16:00:29 <hiro> #startmeeting network-health 2024-08-26
16:00:29 <MeetBot> Meeting started Mon Aug 26 16:00:29 2024 UTC.  The chair is hiro. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot.
16:00:29 <MeetBot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic.
16:00:41 <hiro> and the pad:  https://pad.riseup.net/p/tor-nethealthteam-2023-keep
16:00:53 <hiro> apologies everyone I do not have my tasks for the week in yet
16:01:26 <hiro> we have all been falling with covid at home and while I was positive but with almost no symptoms till today I have now started to have a fever and haven't done much today
16:01:52 <GeKo> hi!
16:01:54 <juga> hiro: hope you get better soon
16:03:06 <GeKo> yeah
16:03:13 <hiro> thanks
16:03:53 <hiro> hey GeKo what happens at the research board meeting... ?
16:04:03 <hiro> is there anything on the agenda that we should prepare for?
16:05:10 <GeKo> oh
16:05:22 <GeKo> that actually happened
16:05:36 <GeKo> and was just a transiton of the chair over to me
16:05:51 <GeKo> tariq served long enough as chair
16:05:55 <hiro> ah great!
16:06:04 <GeKo> and explained me how the whole hotcrp system works
16:06:15 <GeKo> which is the system for organizing reviews
16:06:26 <GeKo> and talking to researchers when they come with the ideas
16:06:31 <GeKo> or proposals
16:06:46 <GeKo> so, i am supposed to be the new chair knowing how everything works :)
16:07:00 <GeKo> we'll see what happens when reality kicks in
16:07:12 <hiro> is that the same system academic conferences use?
16:07:19 <hiro> I hope you do not get too many requests
16:08:12 <hiro> anyways I do not have much for this week
16:08:29 <GeKo> i think so (re: system)
16:08:42 <GeKo> i guess it's the same system
16:08:44 <GeKo> but i am not sure
16:09:40 <hiro> will try to make a metrics-library release and a descriptorParser deploy if I feel better... the idea is to attend meetings because rescheduling is more work for everyone and see how much energy is left for the rest
16:10:12 <GeKo> okay
16:11:41 <hiro> do people have more to discuss?
16:11:46 <ggus> yes
16:11:57 <ggus> here is the meetup agenda: https://pad.riseup.net/p/tor-relayop-sept7th-meetup-keep
16:12:21 <ggus> i added the governance docs on the agenda
16:12:37 <ggus> are we forgeting any other important topic?
16:13:28 <ggus> there is a question about 'tor.foundation' thing
16:13:39 <hiro> I am not sure, GeKo what do you think? I am wondering if we should be prepared for questions on recent events too
16:13:56 <ggus> glad that we have a draft of an incentivization policy
16:14:06 <GeKo> yeah, the tor.foundation one is suspicious...
16:14:19 <GeKo> hiro: i think the topics are fine
16:14:42 <GeKo> glad folks outside of tor inc are paying attention
16:14:58 <hiro> yeah there are a few of these schemes popping out recently
16:15:50 <hiro> tor.foundation is sketchy also because they are using a notion pad... people in our community don't use those tools much
16:16:20 <hiro> lots of analytics and so on
16:17:18 <ggus> goal: 1k relays. paying $100/mo for each server. hmmm right
16:17:43 <GeKo> yeah...
16:18:47 <ggus> okay! that's all i have for today. see you both on thursday! :)
16:18:54 <GeKo> yep
16:19:31 <hiro> yep
16:19:43 <hiro> thank you everyone
16:20:01 <juga> thanks!
16:20:01 <hiro> if we are good I'll end the meeting
16:20:13 * juga is
16:20:26 <hiro> #endmeeting