16:00:00 <meskio> #startmeeting tor anti-censorship meeting
16:00:00 <MeetBot> Meeting started Thu Aug  8 16:00:00 2024 UTC.  The chair is meskio. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot.
16:00:00 <MeetBot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic.
16:00:04 <meskio> hello everybody!!!
16:00:07 <meskio> here is our meeting pad: https://pad.riseup.net/p/r.9574e996bb9c0266213d38b91b56c469
16:00:09 <meskio> ask me in private to give you the link of the pad to be able to edit it if you don't have it
16:00:11 <meskio> I'll wait few minutes for everybody to add you've been working on and put items on the agenda
16:00:20 <meskio> few people is AFK today, it might be a fast meeting
16:00:32 <meskio> but let's give it some time to see if we have something to discuss
16:02:53 <cohosh> hi
16:02:56 <theodorsm> hi!
16:04:54 <meskio> I'll wait 2 mins more and if there is nothing to discuss I'll close the meeting
16:05:49 <meskio> the people in the north hemisphere is enjoing the summer (or suffering the heat), I just had a swim on the sea before this meeting
16:06:19 <theodorsm> I added a the recent Pion DTLS release, I will work on updating Snowflake to support it, so we can take use of the hooking features to add mimicking and randomization to the handshake.
16:06:43 <meskio> ohh, cool, is already released
16:06:58 <cohosh> theodorsm: nice!
16:06:59 <meskio> thank you for working on this
16:07:10 <meskio> I hope there are not many breaking changes there
16:07:52 <theodorsm> Perfect timing as I just got back from some needed vacation and digital detox
16:08:37 <meskio> congrats from being able to get away from the screen
16:08:45 <theodorsm> hehe thanks!
16:09:12 <theodorsm> There is a beta version for webrtc v4 using dtls v3, so I think there shouldn't be too much work to adopt it
16:09:31 <meskio> :)
16:10:07 <theodorsm> That is it from my side
16:10:38 <meskio> I'll be closing this meeting then
16:10:41 <meskio> #endmeeting