16:01:04 <GeKo> #startmeeting network-health 2024-08-12
16:01:04 <MeetBot> Meeting started Mon Aug 12 16:01:04 2024 UTC.  The chair is GeKo. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot.
16:01:04 <MeetBot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic.
16:01:14 <GeKo> okay, let's see whether we have something to chat about today
16:01:22 <juga> hi
16:01:22 <GeKo> our pad is at https://pad.riseup.net/p/tor-nethealthteam-2023-keep
16:01:24 <GeKo> as usual
16:01:34 <GeKo> ggus: hey, you around and wanna bring up something?
16:02:10 <GeKo> someone else is fine as well :)
16:04:05 <GeKo> seems everyone is happy with n-h work, very nice
16:04:27 <juga> :)
16:04:32 <GeKo> juga: i guess we can close this short "meeting" then, given that we worked things out for the next days?
16:04:40 <juga> yes
16:04:42 <juga> wfm
16:04:48 <GeKo> (and, yes, the items on the pad look fine with me)
16:04:50 <GeKo> alrighty
16:04:58 <GeKo> thanks and have a nice week!
16:05:04 <juga> thanks!
16:05:06 <GeKo> #endmeeting