16:01:50 #startmeeting network-health 2024-06-24 16:01:50 Meeting started Mon Jun 24 16:01:50 2024 UTC. The chair is hiro. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 16:01:50 Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic. 16:02:28 o/ 16:02:45 here is the pad: https://pad.riseup.net/p/tor-nethealthteam-2023-keep 16:03:31 so nothing bold for this week, great! 16:05:35 if is there nothing else, we can call a short meeting for this week 16:05:56 juga: what are the next steps for the bandwidth inflation part? 16:06:14 GeKo: i was going to write what you mentioned during s112 sync 16:06:24 i think the exitmap tests are not as important compared to that 16:06:24 right now finishing with other short issues 16:06:38 okay 16:06:55 i mean, to write what you mention in the issue and try to work on it this week 16:07:18 ok, i'll de-prioritize exitmap :) 16:08:18 and even try to start with uptime graphs instead 16:08:21 next week 16:08:31 okay 16:08:39 "issue" being #346, right? 16:08:45 (in n-h/team) 16:08:45 yes 16:08:50 sounds good, thanks 16:08:54 yrw 16:08:57 nothing (else) from my side 16:09:06 same for me 16:09:25 ok I am working on cleaning up tagtor issues 16:09:38 and I have to get back to both on the epoch end issue 16:10:00 hopefully I'll be able to clean things up before the break 16:10:17 well, enough time to do it afterwards as well :p 16:10:33 yeah that too 16:10:41 :) 16:10:54 yes 16:10:58 on Saturday at the meet-up one operator was interested to be a beta tester for the api 16:11:11 * juga missed it :/ 16:11:18 great 16:11:32 but besides this, nothing else from my side 16:12:14 if everyone is groot we can call the meeting 16:12:48 yes from my side 16:15:02 #endmeeting