <theodorsm> I have a few questions
16:07:32 <onyinyang> oh sure! please go ahead
16:07:50 <theodorsm> I am at the end of my thesis project, and have implemented both mimicking and randomization for my library
16:07:53 <theodorsm> https://github.com/theodorsm/covert-dtls
16:08:09 <meskio> \o/
16:08:18 <theodorsm> I am hvaing a bit of troubles of integrating it into snowflake
16:08:37 <theodorsm> Basically a lot of dep. issues with pion stuff
16:09:03 <meskio> is it because you use different versions than snowflake?
16:09:18 <theodorsm> So I have tried to fork off dtls and webrtc to make it work with the version used in snowflake, and adapted my module thereafter
16:09:56 <theodorsm> I have added hooks to upstream pion/dtls, but that is FAR away of being adopted
16:10:01 <meskio> we should probably update pion in snowflake
16:10:48 <theodorsm> There are some breaking changes with pion/stun that is used in snowflake
16:11:21 <dcf1> yes we may be able to make your life easier by using a version that is closer to what you are working with
16:12:38 <meskio> we seem to be using the latest version of pion/stun
16:13:20 <meskio> and we use webrtc v3, they have v4 on beta
16:13:50 <theodorsm> I have forked a version of dtls that is close to what is used by snowflake. Basically adding the features I added to upstream to an older version
16:14:52 <meskio> mmm, looks like we are using dtsl 2.2.7 and the latest is 2.2.11
16:14:59 <meskio> I wonder why renovate doesn't update that
16:15:26 <theodorsm> So, to use the mimicking and randmization features, we have to used a forked version for dtls meanwile pion releases 2.2.12 (which have the hooking features I've added)
16:16:21 <meskio> I think is fine to update dtls to the version you need, instead of backporting
16:16:46 <meskio> we could use your fork until they release, if that will take time
16:16:56 <dcf1> yes it may be easier to fork a copy of snowflake and update to the version of dtls you need there
16:17:23 <dcf1> on the assumption that we will update to that version in upstream snowflake anyway
16:18:30 <theodorsm> Yes, i will try, but so far it's been circle dependency hell with all the pion modules
16:19:30 <dcf1> if you haven't found it yet, there is a `go mod replace` command that can sometimes make tasks like this easier
16:19:38 <dcf1> https://go.dev/ref/mod#go-mod-file-replace
16:20:29 <cohosh> we're using dtls v2.2.7 right now because that's the version required by the latest pion/webrtc library version: https://github.com/pion/webrtc/blob/v3.2.42/go.mod#L7
16:21:03 <cohosh> it looks like we probably have to wait for a pion/webrtc v4 release for that to update, but i'm not sure
16:21:13 <theodorsm> I have tried to use it, but stuff breaks because of indirect dependencies that requires older dtls version (and there are some breaking api changes)
16:21:58 <theodorsm> ^ replace
16:22:35 <cohosh> if they are planning a bunch of major version bumps for their libraries this might have been unfortunate timing
16:23:33 <theodorsm> Seems like they are, asked a bit about it on the pion slack, and seem like there in the middle of bumping
16:24:55 <theodorsm> So to summarize, the library is done, but we have to wait for the next major pion release.
16:25:18 <cohosh> you could try forking snowflake and updating it to use one of the pion/webrtc v4 beta versions in the meantime, as mentioned above
16:26:24 <cohosh> that is mostly work we will have to do anyway, not guaranteeing they won't make a few breaking changes before a proper v4 release
16:30:01 <theodorsm> I will play a bit with it.
16:32:16 <dcf1> theodorsm: is your in-progress thesis available for reading? do you need comments on it?
16:34:36 <theodorsm> dcf1: it's not available yet (i will ofc make it open for all), the deadline is on Monday, so don't have much time to implement comments.
16:34:48 <dcf1> ok
16:36:47 <theodorsm> I appreciate all the help during the last months! Will probably do a paper out of it, open for collaberation on that. The thesis got a bit rushed unfortunatley, life gets in the way sometimes
16:37:33 <meskio> that happens, but congratulations is looking pretty cool
16:37:40 <dcf1> judging from the care you've taken I'll bet it is better than average :)
16:37:50 <theodorsm> Thanks! ^^
16:38:15 <cohosh> theodorsm: congrats and thanks for keeping us updated, it's been cool seeing this work progress
16:39:27 <theodorsm> Tnx, glad to be able to contribute!
16:39:51 <theodorsm> That's it from me
16:40:23 <theodorsm> for this meeting
16:40:28 <theodorsm> Have to run, bye!
16:40:54 <onyinyang> congrats theodorsm!
16:41:11 <onyinyang> ok I think that's it for today unless anyone else has any last minute things to discuss?
16:41:46 <onyinyang> otherwise, enjoy the solstice everyone :)
16:42:00 <onyinyang> #endmeeting